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Psycholinguistics as a science. Speech activity


1. Psycholinguistics is a science that studies the psychological and linguistic aspects of human speech activity, social and psychological aspects of the use of language in the process of speech communication and individual speech-thinking activity.

2. The main subject of research in psycholinguistics is speech activity as a specifically human type of activity, its psychological content, structure, methods and forms of implementation, functions implemented.

Another important subject of the study of psycholinguistics is language as the main means of performing speech and speech-thinking activity, the function of the main signs of the language in the processes of speech communication.

The third subject of research in psycholinguistics is speech as a way of implementing speech activity.

The presence of not one, but three subjects of study of psycholinguistics at once is determined by the specifics of this science: psycholinguistics is a synthetic, complex science that arose as a result of a unique and peculiar combination of two ancient sciences of human civilization - psychology and linguistics (the science of language).

3. The concept of speech activity was first introduced in Russian psychology by L.S. Vygotsky . The site says about it. Then the activity-based approach to the study and teaching of speech was developed in the works of A.N. Leontyev, N.I. Zhinkina, A.A. Leontiev, I.A. Winter, etc.

Speech activity is an active, purposeful process of creating and perceiving utterances, carried out using linguistic means during the interaction of people in various communication situations. The subject of speech activity is thought; means - language; the way used in this activity is speech; product - a statement ( text ); the result is a response from the interlocutor or understanding (and, possibly, misunderstanding) of the author's thoughts .

The main concepts identified by scientists in the theory of activity are the following: "activity", "action", "operation".

The concept of activity is necessarily associated with the concept of motive. There is no activity without motive. With regard to speech activity, one can speak about motive only with a few remarks. A person implements speech activity not in order to carry out the process of speaking or writing, but in order to communicate something, to influence someone, etc. Speech in this case is not an end in itself; ordinary utterances do not have a proper speech motive. In other words, the motive of speech lies not in the area of ​​speech activity itself, but in the area of ​​higher-rank activity - communicative, and, therefore, talking about speech activity can only be if we consider speech in the framework of communication activity.

Any activity is carried out using a system of actions . Just as activity is related to motive, action is related to a specific goal, which is subordinated to the motive of activity. And the ways of doing things are operations . Operations, in turn, correlate with certain conditions for the implementation of the action. If these conditions change, then the operational composition of the action also changes.

4. In any activity, one can distinguish the same structural components. It has four stages: a) the stage of orientation in the conditions of activity; b) the stage of developing a plan in accordance with the results of orientation; c) the stage of implementation (implementation) of this plan; d) the stage of comparing the obtained result with the plan, i.e. control stage. It is these stages (phases) that are included in the structure and speech activity (actions).

Indicative stage. At this stage, the speaker or writer must navigate the communication situation (determine its features, thereby marking the style of the future product of speech activity), and also realize the topic and main idea of ​​his statement. Five sides of the orientation of speech action are distinguished: 1) orientation to the subject of the message, 2) orientation to the language as an objective system of means of communication, 3) orientation or assessment by the speaker of how much the subject of the message is personally significant, 4) orientation or assessment of the adequacy of the chosen linguistic means for solving a specific communicative task, 5) focusing on the addressee of speech - taking into account his features and capabilities.

Planning stage. At this stage, the content of the forthcoming statement is considered, microthemes and the sequence of their disclosure are outlined. The result of this stage is the drawing up of a plan (mental or written).

Implementation stage. This is the implementation of the plan in external speech with the help of linguistic means, the use of which is subordinated to the topic, main idea and style of expression. This implementation is provided by the following mechanisms : a) word selection, b) transition from a program to its implementation, c) grammatical prediction, d) enumeration and comparison of syntactic options, e) consolidation and reproduction of grammatical rules.

Control stage. This is a comparison of the product, the result of speech activity (action) with its motive (goal). In the event of their discrepancy, an operational check of speech actions is required in order to find and correct mistakes and shortcomings.


1. Aidarova L.I. Psychological problems of teaching Russian to primary schoolchildren. - M .: Pedagogika, 1978 .-- 144 p.

2. Zhinkin N.I. Psychological foundations of speech development // In defense of the living word: Collection of articles / Comp. Korovina V.Ya. - M .: Education, 1966 .-- S. 5-25.

3. Zhinkin N.I. Speech as a conductor of information. - M .: Nauka, 1982 .-- 158 p.

4. Zimnyaya I.A. Speech activity and psychology of speech // Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity / Ed. A.A. Leontiev. - M .: Nauka, 1974 .-- S. 64-72.

5. Kapinos V.I. Work on the development of students' speech in the light of the theory of speech activity // Russian language in school, 1978, No. 4. - P. 58-66.

6. Kashkin VB Basics of communication theory. - M .: AST: East - West, 2007 .-- 256 p.

7. Kovshikov V.A., Glukhov V.P. Psycholinguistics. The theory of speech activity. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2007 .-- 318 p.

8. Leontiev A.A. Speech activity // Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity / Otv. ed. A.A. Leontiev. - M .: Nauka, 1974 .-- S. 21-28.

9. Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M .: Education, 1969 .-- 214 p.

10. Leontiev A.N. General concept of activity // Foundations of the theory of speech activity / Otv. ed. A.A. Leontiev. - M .: Nauka, 1974 .-- S. 5-20.

created: 2015-07-24
updated: 2024-11-15

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Terms: Psycholinguistics