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Language and speech



1. The concepts of language and speech.

2. Relative signs of language and speech.

3. Functions of language and speech.

4. The ratio of speech and thinking.

1. Language is a socially designed system of signs, naturally arising in human society, which serves as the most important means of communication.

The sign system of a language consists in establishing the correspondence between the multitude of sounds (plan of expression) and the totality of values ​​(plan of content).

Language exists in two forms: sound and written. The sound form is primary in relation to writing.

Speech - this is a specific speaking, occurring in oral or written form, the implementation of which is carried out through the use of means of language.

The concept of “speech” is broader than the concept of “speech activity” in the sense that the first is commonly understood as the process of speaking itself (speech activity) and its result (speech work).

2. The question of the relationship between language and speech was raised in linguistics a long time ago. However, Ferdinand de Saussure distinguished these concepts most clearly in his “Course of General Linguistics”. After the publication of his work, many scientists devoted their research to this problem (A. Seshe, L. Elmslev, G. Guillaume, A. Smirnitsky, L. V. Scherba, and others).

Summarizing the correlative signs of language and speech, most often mentioned in the linguistic literature, we present them in the form of table 1 in order to more clearly demonstrate the difference between these concepts:

Table 1

Relative signs of language and speech



communication process

means of communication

contextually and contextually
(i.e. motivated)

independent of the situation, the situation of communication (ie, unmotivated)

intentional and aspiring
to a specific goal


material, concrete

perfect, abstract

unfolding in time
and realized in space

distracted from these parameters
of reality

can be correlated with the phenomena of reality and evaluated in terms of truth or falsity

truth evaluation does not apply

allows for elements of random
and disordered



relatively invariant (in a single period of existence)


has a level organization

Is infinite

is finite





dynamic, agile

static, stable


is objective



reflects the experience of the individual

captures the experience of the team


required (imperative)

3. The problem of the relationship between language functions and speech functions is solved differently by different linguists: some scholars use the term “function” in relation to the language, others to speech, and others resort to the term “speech functions”, then the term “language functions”. These terms can not be considered completely identical. Speech functions are not independent of language functions, i.e. independent: the specificity of the functions of language and speech is that language is defined as a means, and speech - as a process. Based on this, the following functions of language and speech can be distinguished:


1. Means of communication (depending on the addressee of communication, the following types of this function are distinguished: communicative (means of communication with people) and magical (means of communication with God or the forces of nature)).

2. A means of creating verbal artistic images.

3. Means of expression of emotions, internal states of a person and will.

4. A means of knowledge.

5. Means of generating new units of language subsystems.

6. Means of accumulation and storage of public experience and knowledge.


1. Implementation of the process of communication (types of functions: communicative (implementation of the process of communication with people) and magical (implementation of the process of communication with God or the forces of nature)).

2. Implementation of the process of creating artistic images, works (aesthetic function).

3. The implementation of the process of expression of emotions, internal states of man and will.

4. The implementation of the processes of knowledge.

5. Implementation of the processes of generating new units of language subsystems.

6. Implementation of the process of accumulation and storage of public experience and knowledge.

4. In the history of psychological studies of the problem of the relationship of thinking and speech, two completely opposite directions stand out: 1) the identification of thought and word; 2) their complete separation. LS made a significant contribution to the solution of this question. Vygotsky with his monograph Thinking and Speech, published in 1934.

L.S. Vygotsky considers thinking and speech not as separate human given, but as a whole - speech thinking . The unit of this integer is the meaning of the word. The meaning of a word can be viewed as a unity of communication (because a word is a means of communication) and generalization (because a word, calling not some single object, but the whole group (class) of objects, is a generalization). But the genetic roots of thinking and speech are different (this fact was established by research in the field of animal psychology).

In ontogenesis, as well as in phylogenesis, various roots and lines of thought and speech development are noted. However, in the development of the child’s thinking, one can distinguish the pre-speech stage, and in the development of speech, the pre-intellectual stage. At the age of about two years, the lines of development of the child’s speech and thinking intersect, and a tipping point begins, starting from which speech becomes intellectual and thought becomes speech. This moment is characterized by the fact that the child begins to actively expand its vocabulary.

L.S. Vygotsky pays special attention to internal speech, which is, as it were, in the position between thought and word.

The movement of thought is not identical to the unfolding of speech. The units of speech and thinking do not match. This means that thought and speech processes reveal unity, but not identity. Therefore, when understanding someone else's speech, it is always insufficient to understand only words alone, but not the thoughts of the interlocutor.


1. Avrorin V.A. Problems of studying the functional side of the language (on the subject of sociolinguistics). - L .: Science, Leningr. Dep., 1975. - 276 p.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Selected psychological studies. Thinking and speaking. Problems of psychological development of the child / Ed. A.N. Leontiev and A.R. Luria. - M .: Publishing house of the APS of RSFSR, 1956. - 519 p.

3. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech // Chrestomathy on general psychology. Psychology of thinking / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.V. Petukhov. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow. University, 1981. - p. 153-175.

4. Vygotsky L.S. Collected Works: In 6 tons. - T. 2. Problems of General Psychology / Ed. V.V. Davydov. - M .: Pedagogy, 1982. - 504 p.

5. Guillaume G. Principles of theoretical linguistics. - M .: Progress, 1992. - 224 p.

6. Elmslev L. Language and speech // Zvegintsev V.A. The history of linguistics of the XIX - XX centuries in the essays and extracts. - Part II. - M .: Education, 1965. - p. 111-120.

7. Leontiev A.A. Functions and forms of speech / / Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity / Otv. ed. A.A. Leontyev. - M .: Science, 1974. - p. 241-254.

8. Nemov R.S. Psychology: A textbook for students of higher. ped. educational institutions: In 2 kN. - Prince. 1. General principles of psychology. - M .: Enlightenment: Vlados, 1994. - 576 p.

9. Seshe A. Three Sosyur linguistics // Zvegintsev V.A. The history of linguistics of the XIX - XX centuries in the essays and extracts. - Part II. - M .: Education, 1965. - p. 60-84.

10. Smirnitsky A.I. Objectivity of the existence of language / Under total. ed. V.A. Zvegintsev. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow. University, 1954. - 34 p.

11. Saussure Ferdinand de. Works on linguistics (translated from French. Lang.) / Ed. A.A. Kholodovicha. - M .: Progress, 1977. - 696 p.

12. Toroptsev I.S. Language and speech. - Voronezh: Voronezh publishing house. University, 1985. - 200 p.

13. Shcherba L.V. Language system and speech activity. - L .: Science, Leningr. Dep., 1974. - 428 p.


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Terms: Psycholinguistics