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3. General psycholinguistic model of the process of perception and understanding of speech utterance


In domestic and foreign psycholinguistics created several models of speech perception.

The model of the process of speech perception proposed by C. Osgood (315) can be interpreted as follows. There is a certain “sender” in the general scheme (situation) of the communication process; he has some message. To send this message, the sender uses a transmitter that converts (encodes) the message into a speech (language) signal and transmits it over the communication channel. In order for communication to take place, encoding and decoding must be done on the basis of a single code (language). So, conversion to a signal occurs using a specific code. After passing through the communication channel, the signal enters the receiver. Near the receiver is the "receiver". The recipient uses the code to convert (decode) the signal into a message. Interference (noise) that distorts the message may occur in the communication channel. Therefore, Message-1 (from the sender) and Message-2 (received by the recipient) are different from each other.

This model can be represented in the form of the following scheme.

  3. General psycholinguistic model of the process of perception and understanding of speech utterance

Despite the fact that this scheme-model was developed to understand the essence of the communication process mediated by technical means, it also reflects the patterns of “ordinary” speech communication.

A rather simple, compact, but at the same time meaningfully capacious model of the processes of speech perception and understanding was suggested by L.S. Tsvetkova (243, 244). In this model are displayed (taking into account their closest interconnection) both sides of a single speech perception process - the process of speech perception and the process of its understanding. At the same time, the process of speech perception proper is interpreted by the researcher as a process of identifying (highlighting and recognizing) signs of the language, highlighting the structural components of speech.

The process of understanding speech is interpreted by the author as follows. “According to the generally accepted view, the understanding of speech (statements), - said L.S. Tsvetkova, - provided by the understanding of words and their connections, connections of sentences and paragraphs. To understand the word, first of all, analysis and synthesis of the sounds that make up its composition, which consists in comparing the phonemic basis of perceived sound complexes and inhibition of non-essential sound signs, are necessary. Understanding the meaning of a word in a phrase depends on the logical-grammatical connections into which it enters in a phrase. This link in the structure of speech understanding provides re-encryption of logical-grammatical constructions into units of meaning ”(243, p. 67).

L.S. Tsvetkova focuses on the presence of two sides of speech understanding. In addition to that aspect of speech understanding, which is expressed through the meanings of words and their combinations, as well as through the meaning of sentences that make up the whole utterance, there is another, integral part of speech activity. This is a motivational sphere that determines a person’s personal attitude to the subject of the utterance (ibid., P. 68). A complete understanding of speech can only be achieved if the two components of speech closely interact. One of them performs decoding of information about the actual subject content of the presented message, and the other provides a deeper insight into the meaning of the message. At the same time, L. S. Tsvetkova refers to the theoretical concept of the “two plans of a voice message,” which N.G. Morozova (164).

N.G. Morozova pointed to the presence of two plans in the process of speech. One plan is a speech message about facts or events that does not go beyond the actual content of the oral or written message (the “message plan”). Another plan of speech reflects personal, one way or another motivated, attitude to what is being said. This component of speech - “the plan of meaning” - is expressed through a special stylistic construction of language means and their intonation and mimic coloring. The latter is perceived by the person when listening or mentally reproduced when reading. The understanding of the plan of meanings depends primarily on the level of the language development of the subject, while the understanding of the plan of meaning depends on the level of personal development (31, 165). As N.G. Morozov, an understanding of the plan of values ​​may be sufficient when only an understanding of the fact being reported is required (educational text, simple information); reading the same artistic text requires an insight into the meaning of the work. In the work “On Understanding the Text” (164), the author cites a number of examples that reveal the difference between the two plans of speech.

According to L. Tsvetkova, the process of speech perception has three interacting levels of its structural organization. This is (1) the sensory-motor level that provides the actual perception (reception) of speech, (2) the linguistic level (at which a comprehensive language analysis of the speech utterance and a "semantic" analysis of its constituent components are carried out to establish the "actual" meaning of the speech utterance) , and (3) the psychological level that determines the actual understanding of the perceived speech message, based on a deeper analysis of its content.

The process of speech perception begins with the acoustic perception of sounding speech, i.e., sensory-motor processing of sounds, words. It includes the perception and analysis of acoustic-articulation signs of sounds, the differentiation of sounds according to the main features, the establishment of the phoneme composition of the perceived sound stream (“sound differentiation link based on the differentiated perception of phonemes”), the selection and analysis of intraverbal (inter-word) pauses, the perception and primary analysis of rhythmic syllabic and melodic organization of speech. Differentiation of sounds based on their comparison with “motor” images-standards is based on the use of speech kinesthesia created by micromovements of the articulation organs of the listener in the process of speech perception (243). Thus, this level includes links of both acoustic and kinesthetic analysis of the sounds of a word and its kinetic organization. The “result” of the normative process of perception at this level is the selection of individual stable sound complexes - words (less often - whole phrases) from the perceived sound stream.

The linguistic (differently - lexico-grammatical) level provides an understanding of the subject content at the level of meaning. This level includes: 1) a phoneme analysis link of words extracted from the audio stream, 2) a link of operational hearing-speech memory, 3) a link that re-encodes the logical-grammatical organization of speech, that is, grammar, into meaning. This level of speech perception is realized on the basis of the implementation of a complex of interrelated "linguistic" and "semantic" operations. Based on the multichannel (albeit very short in time) phonemic analysis of each selected word, its recognition occurs; The selected sound complex is correlated with the stored standard and its value is set. In addition to the sound composition of the word, its rhythmic-syllable structure is analyzed, morphemic analysis is performed. When identifying a word as a sign of a language, word differentiation operations are used according to their meaning, the actualization of all basic meanings of a word. All the selected words (held in the mind through the operative memory mechanism) are compared with each other, and on this basis, stable phrases are identified and analyzed (by grammatical and semantic parameters). Here, operations of morphemic analysis (in the form of identification and comparison of grammatical forms of words) are also important. During this process, operations are performed to select the desired meaning of each word (based on an analysis of their compatibility in the “context” of the sentence), the general meaning of whole phrases (and above all forming the “predicative pairs”: S - P; S - Ob) is determined; these values ​​correlate with each other, on the basis of which the hearer (reading) “comes out” to establish the general “actual” (subject) value of the sentence. Based on the comparison of the meanings of words and phrases, the perceived phrase is understood as a message about some fact, a phenomenon of the surrounding reality, which is the “positive” result of the perception activity at the linguistic level. Understanding the logical and grammatical structures includes “word matching operations in a phrase, highlighting the meanings of words and their combinations within a phrase, slowing down an unimportant impression and highlighting the relationship system hidden behind certain grammatical structures. The practical implementation of this process takes place not at the level of individual words, but at the level of sentences and the text "(243, p. 67). This is possible only with the inclusion in the process of understanding short-term and long-term memory.

The psychological level (based on the “secondary” semantic analysis of a statement fully reproduced in the language of the plan) provides an understanding of its “deep” meaning, hidden semantic subtext, establishing the speaker's motif (or writing), etc. The psychological level includes: perception and analysis of intonational and stylistic construction of the utterance, comparing it (in the process of live speech communication) with the speaker’s gestures and mimic reactions, analyzing the semantic meaning of the utterance in the “context” stvuyuschey speech. Equally important for understanding the true meaning of perceived speech is the assessment (taking into account the peculiarities) of the personality of the speaker or writer, as well as the analysis of the specific situation of speech communication. It is only on the basis of such a complex, multifactor analysis of the internal content of the perceived speech that it becomes possible to establish the motives and goals of speech activity. “Human activities, as well as the motivating sphere of his consciousness, including needs, interests and emotions, are necessary conditions for the full understanding of speech. As for the means of understanding speech, the intonation and mimic components of speech play an essential role here ”(243, p. 70).

The problem of forming the impressive side of speech (i.e., perception and understanding of speech statements) is one of the urgent problems of modern speech therapy. The number of areas of correctional work that have been thoroughly studied and worked out on a methodical basis include: special pedagogical work on the formation of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception in children with systemic speech disorders, as well as methods of developing hearing acoustics in persons suffering from dysgraphia and dyslexia. [223] (T. E. Filicheva, 2000, 2003; R.I. Lalaeva, 1999, 2001, 2003; T. A. Tkachenko, 2004; L. G. Paramonova, 2003; T. A. Matrosova, 2005, and others.) . In addition, in practical speech therapies, author's methods of speech therapy are used to form the impressive side of speech in children-alaliks (especially children suffering from sensory alalia) [28, 104, etc.]. At the same time, a holistic, comprehensive program of “speech work” to form “hearing” speech activity (including the processes of perception and understanding of speech) in children with speech disorders is still under development. Meanwhile, as L.S. Tsvetkova, phonemic hearing, although it is one of the main characteristics of the speech process, which provides for the differentiation of speech sounds, however, “is only one of the links in the process of acoustic differentiation” (243, p. 37).

Knowledge of the basic principles of the psycholinguistic theory of perception and understanding of speech, reflecting the features of the formation and functioning of speech perception processes, is of great importance for a correctional teacher who works with children who have speech pathology. In our opinion, the main methodological principles arising from the analysis of these patterns are: an integrated approach to the study of the state and to the formation of the impressive side of speech in children with severe speech disorders (TNR), as well as the “system analysis” of the state of acoustical perception, including “Analysis by components” and analysis of the “operational structure”. The first of them provides for the determination (during a speech therapy examination) of the presence and level of formation of the main components of the process of hearing perception, the second - the degree of formation of language and “semantic” operations that ensure adequate perception and understanding of speech. Such an approach to the examination of the state of impressive speech makes it possible to effectively implement in practice a differentiated and individual approach to each child or adult suffering from speech disorders in the process of corrective speech therapy aimed at the formation of this component of speech ability.


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Terms: Psycholinguistics