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7 4 Aesthetics And Fichte


In the philosophical legacy of Bad Gotlieb Fichte (1762-1814) there are two works devoted to aesthetic problems- \ "The Spirit and Letter of Philosophy \" (1794) and \ "The System of Moral Doctrine on the Principles of Scientific Teaching \" \ "(1798). First - polemical treatise directed against the work of F. Schiller \ "Letters on aesthetic education \" However, for the aesthetic theory much more important was the general philosophical concept of And Fichte, a statement of en in the second slave. Fіhte, wikladen from the other prati.

Considering the ideas of \ "Critics of pure reason \" and Kant, he substantiates the idea of ​​the creative essence of the cognitive process. In thinking, we provide existence to things outside of us, therefore, when we think, it creates a drink of our own world. This creation is not the result of our arbitrariness, because we We are aware that the representations that exist in our consciousness are not our work. Consequently, we have an incomprehensible impulse towards thinking and thinking makes us foresee and impose the existence of something different from a person. " I am his external world, that is, "not I". The external world appears to be the subject of our thinking, we perceive as our own state, the essential quality of ourselves, and not as something external that exists outside of us in its qualities only the internal structure of our mental ability to misunderstand zadnost.

The theory of the active formative role of the consciousness of the subject has deeply influenced the worldview of the romantics. In the aesthetics of And Fichte himself, his idea of ​​“pre-determined certainty” of cognitive ability serves as a means of differentiating human abilities that determine the differences between art, science and morality. Science develops rational thinking in man; moral improves the human heart. Art provides a combination of the name of them, and then helps the development of a whole person. Thanks to the art of a person, ordinary consciousness rises to an awareness of the world not only as a certain given, but also as a consequence of its formation according to the idea of ​​perfection, art teaches a person to see the world product of the spirit, thus raising it to a philosophical understanding of reality. Thus, art influences the formation of the concept of morality, then art helps to realize a person as a real carrier of beauty Recall that this idea is comprehensively grounded in aesthetics. Kant. The idea of ​​connecting sensuality and sense of taste, moral and cognitive ability is considered in aesthetics. And Fichte also according to aesthetic ideas put forward by Schiller in his work "On Aesthetic Education" , although in a controversy with him, "I want in the field with them.

According to Kant's idea of ​​the disinterested character of aesthetic contemplation, Fichte connects the value of aesthetic contemplation of the form of an object with aesthetic enjoyment Aesthetic contemplation contributes to the moral improvement and development of thinking, since it is an ascending element of harmonization of spiritual structures of structures.

Analysis of art and the world of personality in aesthetics. And Fichte is aimed at revealing the spirit of a work of art. It is considered as the inner spirit of the artist - the personification of his \ "free spiritual creativity \" Like F Schiller, and Fichte regards art as a source of the \ "holistic person" formation, because \ "it appeals not to the mind and not from the heart, but to the whole soul in the unity of its abilities \" from there to the art \ "makes the transcendental look customary \" [8, with 148 percentile glance zvichnim "[8, p. 148].

Artistic work And Fichte considers not a product of riches, but a product of nature: \ "It is absolutely correct that an artist is born \" Indeed, brilliant works of art are the product of the freedom of spirit in genius, do not fall under the influence of their time, do not chase fame, but seeks to embody an ideal that nourishes his soul and inspires creativity in creativity.


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Terms: Aesthetics