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1.4 Aesthetics - the philosophical theory of education


Aesthetics is an effective theory of education, because it was based on the freedom of creative interaction of the subject with the subject of indifference. This is due to the very nature of the subject appears to be a means of influencing people. It is interesting, exciting, it offers itself without forcing to communicate, which would be uninteresting. On the contrary, in communication a person feels free, since he has no "practical" goal, but only is in spiritual interaction with an object that is not indifferent to himself and receives from this ovolstvo The pleasure of communication is its main goal. However, such communication is a spiritual process because the subject experiences an artistic phenomenon, admires it, unfolds in feelings with nuances of states caused by a work of art or contemplation of expressive phenomena of the natural world, which determine its greatness of feelings of sublime. pleasures can cause the athlete to have a great body during his skillful performance of sports exercises, the expressiveness of m of natural pre Metivier, events, etc. Art and expressive phenomena of reality offer themselves - their vitality as a power source of feelings. Therefore, they do not exercise any coercion over the perceiving person, forming internal structures imperceptibly for the perceiving person. Expressive forms, sound and color combinations not only adjust the perception organs to their understanding experiences. In order for the harmonious ones above to become the subject of experiencing a relationship, it is necessary for the spiritual structures themselves to be organized by their qualities, i.e. formed according to the laws of harmony, measures, line, balance, etc. In they are formed in the "free play by visibility". Therefore, appropriate forms, expressive sounds, proportional relationships, color combinations enter the world of the individual as an organic world way of being. Also human relations based on consent, tolerance, mutual understanding, arise as a form of relationship for both organic consciousness and the practice of self-realization in relations. Aesthetics that are consistent with these natural laws STI provides objective conclusions regarding the formative role of the aesthetic, there is the experiencer-indifferent attitude to the peace, tobto perezhivayuche-nebayduzhogo representations to svitu.

On the basis of the objective process of formation (perfection) of the spiritual structures of a person, the ability of harmonious interaction of various facets of his personality: feelings, imagination, fantasy, mind, giving an opportunity to build associative rows of the attitude of qualities, forms and their sides in a creatively formative attitude to the world. holistically and retain its components, i.e. its structure, d., forms attention, figurative memory, which is a feature of the artistic type of thinking. When systematically communicating with objects of non-indifference, artistic memory is able to develop and improve, raising the image of the subject of non-indifference in its detailed life manifestations, therefore, has associative properties. other objects, phenomena, artistic phenomena, memory not only prompts them to be odd or different, it gives them a cross, drawing imagination, fan Asia, associative memory Creative skills are improved each time, enriched by experience, generated by a sense of care and mobilizes memory for their consolidation, preservation and further activation in the creative process. This is all the more important and relevant, since the human mind is constantly in a state of creating images of reality. entering into our consciousness not as a physical reality, but as a symbolic world. After all, the activity of human intellectual structures is a transformation, a reformation of reality Modern science, exploring the nature of human mental abilities, symbolizes it as a basic human need, a property inherent only in man. The brain is constantly in a state of forming ideas - processing material of sensory impressions, preliminary knowledge and ideas, new images-symbols [6, from 41] A process is the creation of a specific human reality, that is, ideal images of reality along with the physical reality of the natural world as Vågå this yak.

Expressive forms of reality are the source for the formation of symbolic images of reality, that is, the process of creating spiritual phenomena - spiritual reality as the true source of human vitality. These are logical images of science, symbolic language of signs encode knowledge of objective reality laws. Another type of formation is the creation of sensual, integral images-symbols - artistic images of art Symbolization of diisity in logical and sensual-figurative forms - the source of the organization of spirits human structures: feelings and thinking of the subject of perception, as well as the experience of the ideal vitality of objects of indifference. As such, they actively influence all spiritual personality structures, serving as a source ("material") for subsequent formative activity, since their expediency and expressiveness activate creatively of the forms of the uyuchi the ability of the subject Therefore, the perceived images of their qualities determine the harmonization of spiritual structures, including the emergence of the actualization of intuition, imagination, association a clear thinking, and sometimes ideas would be given out and images arise unconsciously, is a consequence of a kind of insight. It is this feature of the organization of spiritual structures of personality that is characteristic of genius and talent. They comprehend the logic (idea) of the vitality of the phenomena of the world in all its manifestations as expedient in themselves, providing im ideal perfect vitality in terms of science and perfect artistic images of art. With the formation and development of the spiritual structures of the personality, the ability to perceive is expedient global living phenomena of the world opens the concept of regularity in it, and the ability, inherent to a greater or lesser extent, each person Mensch mіroyu kozhnіy lyudinі.

Consciousness has the ability to perceive phenomena in their vitality precisely in connection with and based on their understanding in the context of culture, i.e. as a human vision of reality and human attitude to it, the memory of the morning rhymes the logic of the whole and the expediency of its components, allows you to form new images, following this logic of unity of the whole and parts as internally defined in itself of the whole. The said allows you to understand that the principles of formation are based on these principles: artistic, scientific theories - the laws of the logical construction of the theory, the laws of objective formation, finally, the laws of human concepts.

The question arises: if such powerful forming potencies of aesthetic phenomena, in particular art, then why is its real influence not so effective as being the main or weighty basis for the formation of the creative personality of the human person, being a natural phenomenon? activities, in particular, a developed culture of communication with artistic phenomena. In the modern world, they have generally moved away by culture, have lost their former formative value, cause a significant loss of potential in spirituality. Now they have been replaced by surrogates of art, phenomena that have nothing to do with the artistic and figurative language of art In fact, you can not talk about art when talking about popular m uzik, because it is not characteristic artistic imagery of the language, and then the internal logic that determines the content of music music In pop culture there is no harmonious balance of sound modulations, matching words and music to mutually reinforce and deepen the feelings and moods that make up the content of a musical work, because music is the transmission by means of sounds, their height, rhythm, harmony, melody - p ochuvan, naturally in experiences. So, music is a symbolic language of feelings. A singer is one who not only has a voice, but also a voice is formed, has the ability to hear (feel) mood (spirit) radiating Yue music. noe work and adequately convey the inner experience, which resulted in the musical sounds and got a sense of spiritual integrity and intelligence Fused to work in the sense of integrity, they need a means of transmission dekvatnogo vocals sent messages zasobami vocals.

The second reason is the lack of a holistic system of forming the aesthetic experience of the individual, due to the consumer nature of culture. The concept of "formative skills and needs" means the development of affection and to the world, which objectifies itself in the form of creating objects of indifference by providing them with an image of their own experience. instilling a culture of attitude and culture in the form of images (creative skills). Here there are several important points. First, this is the selection of works. arts that meet the criterion of artistry, that is, have a distinct inner vitality, created in connection with the use of expressive means of the corresponding type of art, being so convincing that they mobilize perceiving experiences with perfect vitality and chase the memory of the senses with the imagination to live in the mind, permeating everything its structures. Secondly, not episodic, but systematic communication with art. It is a question of various types of art, they are involved in educational Ess as its basis Along with them, a system of communication with forms, color combinations, sound relationships in the natural world is built, in objectivity, which is the world of human vitality, a consequence of the formative skills of l. Judah. ​​This opens up the connection of spiritual phenomena with the environment. This helps to avoid contrasting artistic values and the subject-thing world. In addition, the educational system does not imply the need for artistic and formative and artistic-constructive personality activity. This aspect of fussing It is the center around which all \ other aspects of it are built," all aspects and aspects.

Researchers who have studied the interesting systems of aesthetic education of the past decades have come to the conclusion: a system that combines the following: mastering knowledge we are in the field of artistic formation techniques and artistic design; obtaining knowledge of art history, the development of artistic sense, i.e. the ability to enjoy beauty, which means to feel it. Such is the Japanese education system when borrowed from the Soviet Union and consistently introduced into the educational process. Let us dwell on its individual aspects given the role it played in the development of the intellectual potential of the Japanese nation and continues to play on this on the upbringing of a coloristic culture. This choice is determined by the national cultural tradition and the requirements of modern production, dictates the upbringing of an artistically developed personality. In Japanese production, the color system Iroritai is based on it. The Institute of Color Science has developed a system of 240 colors, necessarily compulsory for schoolchildren’s knowledge. Already in the seventh grade, the ability of each student’s eyes to distinguish colors falls in Japanese schools to this level [9, p. 52] In addition, students form beautiful color conjectures. In special lessons called “admiring” where observation takes place, images, interpretations of the beauty of various objects and phenomena, students learn to feel and understand. mother beauty is an experience I understand the beauty of color combinations, forms, proportions of a wide variety of objects and the formation of objects that personify beauty Creative design tasks occupy a leading place in this system. It is important that the system is comprehensive In grades 1-9, the lessons of "fine art and labor" "- 2 hours per week, and in grades 10-12 - 6 lessons per week with an increase in the level of complexity creatively constructing for n [9, p 50]. The main purpose of artistic education is the formation of human thinking. Objective bases of active activity ence of artistic skill and knowledge in the mind due to the development of associative forms of mental dey nost figurative associative thinking promotes more rapid and thorough development of new knowledge in the art and the exact nauuvannyu novih knowledge of the Branch i tehnіki exact science.

Undoubtedly, education can be built in the system of sound relations (music, poetry), where the associative series has features, and is no less effective for raising associative forms of thinking. Tchaikovsky's famous thought: I see the world with sounds confirms this. upbringing with the need to create a culture of experience. It is acquired through the discussion of works, the exchange of impressions from their reproduction. In this process, an objective evaluation ability is formed, which is a consequence of the combination of the experience and understanding of the causes of one’s own experience. Having experience with the general experience shows that the feeling has risen to the level of universality, experiencing the uniqueness of And Kant, analyzing the dialectic of the objective and subjective experience of experiencing the relationship, noted: without comparison with others, it nevertheless agrees with the conditions of all universality - in which the whole mind is the whole thing - leads the cognitive ability to that harmoniously tuned that we demand from all knowledge and which we therefore consider important for everyone who is called to make judgments with the help of reason jointly with the external and feelings (for each person) [5, from 1067] The grounds for the coincidence of a relationship are determined by the qualities of the subject of experience, how they evoke a common human response to the beauty, expediency, logic of a thin whole and under the Individual uniqueness of the experience and the originality of the response depend on the development of memory, imagination, imagination, associative abilities thinking societal habits of confusion.

We note the importance of the factor that is usually not paid attention to, although it can be considered decisive. It is about the general atmosphere of attitudes towards art and aesthetic phenomena of the whole, reigning in a particular social environment and - more broadly - in society Awareness of their values, public concern for the development of artistic talents, the actualization of the issues of artistic education at all levels of the system in the world, the extension of the principles of aesthetic formation to the sphere of production, the organization of the environment, the design of the environment are created in society the atmosphere of respect for beauty.

In modern conditions, when art is transformed by postmodern culture only into a commodity, and its value is measured by the market value carried by advertising, it is difficult to speak about creating a style of constant creative communication with art. However, despite the dominance of pseudo culture, you can still consider the possibility of spiritual opposition and depersonalization personality surrogates of mass culture This is a system with proper, school and general - state education of young people. The fact is that elite schools, rich Ristocratic families raise their own children not in popular culture, but in classical art, I wanted to form a conscious person with an elaborated sense of proportion, developed taste, personal style. It should be borne in mind that in the modern world the division of society into "elite" and " the masses is carried out not only depending on the property status, generic (material, biological factors), but also on a spiritual basis: the level of knowledge of the culture of communication with the artistic treasures of mankind Amy people.

And another significant aspect of value is the formation of the ability of experiencing attitudes towards the world and the education of formative skills and needs. Scientists who study the influence of art on mental personality structures, say: Art education does not provide knowledge and not so much skill as the tone of life or, perhaps it is more correct to say that the background of vital activity Persuasion, which we can inculcate in June school without knowledge, only grows into the child's psyche when these beliefs are anchored emotionally.

So, the aesthetic is not only a factor in the formation of the spirituality of the personality It is the initial link and at the same time the final one, because indifference to the world is the basis of cognitive needs and the basis of their development. , the activity of the mind, which operates with concepts, the activity of imagination, memory, the forming abilities of thinking. Development of personality arises from the creative principle of reality, - a consequence of the formation of the abilities of intellect and feelings, creative skills and experiencing an attitude in the world.


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Terms: Aesthetics