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Mastering the syllabic structure of the word


Mastering the phonetic structure of speech does not occur in isolation: the child does not absorb individual sounds; he seeks to distinguish the words in the speech flow and use them in his active speech. The main force inducing the child to improve pronunciation is the need for communication. Mastering vocabulary and grammatical forms, he feels the need for an ever more precise embodiment of the elements of meaning in speech. Speech practice, successes and failures in verbal communication make it necessary to search for its new, correct ways of phonetic design of the word.

The assimilation of the syllable structure of the word is associated with the phonetic features of the native language. Thus, words in the Russian language have a clock character : groups of syllables are combined around stressed vowels. The stressed syllable is pronounced distinctly - all

The grades are subject to reduction and sound unclear, weak. The child seeks above all to pronounce the well-heard part of the word. Therefore, it is easiest for children to learn monosyllabic words (nya - “to”; dyai - “give”; tyam - “there”, etc.), two-syllable lexemes of reliable origin, which consist of repeated syllables "pronounced with the same force (am- am, bobo ), and word duplicates with one stressed syllable ( dad, mom, nanny , etc.).

Words consisting of two and more syllables in the child’s speech are shortened: the stressed syllable is pronounced, the unstressed syllables are omitted. Such truncation of the word is called syllabic elision . Examples include such abbreviations as bu - "bun", di - "go", tank - "dog", ko (or mako) - "milk", cocoon "egg", etc. in cases, especially when the stressed syllable includes a sound difficult or inaccessible to the child, the first syllable is saved in the word, not the stressed one, for example: bo - “hurts”, mo - “milk”, etc.

In mastering the syllable structure of words one can note some individual differences. Some children master the rhythmic structure of the word as a whole, ignoring its sound-mathematical structure. They do not produce syllabic elysia, but recreate (most often - distortedly) his rhythmic syllabic skeleton , for example, nananok - “light”, what pussy - “close the lid”, Pyatakov’s - “stupid you”, titi - “bricks” and that . P.

In general, usually children, having successfully mastered the syllable structure of words, as well as the sequence of sounds in words, continue to experience difficulties in mastering the precise and normative pronunciation of sounds for a more or less long time.


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Terms: Psycholinguistics