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Fundamentals of psycholinguistics content 2


Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics

Table of contents

Introductory chapter on Psycholinguistics as a scientific discipline

Part 1 General Psycholinguistics

Chapter 1 Language in the light of psycholinguistics

§one. Sound and meaning

§2. The word in the mind of man

§3. Word formation in speech activity

§four. Psycholinguistic aspect of grammar

Chapter 2 Methods of transmitting information in speech activity

§one. Text in speech activity

§2. Non-verbal communication components

Chapter 3 Speech and Thinking

§one. Brief history of the problem

§2. Formation of speech utterance

§3. The production of speech in different communicative conditions

§four. Speech perception and understanding

§five. Forecasting in speech activity

§6. Experimental study of the problem "language-thinking"

Chapter 4 Brain and Speech

§one. Language structure and brain structure

§2. Speech and functional brain asymmetry

Part 2 Social Psycholinguistics 1.

Chapter 1 Problems of Ethnopsycholinguistics

§one. Linguistic identity and culture

§2. Can language influence thinking?

Chapter 2 Psychology of Interpersonal Communication

§one. Status and role structure of interpersonal communication

§2. Psycholinguistic conflictology

§3. Language personality and speech genres

Chapter 3 Speech Activity as Creativity

§one. Language game in speech activity

§2. Language personality and speech subculture

Part 3 Age psycholinguistics (ontolinguistics)

Chapter 1 Mastering the language as a system

§one. The question of the innate nature of the language ability of a person.

§2. Literal period of child speech development

§3. The formation of the phonetic structure of the child's speech

§four. Formation of the child's lexico-semantic speech system

§five. Children's word creativity

§6. The formation of the grammatical speech system of the child

Chapter 2 The formation of the language identity of the student

§one. Child speech development after language self-study

§2. Mastering written language and the formation of language personality

§3. The formation of discursive thinking language personality

§four. Formation of the hidden mechanism of internal speech in ontogenesis

Chapter 3 Children's speech in comparison with the speech of adults

Part 4 Psycholinguistics and Related Areas

Chapter 1: Mastering a Foreign Language as a Psycholinguistic Problem

Chapter 2 Psycholinguistics and the Problems of Phylogenesis of Language

Chapter 3 Psycholinguistics and Artificial Intelligence

Conclusion 282


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Terms: Psycholinguistics