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Pathopsycholinguistics studies pathological abnormalities in the formation and course of speech processes under conditions of incompleteness or disintegration of a personality.


The state of emotional tension arises in cases when a person is forced to make a responsible decision in the conditions of lack of time. In this case, it is possible both a substantial increase and a decrease in the volume of speech; the voice can be broken; speeds up speech speed; pronunciation may become more distinct; increases the number of pauses by 50%; speech is interrupted by sighs and phrases are not completed. The number of nouns and verbs increases in comparison with adjectives and adverbs. Violations in the syntactic structure of phrases bring it closer to the telegraphic style; there are semantically irrelevant repetitions and ambiguities.

Shorter words with the highest frequency in the language are selected. The number of parasitic words, neologisms and paraphasias (erroneous uses of words) is increasing. Words appear with the meaning of semantic non-exclusiveness ("allness terms") - forever, always, never, no one . etc. Speech is characterized, on the one hand, by greater sharpness in the assessments, on the other hand, by indecision.

A person's speech in altered states of consciousness - in extreme external conditions (in the highlands, in the smelting shop, etc.), under alcoholic and narcotic intoxication, in a hypnotic state - is also characterized by a decrease in the diversity of the lexicon, stereotyping of speech, simplification of syntax, increase in , erosion of the integrity of speech, the whole destabilization of linguistic consciousness.


Human speech in the pathologies of personality, consciousness, and higher mental functions is also the subject of study of pathopsycholinguistics. As early as 1949 G. Zipf showed that there are quantitative differences between texts written by healthy people and mentally ill people.

In the works on psychiatric linguistics there is a lot of evidence on how a person’s speech changes during accentuation (enhancing certain mental properties or character traits) and psychopathy (significant disorganization of mental activity). With paranoia, a person prefers to write words with capital letters; more often they use passive constructions to express their ideas and feelings; often talk about themselves; syntax is characterized by some violation of connectivity (freestanding sentences). With epileptoidism, reduced style, viscosity of speech, words with diminutive suffixes appear. In a state of depression, a person may completely refuse to communicate (mutism), and with manic behavior, his speech may be characteristic of his speech. "verbal diarrhea," he can construct delusional structures, speak loudly and sing too loudly, a lot of associations arise in consonance, the speech contains rhyming words. The speech of the hysteroid can be deceitful, replete with the retelling of other words and adjectives with the meaning of emotions. The speech of a schizophrenic is abstract, pseudoscientific and not oriented towards the interlocutor; it can be phonetically monotonous and contain words spoken by the interlocutor (echolalia) or meaningless shouting of the same word (verbigeration).


Scientists who have studied speech disorders (defects and disorders) have also contributed to the development of psycholinguistics. The fact that damage to the brain entailed speech disorders, allows us to speak about a certain localization of the centers of generation and perception of speech.

P. Brock in 1861 opened the center of speech in the human brain (Broca's zone), which is located in the back of the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere. People who are affected by the Broca area understand speech, but with great difficulty they can organize words into phrases. The second center of speech is located in the temporal lobe of the left hemisphere (opened by K. Vernik in 1874). In patients with a lesion of the Wernicke zone, their own speech is preserved, but the perception of someone else's speech is difficult. Both speech zones coexist with more general areas of activity: the motor center (for Broca's zone) and auditory (for the Wernicke zone).

Speech disorders

In local lesions of the left cerebral cortex and in some mental illnesses, speech impairment such as aphasia may occur. Aphasia is a systemic impairment of speech and is not a violation of an already formed speech. There are 6 types of aphasia: efferent motor, dynamic, afferent motor, acoustic-gnostic sensory, acoustic-mnemonic sensory, semantic.

Efferent aphasia causes disintegration of the grammar of a statement and the difficulty of switching from one word (or syllable) to another due to the inertia of speech stereotypes.

For dynamic aphasia, difficulties in constructing a coherent utterance are characteristic, with relative preservation of the motor and sensory components of speech. The patient can repeat words, understand speech, but the ability to speak with phrases is impaired - there is no coherence. He cannot transcode the general idea into a speech utterance scheme, he cannot plan his speech. Speaks predominantly nouns (telegraph style). There is a difficulty in actualizing the words for actions. Retelling a fairy tale, such a patient says: Here ... the owner had a chicken ... and golden eggs ... and he killed her ... here.

For afferent motor aphasia, violation of the sound selection link is characteristic (the robe is pronounced like a hanat or a house , the house is like a scrap or volume ). Spontaneous speech may be completely absent, the dialogical speech is grossly disturbed and is characterized by echolalia — a simple repetition of the words of the interlocutor — or ecopraxia — a person mechanically repeats after the interlocutor of the movement. These types of aphasia occur with lesions in the Broca zones.

With acoustic-gnostic sensory aphasia, there is a loss of the ability to understand the sound side of speech. Impaired oral speech memory, i.e. the relationship between sound composition and the meaning of a word. Different words may sound the same for a patient ( tail like a nail , bone or cane ).

Acoustic-mnemonic sensory aphasia is a violation of the volume of speech information retention, its inhibition. This leads to difficulties in understanding long, complex statements.

Semantic aphasia is a symptom complex characterized by a violation of the understanding of the meaning of grammatically complex phrases, relationships between words expressed using flexions, attribute constructions ( father, brother are separately understood, and father’s brother, father’s brother are not) a pencil to the right of the fork and to the left of the pen ), comparative constructions ( Kohl is higher than Misha and lower than Vasya. Which one is the tallest? ). Difficulties also arise in the understanding of complex syntactic constructions expressing cause-and-effect, temporal and spatial relations, implicated and participial circulations.

In general, the speech of aphatics is characterized by the poverty of the vocabulary, they rarely use adjectives, adverbs, descriptive words, almost do not use and do not understand proverbs, sayings.

There is also aphasia in polyglots - the loss of one of the languages ​​known to man.


Speech disorders are also referred to as speech disorders. Some of them are associated with voice. Alalia - lack of speech due to a violation of its development or an organic lesion. Dysphonia (or aphonia) - lack of phonation due to violations of the vocal apparatus. There is no sonorous voice while preserving whisper speech. Rhinolalia (nasal) - a violation of the tone of voice and sound, due to the anatomical and physiological defects of the speech apparatus. The second group of speech defects includes violations of the tempo-rhythmic organization of statements.

Stuttering (logoneurosis) is a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech. It is due to the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus. Stuttering manifests itself in two forms. Development stuttering is observed in early childhood, when the child still speaks poorly, has many articulation defects, but at the same time they talk a lot with him and teach him difficult words and phrases. Reactive stuttering develops as a reaction to some kind of strong impact (fright, trauma, severe family conflicts or long-lasting debilitating diseases).

Changes in non-convulsive nature include bradilalium (manifested in the slow implementation of the articulation speech program) and tachilalia (manifested in the accelerated rhythmization of the articulation speech program; associated with the predominance of the human arousal process).

Dysarthria , a disorder of articulation, slurred speech, and dyslalia (tongue-tied), a violation of sound pronunciation during normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus, belong to violations of the sound-permissive organization. The most common defects in the pronunciation of the sound [p] and [p '] and [s].

Hearing impairment refers to hearing loss . Among the violations of writing, dyslexia (dislexia) is noted - a violation of the reading process, which manifests itself in difficulties in recognizing and recognizing letters, and disgraphia (dislgraphia) - a violation of the ability to write correctly.


In pathopsycholinguistics, speech disorders associated with congenital or acquired disorders of the sensory systems are studied - mainly speech features in the deaf and deaf-and-dumb. There are two types of deaf-and-dumb language - sign and letter. Sign language is characterized by such semantic syntax, in which there is no rigid division of characters into categories corresponding to grammatical classes. Objects, faces and actions in mimic language in most cases are absent. The special designations of the action and the instruments of action ( ax, hack ) are denoted in the same way; there are no differences between the subject of the action, the sign of the subject and the action, denoted in Russian by single-root words ( clean - clean - clean ); in some cases, there is no indication of the action and the object on which the action is directed (to milk - milk ), the action and the object designating the place of action (to wash - the bath ). This lack of grammatical classes in mimic speech is associated with its high situational nature. In the context of pathopsycholinguistics, one can also speak about speech disorders in case of mental retardation - oligophrenia. For children with early organic disorders characterized by underdevelopment or lack of speech. Recently, much attention has been paid to curing children with attention disorders (ADD - attention defecit disorder), in which the ability to keep attention on the content of speech is reduced.


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Terms: Psycholinguistics