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2. The mechanism of semantic perception of speech utterance


The mechanism of semantic speech perception is quite concisely and at the same time informatively discussed in the works of I.A. Winter (91, 95, etc.). The main position of the concept of speech perception presented in them, developed by I.А. Winter together with N.I. Zhinkin, is as follows. On the basis of recognition, the “identification” of each word of a speech utterance, the listener makes a conclusion on the semantic link (syntagma, two-word combination), and then on the connections between the semantic links, after which the phase of “meaning formulating” is implemented, this perceptual-mental work and its translation into one whole, undifferentiated unit of understanding is the general meaning of the perceived message ”(91, p. 32–33).

Consider in this regard, some features of the perception of the whole text.

A comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms of perception of the whole text was conducted by A.S. Stern (261). In the studies of this author, the concept of a "set of keywords" (as a result of the semantic "compression" of the text) and its use as a support for the recovery of the text is presented. “Keywords” are a kind of microtext, organized, like any text, both linearly and hierarchically, and display the general semantic organization of the source text.

For the process of perception of the text, the same regularities are characteristic as for the perception of a separate utterance. When perceiving a text, as a rule, a probabilistic forecasting mechanism is also involved . The recipient focuses on the author's markers, clarifying the "semantics" of speech statements (phonological, lexical, intonational-expressive, pause, etc.), the listener or reader analyzes the semantic content of the text based on its apperception (conscious targeted perception), etc.

However, the perception of the text is much more complicated than the perception of a single statement. With the perception of the expanded speech utterance, the text as a whole is recreated in the mind of a person from successively replacing each other fragments of perceived speech, relatively finished in terms of meaning. The structural-semantic projection of the text arising from the listener or the reader is the result of the inclusion of the content of the text in the conceptual “semantic field” of the recipient (64, 83, etc.).

Famous Russian psycholinguist A.A. Brudnyi defines the process of understanding the text as a consistent change in the structure of a situation recreated in the mind and the process of moving the mental center of the situation from one element to another. As a result of the process of understanding the text, according to A.A. To Brudniy, a certain “picture” of a general meaning is formed, or the so-called “concept of the text” (30, 31).

According to A.A. Leontiev, “understanding the text is the process of translating the meaning of this text into any other form of its consolidation” (133, p. 141). As an example, one can cite the process of paraphrase, retelling the same thought in other words. It can also be a process of semantic compression, as a result of which a mini-text is formed that embodies the main content of the source text — abstract, abstract, summary, set of keywords. This includes the process of forming conclusions, and the process of forming an emotional assessment of the event, etc. (ibid., P. 141).

In this connection, AA Leontiev considers it expedient to use the concept of the image of the text content (129, 133).

The image of the content of the text A.A. Leontiev describes as the process of understanding itself, taken from its substantive side. A special case of the formation of the image of the content is the inference derived from the analysis of the text. The image of the content of the text is characterized by objectivity and dynamism, which is well illustrated by the given example. “It’s impossible to imagine,” writes A.A. Leontyev, is a static, “point” image of the content of “War and Peace”, or Darwinian's “Origin of Species”, or, finally, Dostoevsky's speech at the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow. But you can, after reading a friend's letter, feel that he has something unfavorable. You can briefly summarize for themselves newspaper information in one phrase (which is usually made in the header information). Thus, the texts are functionally unequal in terms of ways of understanding them, but even such a static, point-like image is only a special case of a developed, dynamic image ”(133, p. 142). The perception of the text is subject to the general laws of speech perception, and the image of the content of the text is a substantive image. Behind the text - “the changing world of events, situations, ideas, feelings, motives, human values ​​- the real world that exists outside and before the text (or created by the author’s imagination” (ibid., Pp. 142–143).


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