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5. The main types of speech activity


Speech activity is implemented in such forms as speaking, listening, writing and reading (I.A. Zimnyaya, [92, 94, 95], etc.). These types of RDs act as the main types of human interaction in the process of verbal communication.

According to I.A. Winter, the definition of translation as a type of taxiway is not self-evident. In any case, it cannot be attributed to the main types of RD, since it is not directly connected with the processes of formation and formulation of thought (as a subject of RD), nor with the activity of its analysis and processing. It provides mainly the possibility of joint speech activity of people speaking and writing in different languages ​​(that is, using different language sign systems for speech communication).

Special mention should be made of this type of human conscious activity, like thinking. I.A. Zimnaya believes that thinking is legitimately defined as a type of RD, if it is viewed as a peculiar form of communication, the interaction of a person with himself (92, 95). However, the unequivocal attribution of thinking to the types of speech activity, in our opinion, is not entirely legitimate. The simplest, but unbiased analysis of the thinking process shows that it is equally relevant both to the actual speech activity (in particular, to the processes of generation and perception of speech utterances), as well as to the processes of thinking, analytic-synthetic human activity. Interpretation of the process of thinking in modern psychology provides for non-verbal, so-called. non-verbal forms of its implementation (based on visual-effective and, in part, visual-figurative thinking). And although non-verbal variants of the implementation of the thinking process (compared to the variants of speech thinking) in analytic-synthetic human activity do not occupy such a large place (as most psychologists believe, not more than 10%), they cannot be completely ignored. Proceeding from this, the process of thinking should rather be considered as one of the variants of verbal-thinking, and not actually human speech activity. With regard to the conditions and forms of implementation of RD, the process of thinking, apparently, is directly related to the inner speech of a person, although, of course, it is not identical to it. According to the concept of I.A. Winter, the process of thinking often precedes the main forms of human interaction with other people (speaking, listening, reading and writing), playing the role of a kind of mental “draft”, preparing speech activity “in the internal plane”, self-checking the correctness of such types of RD, like speaking and a letter.

All types of speech activity have much in common and at the same time differ from each other in a number of parameters. By IA. Winter (92, 95, etc.), the main among these parameters are: a) the nature of verbal (speech) communication; b) the role of speech activity in verbal communication; c) the direction of the taxiway to receive or issue a message; d) connection with the way of forming and formulating thoughts; e) the nature of external manifestation; e) the nature of the feedback involved in the XD processes . Consider the distinctive features of different types of speech activity on the basis of these parameters.

- By the nature of verbal communication RD is divided into types that implement oral communication, and types that implement written communication. The first is speaking and listening. It is these types of RDs that are the first to be formed in ontogenesis as methods of realizing human communication with other people. A person has hereditary predisposition (or “readiness”) to these types of RD, which is based on the following.

First, this is the presence of a specific unique apparatus in a person for the implementation of mental intellectual activity (the product of which is RD), namely, the large hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. The higher (cortical) parts of the brain, which provide a person with the possibility of mastering speech activity, by the time of birth are already largely (about two thirds) formed. Intensive formation takes place in the first year of a child’s life, in the so-called “pre-verbal period” of RD formation, and by the time they begin to master the expressive external speech, the cerebral cortex is already largely morphofunctional.

Secondly, "hereditary readiness" is largely determined by the special structure of individual anatomical parts of the human body, "responsible for mastering sound articulate speech" and received the name of the peripheral speech apparatus. By the time the child is born, this anatomical and physiological apparatus of speech turns out to be largely established, and in the “preverbal” period (the first year of life) its “psychophysiological adjustment” takes place. Violation, “breakdown” of the formation of these structural devices of speech activity during the period of prenatal development or during childbirth (which is clearly indicated by these clinics and speech therapy) always leads to impaired speech formation (RD). Therefore, a survey of the state of the peripheral speech apparatus and a neurophysiological examination, along with psychological and pedagogical "testing", are necessarily included in the program of a comprehensive special pedagogical (speech therapy) examination.

The second - "add-on" types of speech activity include reading and writing. These types of RD are formed on the basis of the first two - listening and speaking (writing is generally often defined as a display of oral speech “in writing”). Being secondary in origin, reading and writing are more complex types of RD. Pedagogical practice shows that in order for a child to be able to master them, special targeted education (system education according to a specific program) is necessary. [70]

- By the nature of the role performed in the process of communication, types of taxiways are divided into reactive and initial. Speaking and writing are the initial processes of verbal communication, stimulating, in turn, listening and reading. The latter (listening and reading) act as reactive reactive processes, and at the same time they are a necessary condition for the processes of speaking and writing. I.A. Winter draws attention to the fact that listening and reading psychologically are as active as the initial types of taxiways. In a typical form, they are processes of “inner mental activity”. The latter circumstance is important in the “methodical plan” and should be taken into account by correctional teachers in working with children with developmental problems. One of the tasks facing the teacher is the full psychological and pedagogical activization of listening and reading activities for students in the process of training sessions and constant monitoring of the course of these types of speech activity.

According to the direction of the speech activity carried out by a person to receive or issue a speech message, types of taxiways are defined as receptive (that is, based on the processes of perception, “reception”) and productive. Through productive types of RD (speaking, writing), a person creates and issues a voice message. Receiving types of RD (hearing, reading) are used to receive and further process the voice message. These two pairs of types of RD differ in the methods of their psycho-physiological organization. In the implementation of receptive types of RD, first of all, the auditory and visual analyzers are functioning, while in productive ones, the speech motor and speech-hearing analyzers are mainly involved. Accordingly, the receptive types of RD are largely determined by the state and characteristics of the auditory and visual perception, and the productive ones by the state and level of development of the motor sphere.

- Different types of speech activity imply different ways of forming and articulating a thought (the subject of RD), various forms of organizing speech communication and corresponding forms of speech. Such forms, by definition, I.A. Winter, there are three - external oral, external written and internal speech. Speech, being primarily a means and form of communication, realizes this function through various types and forms of speech. There are three main types of speech: (1) oral (external) speech - expressive (conversational) speech and impressive speech (i.e., speech perception and understanding), (2) written speech, including writing and reading, (3) internal speech , providing and mediating both the first two types of speech - oral and written.

At the same time, thinking can be viewed as a process of forming a thought through inner speech, and speaking and writing as external ways of forming and formulating a thought in oral and written forms of communication. (The letter serves the purpose of fixing a written and sometimes oral way of forming and articulating a thought.)

The main forms of oral expressive speech are: monologue, dialogic and group speech (polylogue), which can be defined by the general concept of “spontaneous speech”. These types and forms of speech "form" a lively spoken language. However, there are also such forms of oral speech that do not directly participate in conversational speech, although they are its necessary conditions. This is a repeated and so-called nominative speech (243, p. 39).

- The types of speech activity differ from each other and by the nature of the feedback that regulates these processes. Thus, in both productive types of RD (speaking and writing), neuromuscular feedback is carried out from the executive body (articulation apparatus, writing hand) to the “organizing »A program of this activity for the brain region. This feedback (through the mechanism of “reverse afferentation”) performs the function of internal control and adjustment. At the same time, both forms of this muscle control (internal “sounding” of the word to be written or pronounced in external speech and afferent nerve impulses from the muscles of the hand that perform certain movements) participate in the regulation of the letter at the initial stages of its assimilation by children. Along with internal feedback, productive types of FH are also regulated by external feedback (auditory perception). In both receptive types of RD - listening and reading - the feedback is carried out mainly through the internal channels of semantic control and semantic analysis, the mechanism of which is still insufficiently studied and clear (92, 95, etc.). If, in the process of reading, the feedback effect is to some extent detected in the regressive eye movements and pause gaze fixation, then at listening this effect is generally unobservable and uncontrollable by the internal neuro-muscular feedback. This determines the greater complexity of managing and organizing these types of taxiways. Special experimental studies (LA Chistovich, AN. Sokolov, VI Beltyukov, and others [205, 251, and others]) have established that the feedback mechanism of the speaking process is also used in receptive forms of RD, primarily in hearing processes. Studies have shown that in the process of listening (perception and analysis of perceived speech) a person has an internal “speech-speaking activity”. In the process of speech perception, it manifests itself in two main forms: in increasing muscle tone in the organs of the peripheral (mainly articulation) speech apparatus and in the form of specific micro-movements of these organs (first of all, movements of the tongue). According to their “kinematic scheme,” these micromovements almost completely correspond to the movements of the articulation organs of the speaker, whose speech the listener perceives. Thus, the listener, as it were, reproduces (in the internal speech motor plan), following the speaker who speaks, his speech statement. Such a minimally delayed reproduction of perceived speech provides a more accurate and complete perception of it. Professionals involved in the formation of speech in children (or its recovery in adults) need to consider this feature of the hearing process as a type of RD. Here we can distinguish two main aspects. First, the methodological substantiation of the reception of the use of loud and whispering pronunciation of the text in the process of reading, repeating a speech statement (in terms of half-whisper speech and speaking to oneself) in order to better perceive the reversed speech reception, which is based on the intentional activation and “strengthening” of feedback mechanisms through the connection of kinesthetic control. Secondly, the interpretation of the “phenomenon” of correct pronunciation not only from the point of view of compliance with the phonetic norms of the native language, but also from the point of view of the quality level of the formation of a universal psychophysiological feedback mechanism ensuring the realization of speech activity. The speech therapist should explain the importance of mastering a child's orthoepic norms and syllable-speaking skills to parents of a child who has speech deficiencies, also taking into account the role of correct pronunciation in shaping the mechanisms for controlling its full-fledged perception. In other words, in his correctional work, the speech therapist should build on the following methodological position: the better the child speaks himself, the better he perceives the speech of others around him.

- Types of speech activity differ from each other and the nature of external manifestation. Speaking and writing act as an outwardly pronounced process of creating and expressing a mental task (as well as transmitting information) to others. Hearing and reading (in its typical version of reading "to oneself") are externally unexpressed - with the help of linguistic means - the processes of internal mental activity. This circumstance, as noted above, should be taken into account by correctional teachers when conducting classes with children with developmental disabilities. Permanent (“continuous”) control by the teacher of the speech activity of listening and reading at his pupils can be carried out with the help of installation addresses and instructions, specifying questions, training and game tasks, activating the processes of attention and perception in children, etc. .

Analysis of the qualitative features of the main types of speech activity shows that this activity in all cases is carried out by two subjects: [71] on the one hand, speaking and writing (an individual performing initial, productive types of RD), and on the other hand, listening and reading ( perceiving and analyzing speech, speech statements of the speaker or writer).

However, for speech activity in general and all its types, there are a number of common characteristics. According to the concept of I.A. Zimnaya, these include: structural organization, including a phase or level structure and operational structure; 2) subject (psychological) content; 3) the unity of the internal and external parties; 4) the unity of the content and form of its implementation; 5) the conditionality of human speech activity by the functioning of the mental processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, which act as the primary psychological mechanisms of RD.

The most important characteristic of the RD is defining its unity of internal and external content - the external executive, the implementing side and the internal, externally not observable.

The inner side of speech activity, which performs the organization, planning, and programming of activities, are the mental functions by which it is realized. This need and emotions, thinking and memory, perception and attention. Their complex unity is considered as a psychological mechanism through which the activity in general and the RD in particular is realized. (AA Leontiev, 1974; IA Zimnyaya, 1978, etc.). Thus, the inner side or the main psychological mechanism of receptive types of RD is a “semantic solution”; the inner side of the productive types of RD - the process of meaning, the formation and formulation of thought.


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