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3. The relationship of psycholinguistics and linguistics


In addition to psychology, psycholinguistics (and within its framework the theory of speech activity) is closely connected with the second science forming it - linguistics.

Linguistics (linguistics) is traditionally understood as the science of language - the main means of communication, social communication. Moreover, its subject, as a rule, is not clearly defined (133, p. 21). It is obvious that the object of linguistics is speech activity (speech acts, speech reactions). But the linguist singles out in her that common thing that is in the organization of any speech of any person in any situation, that is, those means without which it is impossible to imagine the internal structure of the speech act. The subject of linguistics is a system of language tools used in speech communication (communication). At the same time, in general linguistics , emphasis is placed on the systematic character of these means characterizing the structure of any language, [13] and in applied linguistics, on the individual specifics of a particular language (Russian, German, Chinese, etc.).

The main trends in the development of modern linguistics are as follows.

First of all, the very interpretation of the concept “language” has changed. If earlier linguistic means were in the center of interests of the linguist (i.e., sound, grammatical, lexical), now it has become obvious that all these language means are “formal operators” with the help of which a person performs the process of communication by attaching them to system of values ​​of signs of language and receiving meaningful and complete text (message). But this very concept of meaning goes beyond the limits of verbal communication: it acts as the main cognitive (cognitive) unit that forms the figurative perception of the world by man and as such is part of various cognitive schemes, reference images, typical cognitive situations , etc. Thus, the value, which used to be one of the many concepts of linguistics, is increasingly becoming its main, key concept (1, 165, etc.).

Another important subject of study of modern linguistics is the “nature” of the text - the basic and universal unit of speech communication. And psycholinguistics is increasingly interested in the texts, their specific structure, variability, and functional specialization.

As indicated by A.A. Leontiev, psycholinguistics has the closest links with general linguistics (general linguistics). In addition, it constantly interacts with sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics and applied linguistics, especially with the part that deals with computational linguistics.

Thus, psycholinguistics is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge about the laws of formation in ontogenesis and the formed processes of speech activity in the system of various types of human activity.

In this manual, the problems and aspects of modern psycholinguistics (both theoretical and applied), which, in our opinion, are of decisive importance for the professional training of a correctional teacher (primarily a speech therapist) are selected as a subject for coverage. The sections of psycholinguistics chosen by us contain those theoretical and subject-methodological knowledge that form the basis of the training of a specialist engaged in the formation and correction of the speech of children and adults in general and speech diontogenesis.

For acquaintance with the content of those sections of psycholinguistics, which are not decisive for the “subject” professional training of a teacher-defectologist, but rather perform a general cognitive function, expanding and supplementing the knowledge gained by students in studying the disciplines “Human Psychology” and “General Linguistics "(For example: ethnopsycholinguistics, psycho-poetics, psycholinguistics in engineering psychology, etc.), we refer our readers to the educational and scientific-popular literature of domestic specialties Alista, which was published in the last decade, and especially to the works of AA Leontiev (131, 133, 194, 236, etc.).

Psycholinguistics is a relatively young science, most recently (2003) it turned fifty years old. For science, it is almost an “infantile” age, the most initial period of its formation and development. However, despite such a “young age” and the “growing pains” that are inevitable for this period of development of any science, psycholinguistics at the beginning of the new millennium is a fairly well-established area of ​​scientific knowledge. This is determined by two main factors.

Firstly, by the fact that the basis of this new science was the two oldest areas of scientific knowledge, which transferred to it their achievements in the most important sections of the study. So, from psychology to psycholinguistics (of course, in a transformed form) included such sections of human psychology as psychology of speech, psychology of communication, partially - age, pedagogical and social psychology, as well as fundamental theoretical concepts: the theory of activity, the theory of sign and symbolic activity, communication theory and others. From linguistics in psycholinguistics the “arsenal” of scientific knowledge of structural linguistics, general linguistics, practical linguistics (theory and methods of teaching native and foreign languages), semiotics and (almost) the text linguistics is used.

Secondly, psycholinguistics, until its emergence and establishment as an independent field of scientific knowledge, has its own rather long and eventful history.


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