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References Questions for self-test


1 Adorno T. The Theory of Aesthetics - Moscow: Osnovy, 2002

2 Anthology of world philosophy: In 4 t - M: Thought, 1969-1971

3 Arnheim R Art and Visual Perception - M: Progress, 1974

4 Belinsky VG Collected Works: V 3 t - M: OGIZ, 1948

5 Bergson A Creative Evolution / / A Bergson Creative Evolution Matter and Memory - M: Harvest, 1999

6 Bychkov V. The Phenomenon of Non-Classical Aesthetic Consciousness / / Problems of Philosophy - 2003 - No. 10, No. 12

7 Herzen A and Works: В 2 т - М: Thought, 1986 - Т 2

8 Gilbert K, Kun G The history of aesthetics - M: Inostr lit, 1960

9 Gumenyuk T Jacques Derrida and postmodern thinking - C: No-print, 1999

10 Aesthetics / Under the editorship of LT Levchuk - M .: Higher School, 2006

11 Zenkovsky V History of Russian philosophy: In 2 t - L: Ego, 1991 - T 1 - M 2

12 E. Ilyenkov. Art and the Communist Ideal - M: Art, 1984

13 History of aesthetics Monuments of world aesthetic thought: In 5 t - M: Art, 1967 - T 3

14 Canarian AS Dialectics of the aesthetic process - M .: Higher School, 1979

15 Kant And Criticism of the ability of judgment / / And Kant The foundations of the metaphysics of morality - M: Thought, 1999

16 Langer With Philosophy in a New Key - M: Republic, 2000

17. Levchuk, L. T., Western European Aesthetics of the 20th Century - Moscow: Lybid, 1997

18 Lectures on the history of aesthetics: In 4 kN / Ed. By professional M. Kagan - L: LSU, 1977 - KN 3 - M 1; Кн 3 - Ч 2

19 Lesia Ukrainian Collected Works: 12 t - K: Science, thought, 1977 - T 8

20 Liotar J Postmodern Situation / / Philosopher, and Sociologist, Thought - 1995 - No. 5-6

21 Mazepa E. Artistic Creativity as Knowledge - Q: Science, Thought, 1974

22 Mankovskaya N. The aesthetics of postmodernism - St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2000

23 Markus S History of musical aesthetics: In 2 t - M: Music, 1968 - T 2

24 Masters of art on art: In 7 t - M: Art, 1967 - T 4

25 Mednikova G. The Art of Postmodernism as a Factor of Personality Adaptation - Moscow: NPU, 2001

26 Nietzsche F. Works: In 2 t - M: Thought, 1990 - T 1

27 Novozhilova L. Sociology of art (From the history of Soviet aesthetics of the 20s) - L: Publishing house Leningrad, University, 1968

28 Russian aesthetic treatises of the first third of the XIX century: In 2 t - M: Art, 1974 - T 2

29 Self-consciousness of the European culture of the XX century - M: Politizdat, 1991

30 Solovyov In Works: In 2 t - M: Thought, 1990 - T 2

31 Stolovich L Aesthetic in reality and in art - M: Gospolitizdat, 1959

32 forts А О dialectical unity of moral and aesthetic - M .: Higher School, 1985

33 Franko And Collected Works: 50 t - K: Science, thought, 1981 - t 31

34 Chernyshevsky N Selected aesthetic works - M: Art, 1973

35 Shevchenko T Magazine / / T Shevchenko Complete Works: In 3 t - M .: Hood Years, 1949 - T 3

36 Shestakov In Aesthetic categories Experience of systematic and historical research - M: Art, 1983

Questions for self-test

1 The name of the main directions of aesthetics of modern time; explain the reasons for the different approaches to solving aesthetic problems

2 Discover the origins and essence of classical realism: name it outstanding theorists and their creative work

3. Describe the ideological positions and the main aesthetic ideas of representatives of Ukrainian classical realism.

4. Analyze the ideological foundations of the aesthetics of irrationalism, name well-known representatives of the direction and describe their work.

5 Determine the methodological foundations of positivist aesthetics. What directions of research research in the field of aesthetic problems on the basis of positivistic methodology do you know?

6 Explain the concept of \ "types of aesthetic knowledge \" in the aesthetics of the late XIX century; What are the reasons for the breakdown of the integrity of aesthetic theory?

7. Analyze the essence of the aesthetics of modernism, its methodological foundations. What are the artistic trends of the modernist direction?

8 Identify the leading directions in the European aesthetics of the 20th century; name their representatives, describe aesthetic views

9 What is the work of the scientists of the Soviet period (personnel, main ideas) in the theory of aesthetics?

10. Expand the concept of \ "postmodernism \", determine its theoretical basis and the aesthetic position of prominent representatives of the direction.

11. Tell us about the postmodernism attitude of classical aesthetic and artistic heritage.


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Terms: Aesthetics