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The production of speech in different communicative conditions


The stages of the formation of statements, described in the previous section of this chapter, give only the most general ideas about the nature of speech generation. Speech activity is as diverse as the social existence of native speakers. Different situations of communication, different styles and genres of speech involve the use of dissimilar ways of turning thought into a word. Differences in the goals and objectives of communication require the speaker to change the strategy of speech behavior, speech activity. One thing is informal conversation with a close friend, another is spontaneous speech in parliament; one thing - a note with an invitation to the cinema, another - a report at a scientific conference or a diploma essay. The generation and semantic perception of a speech work (discourse) in different communicative situations relies on unequal speech and thought mechanisms. Differences lead to a variety of types of verbal (discursive) thinking, which we use in our speech practice.

Our everyday everyday communication makes extensive use of clichéd, stereotypical speech blocks that serve frequently repeated communicative situations. When we meet a friend, a friend, we say: “Hello!”, “How are you!”, “How is life young?”. In response, we hear: “Hello!”, “It's all right!”, “Life is in full swing!”, Etc. Such formulas, of course, do not imply complex transcoding in the internal speech from the CPC to the verbal code. They emerge in the mind of the speaker on the principle of "stimulus - reaction." The communicative dialogue (speech genre “chatter”) between interlocutors who are well-known to each other develops according to the associative principle. His movement usually proceeds by “slipping” from one topic to another. The participants of communication here understand the statements addressed to them from half a word, relying widely on the general situation of speech. In this type of communication there is no need to use expanded, grammatically

correct designs. This kind of speech is close to internal speech.

At the other extreme of speech diversity is written speech . First of all, this speech requires additional knowledge in the area of ​​the symbolic embodiment (recoding) of oral expression in an alphanumeric text, which presupposes that the writer / reader has special skills and abilities (literacy). In addition, it is a speech without an interlocutor. It does not have additional (non-verbal) ways to transfer information and can rely only on the fullest use of grammatical means of language communication. However, on the other hand, written language does not know a temporary shortage. In this form of speech communication laid the possibility of monitoring and adjusting, correcting written.

A special type of verbal communication is spontaneous oral monologue speech (public speech). Generally speaking, a rich, informative and expressive spontaneous monologic speech is the ultimate pilotage of human development. And, by the way, it is precisely to such a speech that the demand in our society is now increasing. This type of speech activity, on the one hand, has all the features of speech monologue, that is, it relies on a single plan, a semantic program, which forces the speaker to control the formation of the utterance, not allowing him to slip to the side on an associative principle. On the other hand, this type of communication takes place in the conditions of temporary Deficiency, when the formation of a plan and its unfolding into external speech takes place practically simultaneously (simultaneously).

Different types of speech use different models of generating statements. For example, conversational dialogue, which makes extensive use of additional communication channels (non-verbal components) and relies on the commonality of the communication situation, most often resorts to clichéd, sometimes truncated abbreviations and de-grammaticalized forms that emerge in the linguistic consciousness as ready-made reactions to typical situations. Speech is written for the unfolding of the concept in the text needs a complete model in which all elements follow each other in a linear sequence. Finally, spontaneous monologic speech, having all the informative features based on visual

contact (non-verbal components), makes the speaker high demands in the field of connectivity and integrity of the speech work. This type of speech presupposes that a speaking person has a well-formed apparatus of internal speech, which makes it possible to perform complex operations in a matter of a few seconds to transform thought into a verbal text.

Of course, the variety of types of speech activity and speech behavior is not limited to the three varieties described above. Growing up, a person masters a multitude of psycholinguistic strategies and tactics of unfolding design into speech, that is, different types of discursive thinking. One of the difficulties that he faces in his speech practice is to move from one model of generating a statement to another. The habit of one type of communication often leads to the transfer of speech-generating skills inherent in a particular type of speech thinking to other linguistic spheres. And this, in turn, leads to various kinds of violations and errors. The most illustrative example in this sense is the influence of verbal and spoken communication on written speech. Let us recall at least the record made by one of the heroes of the famous Chekhov's "Complaint Book":

"Driving up to this station, looking at nature through the window, my hat fell off."

There are many similar violations in the written work of schoolchildren and applicants. Let us give examples from school essays.

"Having arrived at the collective farm, it was difficult for Davydov."

"The environment is very imprinted on the character of Sophia, she is young and inexperienced."

"He sought and achieved his goal."

The grammatical nature of these phrases, incoherence and incompleteness are predetermined by the impact of oral speech. So, for example, colloquial speech avoids the use of book (participle and additional participatory) turns, “abuses” personal pronouns, can be rebuilt in the course of constructing a phrase, etc. The habit of writing, “as you say,” lack of control and self-correction in the process of generating written text leads to speech shortcomings in the use of lexical and grammatical resources of the native language. Sometimes these shortcomings acquire the character of ridiculous "bloopers" like "you can't think up on purpose". Any language teacher has a “collection” of

pearls. We give examples from the exam papers of applicants.

"Walking Rakhmetov walked the whole of Russia."

"Bazarov loved to cut frogs and Anna Odintsova."

"Onegin was a secular man: he only urinated with spirits."

"Our Far Eastern birches are standing like brides in a wedding shroud."

"Every household utensil walked around the yard."

"The comedy of Griboyedov during his lifetime was not written."

A more detailed study of the influence of oral speech on written texts can be found in the book by O. B. Sirotinina, Russian Conversation (1983).

However, not only oral speech can influence the writing. It happens, although much less often, the process is reversed. It happens that people who, by the nature of their occupation, deal with written texts, especially with various kinds of documents, transfer the laws of generating written text into their spoken language. This kind of speech behavior deficiency is also characteristic of some teachers with many years of experience. Oral speech of such speakers is usually characterized by intonational monotony. She uses expanded grammatical book constructions that are not typical of conversational Communication and causes unconscious protest among the listeners. KI Chukovsky called such speech behavior the word "clerical". He rightly considered him one of the language diseases, no less dangerous than, for example, illiteracy and rudeness.

The absurdity of using a clerk in everyday communication is clearly visible in O. Lyubchenko's humor "How damage to a good mood is allowed." Let's give it a start.

Having accomplished my return home from work, I did some work on taking off my hat and shoes, dressing up in pajamas and slippers, and sitting down with a newspaper in a chair. Wife during this period implemented a number of activities aimed at cleaning potatoes, cooking meat, sweeping the floor and washing dishes.

After some time, she began to loudly raise the question of the inadmissibility of my non-participation in the events she named.

To this, I made a categorical statement about the unwillingness of hearing claims on this issue in view of


the implementation by me at the moment, after the end of the working day, of my legal right to deserved rest.

However, the wife did not draw appropriate conclusions from my words and did not stop her irresponsible statements, which, in particular, reflected such a moment as my lack of a number of positive qualities, such as: conscience, decency, shame, and so on. during her speech, and at the end of it, I was assigned to assigning to me the names of various animals that are in the personal use of workers and collective farmers ...

The extreme degree of clerical speech thinking of our contemporaries - Newspeak. This term came to the science of language from the well-known science fiction dystopia novel “1984” by the English writer J. Orwell.

Newspeak is a sublanguage, born in the depths of the offices of the party nomenclature and implanted as a product of totalitarian "socialist hermeneutics" in the times we now call stagnant, turned into a special way, or type, of discursive thinking. As a stylistic education, the newspeak combines in its discourses a complete lack of personal beginnings and directiveness ( do not enter without a report; do not litter on the territory; violators of order are fined; depositors are served out of turn; there is an opinion; there is a question; the problem is solved, etc. ) eliminates any evaluation and analytical registers (suggesting reflection, understanding the transmitted information) and at the same time implants the value blinders of stereotypical perception. With the system of speech forms, the Newspeak introduced into the mind of the speaker an idea of ​​a certain “higher authority”, an intention from above, non-personalized, but incontestable; will, which actuates and controls the mechanism of social interaction of people. Everyone is obliged to submit to the imperative, the dictates of the newspeak, whose picture of the world appears once and for all frozen, not subject to any evolution and development. That is why the verb forms denoting proceduralism do not like news tales, successively replacing them, where possible, with nominal forms ( making a trip; conducting an educational process; walking dogs; dustbin in a bath, etc.)

The task of the newspeak is to create an ideological prism through linguistic means through which a person must perceive the world around it (it included established speed,

slogans, clichés, asserting the value coordinates of the linguistic model of the world: religion is opium for the people; the people and the party are one; mad dogs of the bourgeoisie; the bright future of communism; decaying capitalism, etc. ). All this led to the semantic (semantic) polarization of the thesaurus, in which the vocabulary is stratified into positive ( socialist, proletarian, atheism, Soviet, materialistic, etc. ) and negative ( capitalist, bourgeois, religious, idealism, etc. ).

Another feature of this sublanguage is its totalitarian aggressiveness. Much of the idiomatic expressions came to the Newspeak from the military’s speech ( adopt; take up positions; include in the arsenal; reflect the situation; get out of the trenches; stand up; lay down the weapons; declare war (any phenomenon); fight for academic performance; advanced frontiers, the front, the battle for the harvest, and many others.,). This kind of usage introduces a militarized attitude to the mind of the carrier of the newspeak. It forms a picture of the world, in which there is a constant readiness for conflict, for confrontation with the fact that it does not fit into the value system of official ideology. Newspeak whispers ready-made assessments of perceived texts, zombies a linguistic personality into aggressive intolerance towards dissent; he also suggests complete clichés, blocks containing evaluative semi-official judgments, subordinating a person, paralyzing his will in committing important socially significant actions.

The changes that have occurred in our country have reduced the nutritional ground for the development of this pseudo-literary sublanguage. However, as E. A. Zemskaya quite rightly says, “the Newspeak does not immediately leave the stage. Many people still could not “break his bonds and start talking and writing in a fresh language.” Newspeak is capable of social mimicry: it migrates from the party office cabinets into the corridors of the new government, shackling the idea of ​​a new nomenclature. However, the speech of people educated, cultural newspeak goes. And parting with him is accompanied by ridicule: the newspeak is transformed from a sublanguage of serious formal business communication into a source of subculture (we will talk about it a little later), where its expressions become more and more parody.

In the opinion of modern linguists and psychologists, the newspeek in modern everyday communication may be present in different functions: 1) as an essential element of the language game; 2) as a fact of a new bureaucratic language, taking much from the past; 3) as a relic of the Soviet mentality in the speech thinking of our compatriots.

There are much more speech generation models than we can give in our book. In fact, each communicative situation imposes on the speaker his or her own special requirements for speech generation, each speech genre differs from other genres in the nature of the formation of the statement. Human speech culture is precisely the ability to restructure from one type of discursive thinking to another, corresponding to the genre norms of social and speech interaction of people.


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