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1. The formation of speech activity in ontogenesis


Over the past century and a half, features of speech formation in ontogenesis have been studied by many researchers - psychologists, linguists, educators, defectologists, physiologists, and representatives of other sciences, within whose framework speech activity is studied from different perspectives. Among the works of domestic scientists should first of all be called research LS. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, S.L. Rubinstein, F.A. Sokhina, G.L. Rosengard-Pupko, PM Boskis, and others. The research of linguistic specialists in children's speech defines the main sequence of its formation: from the babbling stage to seven to nine years (A.N. Gvozdev, N.I. Lepskaya, S.N. Tseitlin, A M. Shakhnarovich [53, 139, 247, 253, etc.]).

In psycholinguistics, the laws governing the formation of speech activity in ontogenesis are the subject of special study; recently, they have constituted a separate area of ​​this science - developmental psycholinguistics. For several decades of the existence of psycholinguistics, within the framework of various scientific schools, several theoretical concepts were created in which an attempt was made to reveal the general patterns of the child’s mastery of language and skills of speech activity from psycholinguistic positions. The most objective and scientifically grounded concept of the laws governing the formation of speech activity in ontogenesis, in our opinion, is the theoretical model developed by A.A. Leontiev (117, 125, 133, etc.). A detailed critical analysis of the psycholinguistic models of speech ontogenesis, developed by foreign experts, is also given in his works.

Ontogenesis of language ability is a complex interaction, on the one hand, the process of communication between adults and children, on the other - the process of development of the child’s subject and cognitive activity.


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Terms: Psycholinguistics