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Traditionally, the object of linguistic analysis is the word and phrase. The word is the main structural-semantic unit of language, which serves to name objects and their properties, phenomena, relations of reality. The phrase also serves as a means of nominating objects, phenomena, processes, qualities. The statement as a unit of speech communication takes into account the communicative situation, it sets out the position of the speaker, taking into account the knowledge and possible reaction of the interlocutor. We do not speak in scattered words or individual phrases; all native speakers speak only in unfolded texts and our speech is included in activities of a higher order than just verbal communication (for the sake of communication).

Words in real communication are included in sentences, in texts and in situations. At the same time, the semantics of words in the text may differ significantly from the semantics of isolated words, since in the text the word gets its basic meaning and understanding.

Behind the interest in the text is the interest in the linguistic personality and the image of the person’s world, since in every text there is a linguistic personality possessing the language system.

A text is a work of a speech-making process, having a completeness, objectified in the form of a written document, a work consisting of a title (title) and a number of special units (super-expressive unities), united by different types of lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connection, having a definite focus and pragmatic installation.

The text as a unit of communication is included in the relations between speakers, it structures activities, regulates and plans relations between speakers. Communicating communicants is a context for statements combined into text. And it is in communication that the text gets its meaning and it is on the basis of communication that it can be understood and interpreted adequately to the author’s intention.

In the event that the listener is not included in the activity that the text structures, the speaker should give a much more detailed description of this activity. Thus, it is obvious that the text should be sufficiently complete in terms of reflecting the activity preceding its appearance. It can obviously be alienated from this activity (for example, written many years ago) and only on the basis of its symbolic form should the reader be able to restore the sequence of events and the course of reasoning of the participants in the activity.


Reflection in the text of reality implies the presence of a text in it - a fragment of reality described in the text. Zatek is present here implicitly - as a reference to real events or phenomena. The purpose of the text is to describe the text in the perspective in which he sees its author.

The subtext is hidden information extracted from the text due to the associativity of its units and their ability to increment meanings. Scientific literature, as a rule, does not have any subtext, since it requires certainty in the expression of thought and the completeness of arguments. The subtext in a literary text is based on its fundamental impossibility to fully incorporate the author’s personal attitude to all the described aspects of reality. The artistic text often only hints and refers to those or other estimates. The subtext may not be recognized by the reader in the event that he does not recognize the signals in the text as referring to the implicit estimates of the author.

The perception of the text is much more difficult than the perception of a single statement. In the perception of the text, it is mounted in the mind of the reader from successively alternating each other segments, relatively finished in semantic terms. Then there is a comparison of text elements, after which it is possible to rebuild their initial relationship in the process of understanding the structure of the text content as a whole (so, when reading a detective, the reader can rethink the initial ideas about the role of characters in the described events). In parallel, there is an awareness of some common sense (concept) of the text, which is largely formed in the process of identifying its possible implication.


When understanding speech, the recipient needs to combine several sentences into one meaningful whole. The stepwise perception of language material involves both the sequential processing of incoming information and the integration of the meaning of the text.

(one). Black, lively eyes gazed from the canvas.

(2). It seemed that now the lips would open, and a merry joke, already playing on an open and friendly face, would fly off of them .

(3). Who is the author of this wonderful picture?

(four). The tablet attached to the gilded frame testified that the portrait of Chinginnato Baruzzi was written by Karl Bryullov

In this text, between the first three sentences are so deep wells that it is not so easy to link them in meaning. And only in the 4th sentence all necessary things are indicated in order to tie together all 4 sentences. But the 4th sentence, taken separately, is also obscure. At the same time, this is one fairly clear and consistent text. There is a text meaning - the integration of the lexical meanings of adjacent sentences of the text.

created: 2017-06-28
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Psycholinguistics