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Non-verbal communication components


Despite the fact that in the middle of the nineteenth century Charles Darwin wrote a special work on the emotions of animals, drawing attention to the fact that the forms of their manifestation are very similar in ours (otherwise people would not understand what “mood” the animals , and animals - as a person is set up) - despite this, almost a century and a half later, linguists ignored these facts as “not their own.” Moreover, strangely enough, linguists were not interested in how various non-verbal (that is, non-verbal) actions of characters are described in the texts. Not long ago, one of the prominent domestic linguists published a special work that said that non-verbal actions of communicants (gestures, facial expressions and phonations such as interjections) manifest themselves in communicative acts regularly, but are “paralinguistic” (“okololinguistic”) objects. And if “about”, then linguists need not be particularly interested in them: gestures, etc., have neither grammar nor system of explicit meanings (as is the case with lexical units); from gestures and facial expressions you will not construct a coherent statement (sentence), etc.

In a book about his life among the Papuans, N. N. Miklouho-Maclay tells how he first entered New Guinea and

first met with the young Papuans. He, of course, did not speak Russian, and the scholar did not begin to study the Papuan languages. However, both immediately introduced themselves to each other: both put their hands to their chests and gave their names. Tui (that was the name of the Papuan) began to alarm something (which the Russian, of course, could not understand), and then presented an expressive pantomime that said: when the ship that delivered the scientist disappears from sight, people from the neighboring village will come and kill Maclay. Therefore, McLay must hide, and Tui will help him in this. So life practice itself refutes the view that non-verbal means of expression supposedly play only a secondary role, only “complement” (cannot replace) the verbal message. As you can see - they could. And, as we see, these non-verbal means of communication do not depend on specific languages ​​and are, therefore, universal. But, maybe, the described situation, being atypical, still does not speak about anything "linguistic"? Maybe the NCC (non-verbal components of communication) perform their limited functions only when people do not speak a common language? To answer these questions will help the real case that occurred during one of the lectures. The lecturer asked the students a question: “Why was Maxim Maksimovich offended when, after a long separation, he met with Pechorin again?” The answer was: “Maxim Maksimovich was offended not“ by what ”, but“ by whom ”(on Pechorin), because“ the hero of our time "was rude to him." Then the lecturer distributed to students cards with text from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov. In the passage, students read:

- How glad I am, dear Maxim Maksimych! Well, how are you? ... I am going to Persia - and more ... I have to go, Maxim Maximych ... I missed you! ... Yes, I remember! ... Right, I have nothing to tell, dear Maxim Maksimych ... However, goodbye, I have to go ... I'm in a hurry ... Thank you for not having forgotten .... Well, full, full! ... Am I really not the same? ... What to do? ... Everyone has his own way ... Will I be able to meet again - God knows ... What you want! Farewell!

“Dear,” “how glad I am,” “thank you for not forgetting” ... Are these insulting words? Opposite! But Lermontov’s text goes on: “We said goodbye pretty dry. Good Maxim Maximych became a stubborn, grumpy staff captain! And why? ”Indeed:“ And why? ”We quote further:“ Because Pechorin in absent-mindedness or from another reason gave him

(To Maxim Maksimych) when he wanted to throw himself on his neck! ”Not exactly. More precisely - not at all. In the text of the novel, Maksim Maksimych speaks with the coachman Pechorin (from the coachman and it became known that his master came) very emotionally, even slaps him on the shoulder from the joyful news (let's not forget that Maksim Maksimych is a staff captain, also a master for the coachman !), I am sure that Pechorin “will come running now”, having learned that he, Maxim Maksimych, is here. But in vain expectations, the old man spends a sleepless night, and in the morning barely manages to run up to the wheelchair already laid where Pechorin sits. “The old man could barely breathe, sweat rolled down from his face, wet shreds of gray hair, escaping from under his hat, stuck to his forehead ... he wanted to rush around Pechorin’s neck, but he was rather cold , though with a friendly smile, stretched out his hand The captain was stunned for a moment, but then eagerly grabbed his hand with both hands ; he could not yet speak . ” In the dumb scene highlighted nonverbal action, NVCC. What, did not Pechorin understand the state of Maxim Maksimych? Was it possible to “sit in a carriage”, “allow the driver to pick up the reins ” and respond, “ arbitrarily yawning ” in response to the hot words of the former friend? And why “arbitrarily yawn” !? It is clear that Pechorin was communicating with “stubborn and grumpy” Maxim Maksimovich, which is why a “friendly smile” (obviously ostentatious, mechanical, “out of politeness”) does not agree with “coldly outstretched hand” and with all the above NBKK Pechorin, opposed in the text by such significant manifestations of Maxim Maximovich emotions. Own communicative experience and brilliant observation of Lermontov allowed him so authentically and accurately depict the conflict of characters, and at the same time, apart from the will of the author, the value of the NEC in the process of communication.

The German psychologist and psychiatrist Karl Leonhard published in the 70s an excellent monograph that stood two editions, but unfortunately was not translated into Russian (it was translated twice into many other European languages ​​and into a Japanese monograph - immediately after its publication in shine). Its Russian name could be: "Mimic, gestural and phonic means of emotional and communicative expressiveness." Not only did the author undertake an analytical review of research on the problem since the time of Charles Darwin; he has in great detail classified what we call the NCC,

described and showed in the diagrams, drawings and many photographs precisely the meaning of mimic and gestural movements, their functions of the signal order, which, firstly, are obligatory when communicating, although they are often not recognized by speakers, but are always taken into account by the listeners watching the partner in every communication act. Secondly, as K. Leonhard showed, for the most part, the NCCI are universal, independent of gender, age, nationality, and culture (recall the Tui pantomime correctly interpreted by Nikolai Nikolayevich!). The author also stressed that universal type NCCTs are also peculiar to animals, without which their training would be unthinkable and people could not communicate with pets.

Leonhard's book is not translated into Russian: The less solid popular book of the Australian Allan Pisa "Body Language" has been translated and published in our millions of copies. In the subheading of the book is: "How to read the thoughts of others by gestures." Observing the daily communication of people, Pease came to the conclusion that communication proceeds as if through two channels at the same time: verbal speech is accompanied by a statement formed using non-verbal components. If we are more or less in control of what we say, then gestures, facial expressions, postures, intonation often betray our true intentions. In the book of an Australian scientist, an attempt was made to create a dictionary of gestures that allow the interlocutor to determine that your interlocutor is telling a lie, is negatively (or, on the contrary, positively) opposed to you, etc.

The study of documentaries with interviews and conversations of all kinds, videotapes of natural dialogues showed with undoubted accuracy that the NWCC begin to unfold before people start talking to each other. First, the speakers take a suitable distance for the conversation and turn to face each other. Both of these actions are also NCCs. They signal readiness for dialogue. At the same time, the partners “read out” from each other's postures and facial expressions important information about the mood for communication, the degree of disposition to the conversation. This is also the NQCC. You can easily notice that we are not satisfied if the interlocutor hides his face (“hides his eyes” - we usually say, but the matter is not only

Zah, as shown by K. Leonhard), if he stands in front of us in half a turn, especially if he turned away.

It has been experimentally proved that young children cannot immediately make telephone conversations, even if they recognize the mother’s voice: they need “information from the face and from the posture”. In the same way, it is proved that in a number of cases the child does not want to contact with a familiar or unfamiliar person, ignoring the most affectionate words. Here there is a disagreement effect between the words (verbal component) and the NECS, and the “importance of the IQCC” is more important for a small child. It is not for nothing that the famous psychologist, researcher of children's speech and children's behavior M. M. Koltsov calls the younger preschooler a “non-verbal creature”. In the third part of our book, we will talk more about the primary non-verbal proto-language, which form the basis of the child's communication in the first year of life. In a wary or even hostile attitude towards insincere people, a child is very similar to creatures that are clearly and fully “non-verbal” - like a cat and a dog. The latter, as is well known, willingly “go” to some, but they don’t want to “go” to the others: they are not satisfied with the “NACA”.

It is logical to assume that the NSCC is not only ontogenetically older than speaking in language (this has been absolutely proven by Russian and foreign scientists who have dealt with this problem), but older and phylogenetically: this is evidenced by the sign-communicative behavior of animals (about unique experiences with primates, about the famous Chimpanzee Washo, who successfully mastered the skills of gestural communication of the deaf-and-dumb, we will speak in the last part of our book). And why, in fact, function of the NIAC in the human community if they were “non-binding” (“optional”, “additional”, “secondary”)? It is quite obvious that the NCCI even have some advantages over verbalism - otherwise they would not have to be studied so carefully today, at the end of the 20th century.

Let's turn again to literary texts that realistically describe acts of communication between people. We give several quotes from different works. “... and then I realized that my interlocutor wanted to say something else. And he, indeed, bringing the lamp, did not leave immediately, but sat down on a chair and began to squeak to them so that I woke up because I wanted

ask something. And he asked me why I came. ”(L. Martynov. Air frigates). Here, the behavior of the character is clearly non-verbal (squeaking with a chair), and, successfully, performed the sociative (contact) function of the language. So it is called in all linguistic works. Further: “-Well, how is the international situation? - curious Mitenka. Likhachev slammed the door ” (F. Abramov. Pryablins). In this case, “banging the door”, an action, of course, non-verbal, performs the emotive function of the language, without resorting to language means such as “I don’t want to listen!” There is also an optional function of the language, i.e., a function of will. And it was also successfully replaced by the NCC: “The admiral crossed with an indulgent, but commanding gaze, ready to break, ready to rage an enthusiastic storm at his feet ” (A. Malyshkin. Sevastopol). NVKK in the communicative function: “ Is that you bartered your rooms on Mytnaya? Nadia nodded. - And then one? Nadia nodded . And everything is clear, is not it? But the NCCI is still in the functions that are called “ appellate ” and “representative”, i.e. appeals or appeals (appeal) and attitude to the subject of thought: “... Silvio, saying goodbye to everyone, took my hand and stopped me in the very minute I was about to go out ”(A. Pushkin). “ Once they gave him a package, from which he broke the seal with a look of the greatest impatience. Passing over the letter, his eyes sparkled ” (ibid.).

You can now open on pp. 506-508 “Dictionary of linguistic terms” (the author is O; C; Akhmanov) and see which other functions of the language the NQCC can perform, and which cannot. We propose to see how the NWCC in the specific sentences perform the functions of their syntactic components (members of the proposal).

1. - Who is your chief here? Everyone looked at Victor . (A look replaces the verbal response, noting a particular person). Interpretation NVKK: "He is our main." NVKK in the role of the subject.

2. - Where is Vera now? The old man reluctantly nodded toward the back room. - What is she doing? Will go out? Silent put his cheek on his palm and closed his eyes . Here, the NCCI replaces first the circumstances of the place and then the predicate.

3.- And you seem to have learned to read well? - asked neighbor Tolik. He proudly and joyfully straightened up, and it became clear

what he reads is really good . (NCC in the role of the circumstance of the measure and degree or, if you like, the mode of action).

4. “It is interesting to know,” continued Vera, “what have you done in the last week?” Vovka nodded to the shelf, where his bast-shaped figures were erected: his eyes, cock and elephant . (NVKK as a direct addition).

5. - To whom does she pray? The boy pointed to an inconspicuous icon in the corner behind the speaker. (NVKK in the role of indirect addition).

6. - Is Daddy playing great? In response, the guy scornfully grinned and issued a kind of "Woo ...". - Bad, then ... And you yourself? The guy even raised his shoulders and became serious: he considers himself a player standing. Ivan Alekseevich felt irritation, but politely said goodbye, getting up . A member of the proposal, replaced by the NCC, can be easily identified, as, indeed, in the following example: - To ask any fisherman what fish he fished out, he will say the same about the minnow ... Then Ivan Alekseevich spread his arms wider than his shoulders and even spread his fingers . They all laughed in agreement .

These examples show the role of the NWCC in communication of people who are able to use the word to convey their thoughts. But a much stronger argument in favor of significant communicative possibilities of non-verbal means is the communication of people deprived of their language, that is, deaf-and-dumb our fellow citizens. Perhaps the reader has heard: “I met deaf people on the subway. They animatedly spoke with their hands. ” Yes, really, by hand. But at the same time, deaf people use two completely different systems of communication - gestural speech and fingerprinting. The dactile system has arisen on the basis of written communication, therefore we will be more interested in the spoken sign language of the deaf-and-dumb. Without going deep into deaf-and-dumb pedagogy, we only note that most gestures of conversational speech of the deaf have a pictorial nature. In this case, it turns out, you can depict such concepts as past tense (waving a hand over a shoulder), union (linked index fingers), rain (waving with brushes from top to bottom), etc. Thanks to gestural (non-verbal) speech, deaf people do not feel themselves rejected in society. They create their own societies, clubs. At their request, experts are invited to television - sign language interpreters, etc.

Deaf people successfully overcome their defect. Lack of hearing, they compensate for vision. After special training, they master the ability to “read” the statement on the lips of the speakers. However, there are people living among us, with whom nature has treated unusually cruel, depriving them not only of the ability to speak and hear speech, but also the ability to see the world around us - deaf-blind. It would seem that it could be more terrible than the lack of the ability to at least somehow communicate with their own kind ... In Zagorsk for many years there is a special educational institution - a boarding school for deaf and dumb children. In the introduction to our book, we already mentioned the name of the remarkable psychologist A. I. Meshcheryakov, who had worked at an orphanage for many years and summarized his unique teaching experience in his book.

Children who enter the boarding school resemble young youngsters: they bite, scratch. Of course, they cannot express their feelings and desires in any way, and there is no way to explain something to them either. But time passes, and the little savages are taught to first recognize their caregivers, who water, feed them, provide basic comfort and hygiene, and then begin to make attempts at communication. Long and hard, on the basis of conditioned reflexes, the tutor develops the first communication skills of the children. Learning deaf and dumb is like a miracle. It relies on touch and smell. The mastery of these elements of communication plays a huge role in the development of such a child. “The first special means of communication for him,” writes A. M. Meshcheryakov, “are gestures. With gestures the child designates objects, their functions, actions, elements of behavior. Mastering gestures is a necessary stage of a child’s speech development. ”

Without dwelling in detail on the peculiarities of the methodology for the education of the blind and deaf and dumb, we just say that they are able to achieve significant success in socially useful activities. We have already talked about the American writer Elena Keller, deaf-blind from birth. But you can remember and our compatriots. Доцент дефектологического факультета Ленинградского педагогического института слепоглухонемая Ольга Ивановна Скороходова, автор многих книг, читала студентам лекции при помощи слышащего и говорящего ассистента. Доктора психологических наук А. Сироткин и А. Суворов

- тоже бывшие воспитанники Загорского интерната. Более того, А. Суворов - автор сценария документального фильма «Капля росы», посвященного проблеме слепоглухоты. Только представьте себе - автор фильма, которого ему никогда не суждено увидеть. Все эти люди живут полноценной жизнью: работают, читают книги, газеты и журналы, переведенные на систему Брайля, имеют семью, воспитывают детей...

Мы полагаем, что изложенного выше достаточно, чтобы понять огромные выразительные возможности НВКК. Предлагается читателям самим убедиться в том, что жесты могут быть не только эмоциональными и указательными, но и описательными, изобразительными; что НВКК в виде пантомимы (на такие пантомимы мастера не. только Чарли Чаплин и Марсель Марсо, но и подростки, изображающие «в лицах и действиях» содержание захватывающего телефильма); что выразительная мимика и жестика, выразительная фонация (фонации в сотни раз больше, чем междометий, зафиксированных в самом большом словаре) - все это может быть точнее и экономичнее в коммуникации, чем словесное описание. Если верна старинная восточная пословица «Сколько ни повторяй слово "халва", во рту сладко не станет», то верно и то, что любящий взгляд близкого человека часто говорит нам куда больше, чем словесное уверение в дружбе, и любви. И если нам говорят «Очень рад вас видеть!» но при этом холодно протягивают нам руку (как Печорин Максиму Максимовичу) и обнаруживают печоринские глаза (они не улыбались, когда Печорин улыбался; значит, улыбка - не только «на губах»!), то мы не верим вежливым словам.

Само собой разумеется, что никакими жестами, никакой мимикой, никакой фонацией невозможно передать такую, например, мысль: «Прежде чем утверждать, что невербальные компоненты коммуникации не имеют особого значения для лингвистики, необходимо обратиться к наблюдениям и опыту: только они могут подтвердить верное и опровергнуть неверное мнение». Поэтому-то мы и написали на родном русском языке и эту главу, не пытаясь изобразить ее содержание мимически или жестами.


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Terms: Psycholinguistics