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Part 1. Psycholinguistic theories of speech production


The problem of speech generation is among the "key" in psycholinguistics. This is largely due to the fact that in most psycholinguistic schools (both domestic and foreign), the processes of generation and perception of speech statements are considered as the main subject of the study of psycholinguistics. Scientists working in this field of science offer various options for scientific interpretation of speech generation processes. Some researchers, in particular C. Osgood, M. Garrett, E. Bates, B. Mc-Winnie, T.V. Akhutin and others (13, 315, 272, and others) proposed not one, but several “models” of the process of generating speech, the total number of which is several dozen. [216] A rather comprehensive review and scientific analysis of these models was made by A.A. Leontiev and T.V. Akhutina (13, 119, etc.). [217]

At the same time, the needs of the practice of speech therapy work determine the need to choose a conceptual “model” of speech generation, which could be used as a “basic” theoretical model for the method of “speech” work. According to TV Akhutina, as a “basic” model of speech generation, a conceptual scheme-model developed by A.A. Leontiev (119, 133, etc.); its distinguishing features are the harmonic combination of deep scientific analysis and relative simplicity, clarity of presentation of the subject content, integrity and a clear structural structure. According to TV Akhutina, A.A. Leontiev is in the full sense of this word a “promising”, “open” model, since on its basis over the past three decades several new interesting models have been created in domestic and foreign psycholinguistics (13).


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Terms: Psycholinguistics