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TEXT PRAGMATICS, bibliotherapy


TEXT PRAGMATICS is one of the aspects of the text as a sign education, fixing the relationship between the text and the subjects of textual activity (ie, the addressee, the author and the addressee, the reader). Traditionally P.T. assumed consideration of the reader’s communicative interests and respect for the fundamental principles of speech communication. The addressee of a classical artistic message, as a rule, followed the principles of text-building, designed to provide the reader with a more or less effective understanding: according to these principles, the text should have signs of local and global connectivity, provide the potential addressee with an opportunity to perform a consistent reference and unambiguous identification of individuals taking into account the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the background knowledge of the reader, etc. P.T. in postmodern, it is often modeled in a completely different way: the author can either dramatically expand the reader’s communicative rights, giving him not only complete freedom of interpretation, but also the opportunity to participate in generating the text; or, offering the reader the role of a kind of intellectual "sparring partner", to engage with him in a difficult pragmatic game, skillfully placing traps, traps, disguised "keys" and pseudo-significant hints in the text, building a system of doubles, mirror reflections, etc .; or in varying degrees, ignore the reader’s communicative rights (for example, “illegally” crossing the boundaries of the text space, making it impossible to consistently identify characters), etc. It is not surprising that the author’s verbal behavior using a pragmatic strategy of the latter type can be defined by researchers as “mockery of readers”; another thing is that the “innocent” classic reader will feel himself more likely in the position of the object of bullying; an adequate addressee of a postmodern artistic message with all the deformations inherent in such a message is capable of receiving significant pleasure from such pragmatic escapades. (See also Author, Reader, Death of the Author, Deconstruction, Language Games.)

Therapeutic Function of Text, Bibliotherapy

History and current state of bibliotherapy
Use of bibliotherapy in work with readers
Concise terminological dictionary


Modern man is experiencing extremely high psychological and informational loads associated with the adverse effects of the environment, constantly increasing production rates, and an avalanche-increasing amount of information.

In the spiritual world of many people, the crisis situation in the country gave rise to serious social contradictions, which affected their reading activity. However, it is known that reading contributes to overcoming uncomfortable states and stresses. Therefore, life itself prompted the need to implement a new library function. Libraries should provide everyone with “medicine for the soul.”

As a number of library studies of recent years show, readers are increasingly turning to the book to solve their psychological problems, seeking support and help from librarians.

The need for communication with the beautiful inherent in man is exceptionally high. Literary works have the strongest influence on the spiritual world of man and his physical condition. The read word can cause a variety of emotions: grief and sadness, happiness and joy. Watching a person who reads, by his facial expression and facial expression, one can almost unmistakably determine what exactly he is reading: joyful, cheerful or sad, sad.

Bibliotherapy (reading treatment) is currently attracting more and more attention of scientists and practitioners seeking to make the most of the “healing” possibilities of the book. In this regard, it seems appropriate to trace the genesis of library therapy, its use in our days and future prospects.

Reorientation to the bibliotherapeutic direction that meets the needs of readers will enhance the prestige of the library as a social institution that can help a person correct the negative effects of social and personal changes. Today it is advisable to talk about bibliotherapy as a treatment by all library means not only of an individual, but also of society as a whole.

Bibliotherapy as an independent area of ​​work originated at the intersection of psychiatry, psychology and library science.

Bibliotherapy appeared many years ago. At the entrance to the library of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II hung a sign: "Medicine for the soul." So even in ancient times understood the value of the book.

The treatment with the help of books was applied in the first libraries of Greece. Pythagoras, a prominent mathematician and a famous healer, along with herbs and music, successfully used literature and poetry to treat a number of diseases.

In Europe, the beginning of healing by the book was laid by the first church libraries in which books of religious content were kept, bringing believers peace and hope. Bibliotherapy was under the wing of the church before the Renaissance.

In the Renaissance, doctors began to actively use doctors for medicinal purposes. Thus, the English doctor of the 12th century, T. Sageid, advised his patients to read Don Quixote by Cervantes.

However, the library science received a scientific justification only at the beginning of the 20th century. The first mention of the term itself dates back to 1916, since then hundreds of publications, both theoretical and practical, have appeared. Conferences and symposia on bibliotherapy took place in several countries, associations of bibliotherapists were created. At many medical conferences, bibliotherapy is highlighted as an important part of traditional medicine.

In Russia, bibliotherapy was not immediately widespread. The leading role in substantiating the methods of bibliotherapy was played by the works of N. Rubakin, his bibliopsychological theory. In his work “Among the Books,” he wrote: “Three great powers are contained in the book - knowledge, understanding, mood”.

The first steps towards the practical application of library therapy were made in 1927 by I.Z. Velvovsky, who worked at the Psychoneurological Institute in Kharkov. Soviet doctors, using the method of bibliotherapy, rely on the ideas of the great Russian doctors of the past. The famous therapist of the beginning of the XIX century V.Ya. Mudrov wrote: "The main thing is ... it is to remove the sick from the cares of the household and the sorrows of life, which themselves are the essence of the disease."

In the Soviet Union, research on the therapeutic effects of books on human health was conducted from the 20s on the basis of libraries of holiday homes, medical boarding houses. In the articles of the magazine “Resort Business” for 1928, the positive impact of humorous books and memoirs on holidaymakers was noted. Actively used bibliotherapy in medical libraries. Doctors saw their specific task of “treating with a book” in selecting literature in accordance with the diagnosis, and the therapeutic effect was based on the patient’s recognition of his problem, reflected in

a work of art, in the councils to follow these examples, examples of how to get out of such a “situation”, and the more similar the situation described in the book, or the character of the patient, the stronger the therapeutic effect of the book.

During World War II, patriotic books were of great importance for the rehabilitation of seriously wounded soldiers and their speedy recovery.

Thus, it should be noted that clinical bibliotherapy has been widely developed in Russia and abroad.

Currently, bibliotherapy is going through a period of understanding its subject, method, and goals. The methodological approaches that exist today, the paradigms of bibliotherapy, have not yet been fully realized by practitioners and theorists, often coexisting and intricately intertwined in the works of the same author. In the period we are studying, there has been a tendency to increase the number of publications containing scientific generalizations and theoretical developments in the field of bibliotherapy.

Questions of bibliotherapy in different periods were covered by such authors as Yu.N. Drescher, O.L. Kabachek, I.N. Kazarinova, B.S. Kreydenko B.A. Simonov, R. Scaller. A number of articles in periodicals are devoted to the analysis of the problems of library science: in the journals "Children's Literature", "Library Science", "Library".

Yet this theme is far from being fully developed. In official science there is no precisely formulated definition of bibliotherapy. Scientifically, library science is developing as one of the sections of library science using specific methods of serving readers. The solution of methodological problems is especially important, since each researcher interprets the concept of “bibliotherapy,” its goals, structure, in its own way.

Most experts are unanimous in the fact that this science at the interface of medicine and library science is associated with the active involvement of a person in reading based on synthesizing service situations in order to change or solve his personal problems. Scientists consider bibliotherapy: - as a section of library science (B. Simonov); - as a complex scientific discipline (BS Kreidenko); - as a direction of pedagogy of reading (Yu.N. Dresher).

It seems to us the most optimal definition of bibliotherapy offered by Yu.N. Dresher. In her opinion, bibliotherapy is a science aimed at developing in a person the skills and abilities to withstand extraordinary situations (diseases, stresses, depression, etc.), strengthen willpower, increase the intellectual and educational level. In addition, analyzing the various definitions of bibliotherapy, Y. Drescher summarizes: "In the literature,

Many definitions of bibliotherapy, differing in particular, but common in that it is a field of activity at the intersection of medicine and librarianship, associated with the active involvement of a person in reading carefully selected literature in order to cure it or solve personal problems.

The main goals of bibliotherapy are: 1) to give the reader information about problems; 2) to help penetrate into their essence; 3) discuss new values ​​and attitudes; 4) to form the consciousness that other people faced similar problems, to show how they solved these problems. Bibliotherapy can be divided into 2 types:

1. Purposeful - contributing to the education of will power, optimism, the assertion of faith in yourself.

2. Unfocused - serving to cheer up, to distract the reader from obsessive thoughts about the problem.

Since the library is the basis of the reader's personal development, the place to achieve a certain informational harmony of the spiritual world of the individual, bibliotherapy is the impact of the entire information space of the library as a social institution. It is very difficult to differentiate influence from the point of view of psychology and morality. Therefore, the interaction of psychotherapy and leadership in reading children in the field of bibliotherapy is very close and interpenetrating. The main difference between the work of psychotherapists and psychiatrists from the works of library scientists is that they speak about sick people, about sick children. While in a difficult period of development of society, each person needs bibliotherapeutic assistance.

Treatment with reading (the so-called “bibliotherapy”) is one of the links in the psychotherapy system. Literature and art in our time is becoming increasingly powerful and promising tools in psychotherapy. Understanding the meaning and use of the influence of art on human health, we find throughout the history of medicine. The basic works here can be considered the work of V.Е.Rozhnova (the concept of emotional stress psychotherapy), I.Z. Velvovsky with employees, Z. Freud, V.M.Bekhterev, psychotherapist I.Platonov. The method of bibliotherapy represents a complex combination of bibliology, psychology and psychotherapy, ”as VN Myasishchev defined bibliotherapy.

Abroad, bibliotherapy has found application in various spheres of public life, to a greater extent in health care, being an equal part of the treatment process.

Bibliotherapy in foreign countries is based on the principles not to harm, help, develop, and is used in work with all groups of the population.

Currently, bibliotherapy is the use of reading opportunities for solving a wide range of therapeutic tasks, and not just psychiatry. It is important to emphasize that bibliotherapy as a scientific discipline is especially useful and important also because it directly adapted and learned from psychiatry and, especially, psychotherapy (and this process continues) actual ideas and techniques related to the possibilities through a book to positively influence a person. Psychotherapeutic knowledge, practical findings and techniques are promising for library services. The fact is that psychotherapy, its theory, methods and techniques permeate not only bibliotherapeutic actions, but are used intuitively, sometimes by librarians.

As the first studies show, the possibilities of psychotherapeutic knowledge, ideas, techniques and methods contain much valuable for optimizing the process of communication of a person with a book (at the stages of reading, reading, post reading) of the entire library service. Conscious use of techniques and methods of psychotherapy and bibliotherapy will help to significantly increase the effectiveness of this activity.

TEXT PRAGMATICS, bibliotherapy


The actual problem is the question of determining the range of reading for the purpose of bibliotherapeutic action in the library. Indeed, not every book can be recommended for bibliotherapeutic purposes.

A differentiated approach to readers is natural and necessary for bibliotherapy, as it is just a method of influencing the reader’s personality.

Finding a book for business reading is easier than finding a fiction book to your liking. Such fine spiritual work becomes, in the opinion of experts, all the more difficult. According to E. Isaeva, technocratism of all spheres of life, as well as the associated lack of proper communication and recreation, are generally recognized stress factors. For a person under stress, reading fiction is sometimes the only lifeline. The use of literary literature in bibliotherapy is indicated by Yu.N. Drescher. Mass reading in transport is a good example of how tired people intuitively resort to bibliotherapy. Unfortunately, they often read low-grade literature, the so-called "reading matter." If a person rests while reading a random book - well, and that is not bad. But is it possible to compare this occupation with reading a book that is spiritually close? The question is how to find the reader's favorite book - his book. ”

If the reader of a scientific book, basically, is looking for objective information in it, then the reader of a work of art is a subjective, more multifaceted one. Therefore, to differentiate the types of works of art and their readers need more detail than the types of scientific books and their readers. Readers-children are still divided by age groups, which is important. A detailed typology of fiction readers should promote bibliotherapeutic goals. Thanks to the new science of socionics, it is possible to differentiate not only readers and books, but also the types of readers' attitudes towards them. Socionic bibliotherapy (or socio-bibliotherapy) will be useful to all readers, not just those with signs of stress. Many absolutely healthy people in difficult moments of life, without hesitation, are drawn to their favorite book.

Developing this science, it will be possible to realistically predict which books should be “prescribed” to readers and in which stressful situations. Some books can become a kind of universal medicine, “others will help in a state of fatigue, loneliness, psychological discomfort, in the absence of friendship, love, understanding, self-esteem, and the feeling of“ no-neediness ”; others are useful in a situation of apathy, lack of support; the fourth will help you to understand yourself, to a teenager - to go through a critical age, etc. Certain books are healing for lack of self-confidence, anxiety, low self-esteem. Thus, a reader in need of rest will read with pleasure the books by J. Vern, who wants to understand himself will read the stories of A. Chekhov, striving for active actions - "Three Musketeers" A. Dumas. A number of books in socio-bibliotherapy can be considered as an independent stress factor and, if possible, be excluded from the reading circle.

For any person, literature begins with a fairy tale coming from childhood. One can even select and recommend not a separate book, but a literary genre. For children, it is often a fairy tale. Therefore, fairy tale therapy has recently begun to develop.

Благодаря сказке, дети начинают осознавать главнейшие истины человеческого бытия. Без сказки дети не вырастают, а если это и происходит, — значит, из мира растущего человека ушла мечта, благотворная фантазия, творчество, романтика, сопереживание, необходимые для воспитания Человека в человеке.

А.М.Горький утверждал, что именно через сказку необходимо учить детей гуманности, героизму, любви, справедливости, честности.

Все сказки едины в одном — желании помочь ребенку в первых шагах самопознания, в формировании духовного «Я». Они укрепляют чувство самоуважения, развивают способность »слушать« себя, наблюдать и понимать себя: как я думаю, как говорю, отчего мне бывает грустно, одиноко, весело, отчего появляются у меня те или иные »хотения«? — размышляет маленький читатель, вживаясь в мир волшебных сказок. Так в чем же состоит духовный смысл сказки? В том, что сказка отвечает на вечные вопросы: »Что такое счастье и в чем оно? — В богатстве, любви, свободе, славе? Само ли оно приходит или его надо добывать? How? Неужели для этого нужны непременно трудности, испытания, опасности, страдания, подвиги?

«Какая бы тень не набежала на вашу жизнь, посетила ли вас тревога о судьбе России, придут ли ваши »мысли черные о вашей личной судьбе, или просто жизнь покажется «несносной раной», — вспомните о русской сказке и прислушайтесь к ее тихому, древнему, мудрому голосу… Она — как цвет незаметных и неведомых полевых цветов, а духовный смысл ее — как тонкий и благоуханный мед, запах родной земли, зной родного солнца, дыхание родных цветов, и что-то тонкое и богатое, вечно юное и вечно древнее…« — так определил неисчерпаемое значение и целебную силу русской сказки замечательный философ И.А.Ильин. В сказке заключены все нравственные проблемы, которыми »богата« наша жизнь. Человек спрашивает сказку, она ему отвечает.

How can a fairy tale help children embittered, with negative social experience, unstable psyche, prone to stressful states? How can she save a wounded baby soul from despair and fear, loneliness? What is its "therapeutic" significance?

Главные лекарства сказки — это добро, радость, справедливость, победа слабого существа над силами зла, утверждение могущества человеческого духа, бесконечно радостное удивление перед красотой мира, твердая вера в способность человека жить мудро, достойно, поступать красиво, гуманно. В сказках отражен глубокий опыт проживания эмоциональных кризисов, характерных для развивающейся личности, и предложены пути их разрешения. Психотерапевтическая значимость сказок заключается в том, что в них всегда обнаруживаются некие необычные средства, помогающие герою справиться с препятствиями, трудностями и преодолеть их.

Иногда уход в сказку — это реакция ребенка на какие-то травмирующие обстоятельства (бегство от действительности), и именно в этом аспекте появляется возможность использования сказки как психотерапевтического средства.

Категории Добра, Любви, Веры, дети переживают, подбирая слова, соответствующие высоким чувствам, делают открытия чувств человека любящего, переживающего за других, — в книгах В.Драгунского «Денискины рассказы», В. Голявкина Мой добрый папа«, прочитанных вместе с библиотекарем.

В руках умелого воспитателя книги облегчают также привитие детям необходимых гигиенических навыков, для этих целей особенно успешно и широко

используются стихи А.Барто «Девочка чумазая», сказки К.Чуковского Мойдодыр« и »Федорино горе« и другие произведения детской литературы.

В некоторых случаях бывает достаточно вовремя прочесть ребенку умело подобранную книгу или рассказать, подходящую к случаю, чтобы помешать укоренению какой-нибудь дурной привычки.

This is clearly and vividly shown by the remarkable Russian writer and doctor, Anton Chekhov, in his story “At Home”. The hero of the story unexpectedly discovers that his seven-year-old son, Serozha, began to smoke. Severe suggestions do not help. And then he tells his son a fairy tale about a beautiful and kind prince who spoiled his health by smoking and died at a young age, leaving his relatives in deep sorrow. And the simple but told fairy tale is much more effective than serious conversations. Serezha forever quits smoking. The influence of works of art is especially strong because it retains in the child a pleasant sense of freedom to choose a decision, and not to obey the will of the elders.

Специалисты считают, что выбор литературы для читателей-детей зависит от конкретных целей, чаще всего библиотерапевтическое направление работы предполагает интерес к книгам оптимистическим, веселым, с острым сюжетом и, что не менее важно, привлекательного вида.

Сложилась практика отбора книг для детей, но принципы такого отбора недостаточно сформулированы. Правильно отобранный материал для чтения имеет терапевтическую ценность, в первую очередь в том случае, когда чтение заменяет отрицательные эмоции положительными. Человек, применяющий библиотерапию, должен обладать литературной компетентностью.

Среди причин, по которым литература может быть использована для «терапии духа», называются следующие: отвлечение от грустных мыслей, нежелательного самокопания и страхов; снятие ненужного равнодушия или нетерпения, повышение управляемости, побуждение к рассмотрению собственных проблем со стороны; помощь в проведении времени (в больнице).

В качестве одного из основополагающих библиотерапевты избрали принцип: «Конкретную книгу — конкретному пациенту в конкретное время». Этот принцип близок изначальному тезису библиопсихологической теории Н.А.Рубакина.

Библиотерапевты используют для успокоения детскую юмористическую литературу. Можно предположить, что любой ребенок (здоровый или больной, благополучный или нет, спокойный или нервный) испытывает при чтении и восприятии юмористической книги ее библиотерапевтического воздействия. Причина такого

воздействия в самой природе комического и юмора, как его особого вида. Немалая задача — «воспитать в ребенке юмор, драгоценное качество, — писал знаток детской психологии К.И.Чуковский, — которое, когда ребенок подрастет, увеличит его сопротивление неблагоприятной среде и поставит высоко над всякими мелочами и дрязгами». Юмор, утверждая сущность явления, стремится его совершенствовать, очищать от недостатков. Он эстетически осваивает общественно ценные явления. Юмор — смех дружелюбный, хотя и не беззубый. Юмор помогает раскрыть прекрасное, человечное за неприглядным, невзрачным. В.Шекспир, Ч.Диккенс, А.Чехов и другие классики мирового искусства применяли юмор для характеристики и раскрытия подлинной сущности положительного героя. Вскрывая за частными недостатками истинное существо положительного героя, юмор зиждется на том, что в наших недостатках продолжаются наши достоинства.

Признанный мастер комического Н.Гоголь писал: «Нет, смех значительней и глубже, чем думают. Не тот смех, который порождается временной раздражительностью, желчным болезненным расположением характера, не тот также легкий смех, служащий для праздности развлечений и забавы у людей, — но тот смех, которые весь излетает из светлой природы человека, излетает из нее потому, что в ней заключается вечно бьющий родник его… Нет, не справедливы те, которые говорят, будто возмущает смех. Возмущает только то, что мрачно, а смех светел. Многое возмутило бы человека, бывает представлено в наготе своей, но озаренное силой смеха, несет оно уже примирение в душу…».

"Laughter is much more expensive than I thought, for it is not a pity to give the whole kingdom." So says Tim Taler in the children's story of James Crews, Tim Thaler, or the Sold Laughter “the modern devil, to whom the boy Tim has sold his laughter. With the help of friends, Tim takes back the laughter. Selects that which is more valuable than all riches.

In the world of fiction, many works devoted to the nature of the comic, the problem of laughter. Let's call at least those in which this topic is in the title: “Sold laughter” by D. Kruce, the Man who laughs “V. Hugo,“ Red Laughter ”by L. Andreev and, of course, books by such encyclopaedists of laughter, F.Rable , J. Gashek, N. Gogol, A. Chekhov, M. Zoshchenko and others.

Smile, joyful mood help resist diseases. Not without reason, the famous French humanist, doctor and writer Francois Rabelais (XVI century) in the preface to his satirical novel Gargantua and Pantagruel wrote to readers: So, amuse your friends, and amuse yourself with this reading, your body for pleasure, your kidneys ! "

Especially necessary are the laughter and joy that good and cheerful books carry with them to sick children. K. Chukovsky repeatedly spoke about this, telling, for example, how beneficially the children who were treated at the Kostno-Tuberculosis Sanatorium influenced the reading of a funny book by RE Raspe about the adventures of Baron Munchausen.

It is characteristic that K. Chukovsky wrote his first poetic fairy tale for children “Crocodile” especially for the sick little son. The only concern I had was to divert the attention of the sick child from the attacks of the disease, ”the writer later recalled.

Literary scholars and literary critics B. Begak, S.Sivokon, who analyze the nature of humor mainly on the example of Russian children's writers, starting from the 20s of the twentieth century to the present, pay attention to the fun book for children.

Now our children's literature includes at least two dozen writers - comedians: A. Barto, S. Marshak, B. Zakhoder, D. Harms, S. Mihalkov and others - in the field of poetry, E. Schwartz, N. Nosov, Yu. The centurion, L.Davydychev, V.Dragunsky, V.Golyavkin, E.Uspensky - in the field of prose. There is a need to comprehend their artistic experience of influencing the reader's soul with laughter, using the works of these authors in the library and therapeutic activities of the children's librarian.

Thus, a humorous book, influencing the reader with laughter and kindness, will help him cope with many problems. Funny adventures of heroes, over whom you can laugh, laughing at the same time as if at yourself, develop a sense of humor, and at the same time the intellect of the child. In terms of genre, humorous literature is represented in the reading of children by literary tales, poems, poems, narratives, and stories. It is obvious that such a rich array of humorous literature that we possess can be more actively used in the library therapy activities of the children's library.

The selection and compilation of a reading circle for children can be carried out according to the following principle:
1. Works, genres, authors, not suitable for bibliotherapy.
2. Works, genres, authors, favorable for bibliotherapeutic work.

Unanimity among experts is not observed. Psychologists and library scientists offer especially contradictory recommendations. Thus, by some specialists, the book by A. Miln “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” is not recommended for children as hyper-optimistic, the tale of L. Carroll Alice in Wonderland “as epileptoid.

A similar problem of book selection is in the process of studying and discussion by various specialists.

While specialists develop the methodological foundations of bibliotherapy, library practitioners and readers are independently trying to select books for reading that have a psychotherapeutic effect.

Library practitioners compile lists of books for bibliotherapeutic treatment, recommended for various situations.

For example, a worker of the Tambov Regional Children's Library, V.V. Klimov compiled methodological manuals "Bibotherapy, a new direction in the work of children's libraries: background and modernity" and fairy tale therapy.

Among the authors of books that help children cope with problems, restore mental balance, calm, she calls V. Shakespeare, E. Voinich, A. Saint-Exupery, V. Kaverina, A. Aleksina, I. Bunin, K. Paustovsky, J. Verna, R. Bredbury, Y. Koval, N. Nosov and others.

It is also necessary to take into account the physical and mental state of the child when recommending literature. Not all works, genres and authors are suitable for bibliotherapy. For example, dark, depressive, sad texts, etc. undesirable to use in bibliotherapeutic practice.

It is also recommended to compile individual reference lists, taking into account the peculiarities of perception of each specific reader. The main principle of selection - the hero of the book is obliged to overcome his misfortune or illness, to cope with difficulties without assistance.

The author of this work on the basis of the Tambov Regional Children's Library, Central City Children's Library. S.Ya.Marshak and the library of school number 8 was conducted a sociological study.

Objective: To select works of art that have a bibliotherapeutic effect for readers aged 7–9.

Objectives: determine the range of reading works suitable for bibliotherapy; to test, in the process of working with children, the bibliotherapeutic effects of specific works of individual authors; to fix, according to a certain method, the bibliotherapeutic influence of these works on the reader, to compile a list of books recommended for bibliotherapeutic work in the library.

The study took place in two stages. The first stage consisted in conducting a sociological survey using a survey method (questioning, interviewing,

testing). The survey was conducted among 70 respondents, children 7–9 years old, as well as among librarians of Tambov libraries.

The paper solved the main problem - experimentally selected a certain number of texts of fiction for bibliotherapeutic work in the library. As a result of the selection, a recommended annotated bibliographic list of books “Read and Rejoice” was prepared, which can be used by bibliotherapists in working with readers for ages 7–9. The list includes fairy tales, stories, poems, the natural history literature of various authors (B. Zakhoder, S. Mikhalkov, V. Medvedev, N.Nosov, L. Kassil, Y. Sotnik, L. Panteleev, D. Harms, A. Milne, X Mäkelä and others). All these works are united by one thing - a cheerful, optimistic attitude, the ability to help in difficult times.

Defining the literary interests of children-readers, analyzing the research materials of reading books of a particular author, one should take into account additional difficulties faced by the researcher of the psychology of children's reading. The fact is that it is difficult for children to say for themselves, and it is even more difficult to write about what they feel and what they think while reading this or that book. For this purpose, the most fruitful is the method of conversation with carefully thought-out questions.

Conversations about books with children of 7–9 years old are reading with explanations, where the main goal is to help perceive the content, to understand the main idea of ​​the author, paying attention to what lexical means she expressed. During the conversation, questions are asked that encourage children to express their attitude to what they have read: What is the book about? Do you like her? Why? And who is the nicest there? And bad? Why did this boy do that? Would you do that too? And why is the book so called? etc.

It is better not to hold the conversation after reading immediately, but when the first impressions subside, unless the child himself wants to immediately share his own experiences after the reading.

Modern pedagogical and psychological sciences have accumulated a lot of interesting observations about the psychological characteristics of children's intellectual activity. Among librarians who have studied the psychology of a child reader are the following names: L.I. Belenkaya, I.I. Tikhomirova, A.V. Tumuruk.

Comprehension of the methods and methods of bibliotherapy leads to the conviction that this is a complex process that requires special skills from the children's librarian.

Using the therapeutic possibilities of books popular with children, it is necessary to take into account reading states, for example, that children love, what they expect from reading:
- improve mood;

- easy reading;
- the presence of empathy;
- opportunities to think about your life.

Bibliotherapeutic lists are also being developed for adult readers. The article by A.I. Trofimova presents data obtained by the Department of Library Science of the Altai State Institute of Culture and Arts, which since 1993 has been conducting a multi-stage, ten-year bibliotherapeutic experiment, which is an integral part of the study of the content, forms, methods and technologies of library and social work in the villages of Altai the edges.

The purpose of the experiment is to ascertain the criteria for the selection of fiction to optimize bibliotherapeutic work with social groups of the rural population. It is intended to establish common characteristics that enhance or reduce the biberapeutic effect on villagers.

In the course of the experiment, not a single work of fiction was revealed that did not affect the mental state of the readers at all.

The experiment showed that the most effective drugs for wounded souls of rural pensioners, the disabled, the unemployed include stories, novels, novels by V.P. Astafyev, F.A. Abramov, V.I.Belov, Yu.V.Bondarev, A. P.Platonov, V.G.Rasputina, M.A.Sholokhov, V.M.Shukshin, as well as poems by N.M. Rubtsov and S.A. Yesenin.

The relatively high value of the bibliotherapeutic value of the Russian classics (especially the works of L.N. Tolstoy, A.N. Tolstoy, A.P.Chekhov, F.M.Dostoevsky), somewhat lower - the works of popular Soviet writers (K.Simonov, M.Gorky, B.A.Mozhaeva, A.N.Rybakova, V.V. Orlov, etc.), much higher than most of the works of contemporary Russian and foreign writers.

The so-called modernist works (D. Joyce, A. Kamyu, F. Kafka, J. P. Sartre, V. Pelevina), which depicted hopeless, dead-end life situations, intractable conflicts, had a clearly negative, sometimes destructive effect on the psyche of the participants in the experiment. , the impending doom of the characters to a miserable life and meaningless death.

A.Ye. Alekseleychik in the “Guide to Psychotherapy” offers a list of genres of literature, arranged according to their importance for bibliotherapy, and gives them brief characteristics:

- special medical literature is of paramount importance in bibliotherapy, as it is able to give the reader knowledge that is especially important to him

calm, control, etc. The main objectives of this literature are to provide sufficient knowledge for the correct, optimistic orientation, to eliminate misconceptions about the disease, to stimulate general activity.

- philosophical literature helps a person to get a versatile understanding of himself, other people, the world as a whole, to understand the inevitability of difference and a certain conflict between the external, real world and the internal subjective, between what may be, should be what is. This understanding brings tranquility, satisfaction.

- spiritual literature contains a large amount of information, life experience. Such literature is extremely important for believers. It helps to understand the world and the place of man in this world. Focusing on the love of the environment and all living things in it, this literature helps to strengthen the vitality, goodness and understanding of the destiny of man on earth. Books of this kind have a beneficial effect on the soul and state of health, help rethink life positions, and, as practice shows, books by authors such as M. Norbekov, V. Megre, E. Muldashev and others are in demand in libraries.

- biographical and autobiographical literature , describing bright personalities, their outstanding achievements and life difficulties, helps the reader to understand themselves and their difficulties more quickly and better. Biographies of great people give examples of overcoming physical weakness, building up oneself, one’s life, one’s happiness. Such a literature, giving an optimistic attitude, you must have in libraries. Experience proves that short, bright biographies (50–70 p.) Are most effective, with the exception of biographies of the most prominent people, with complex life positions such as L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky.

- Classical Russian literature has great potential of the most diverse effects. Often it is necessary to limit oneself to small, little-known works, avoiding popular ones, considering that they have previously been read, studied in school and certain associations are associated with them, which have to be overcome.

- critical literature and journalism give general ideas about writers, works, help them better understand, discover new content for themselves. It is appropriate to use modern literary criticism of such authors as Ch. Aitmatov, Y. Nagibin, L. Ozerov, V. Rozov, V. Soloukhin, and others.

- humorous and satirical literature allows readers to more freely express themselves in difficult situations. Can teach technique more

perfect communication, for example, half-amusingly expressing requests, thereby avoiding feelings of embarrassment at refusal, giving the opportunity to play a trick on themselves and thereby strengthen others' confidence in themselves, etc.

- folklore, fabulous literature acquaints people with the worldview of the people. Used primarily in library work with children.

- science fiction literature , bringing to the extremes some properties of a person, a situation, a relationship, allows you to better understand and accept the extremes of your sensations, feelings and desires.

- Detective, adventure literature occupies a significant place in the bibliotherapy, due to a number of its features. In the first place - this is popularity and clarity. In a detective story, many ordinary life phenomena are usually condensed, usually remaining in the shadows. The following features are favorable for bibliotherapy: great attention to negative feelings, training of intuition, mystery as a way of knowing reality, or even the reader's duty to suspect everyone, exposing a romantic understanding of life, morality, decency, and demonstrating that behind a beautiful facade dirt and greed are often hidden. It encourages the reader to courage, risk, resourcefulness. All this concerns, of course, only good, classic detective literature.

- dramaturgy on some readers can have a particularly strong influence, due to the greater concentration of action, clarity. When reading a play, it is often easier for the reader to identify with the actor than when reading a novel. The play often teaches the reader better to the dialogue, the rules of communication, leaves the reader more freedom for independent creativity.

- Pedagogical literature can be applied along with a special scientific one - in the aspects of training, correction, the formation and development of various qualities, skills, overcoming specific difficulties.

- legal literature provides an opportunity to understand the causes of many types of misconduct, both their own and others.

- professional literature can provide very valuable material due to the opportunity to transfer the experience of high professionalism in practical psychology, everyday situations. A rather vivid example of such an impact on the reader can be the practical application of the “Diplomatic Ceremony and Protocol” by J. Wood and J. Serre in certain everyday situations and relationships, the study of the meaning and value of certain elements of the ceremonial.

What books must be present in the libraries? In general, the answer can be formulated as follows: the library should have a choice between different genres and types of documents. Must be present: 1) periodicals of various directions; 2) "easy reading": detectives, ladies' novels, humorous works; 3) popular science literature on a healthy lifestyle, as well as a psychological profile, spiritual and philosophical literature; 4) world classics, literary and artistic works of different countries.

The need of today is the creation in libraries of psychological services - library centers that coordinate bibliotherapeutic work on the reader's personal development in adverse conditions. Such services can be for readers centers of intellectual and informational health, as well as personal information protection.

Practice shows that attempts of this kind in certain areas of library and therapeutic work are being undertaken in a number of cities.

The purpose of such a service is to contribute to the successful development of a reader’s personality, to overcome the negative consequences of social and economic reforms by improving reading activity and showing the library’s capabilities to the reader.

The success of such work directly depends on the training of personnel and the coordination of the efforts of various institutions. It seems promising to combine the efforts of various specialists, since library education does not provide appropriate skills for group work with readers in the psychoanalytic and bibliotherapeutic direction.

Один из вариантов библиотерапевтической службы был разработан в ЦБС Кировского района города Санкт-Петербурга на базе одного из филиалов, так как эта система на протяжении многих лет работает под девизом « К добру — через книгу». Была создана программа по этому направлению, где предполагались следующие этапы работы, рассчитанной не на один год:

— обучение библиотекарей;

— изучение читательской аудитории,

— анализ степени стрессоустойчивости, библиотерапевтических потребностей;

— выявление и формирование читательских групп для проведения библиотерапевтической работы;

— планирование и проведение работы индивидуальной, групповой, фронтальной, с учетом выбора мероприятий соответственно особенностям той или иной группы и различных направлений работы;

— докомплектование фонда на основе выявленных интересов и потребностей; — параллельное создание банка данных по библиотерапевтической работе и читательскому развитию личности.

Использование библиотерапии в практике работы библиотеки безусловно содействует повышению ее социальной востребованности. Кроме этого в связи со сложностями, сложившимися в современных условиях, библиотерапия будет активно востребована библиотекой, школой, семьей.


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