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Random Access Memory (RAM) Dynamic RAM


Random Access Memory (RAM)

A memory device of digital information, combined with control circuits that provide modes of recording, storing and reading digital information during its processing.
Static and dynamic RAM
Static RAM
• The base is a drive or memory matrix, consisting of individual storage bistable cells.
• Trigger cells contain six MOSFET transistors.
• Binary information is stored in the cell until another one is replaced, or the supply voltage is disconnected.

Random Access Memory (RAM) Dynamic RAM

Choice of the scheme strobe address row RAS columns CAS
• The integrated circuit RAM with a capacity of 1Kbit contains 1024 trigger.
• Address decoding circuits located inside the RAM chip select a specific trigger each time, indicated by the address line signals.

Designation MS static RAM (K537RU17)
Random Access Memory (RAM) Dynamic RAM

With the help of RAM two problems are solved:
1. Selection of a particular cell of the drive in which it will be written or read
2. Read or write information

Dynamic RAM

To increase the information capacity, dynamic RAM is used, in which information is contained in the form of charge of the corresponding capacitors.
Capacitor capacitance Cfr = 0.1 pF, storage time 1msec.
Regeneration (recovery) of stored information with a period of not more than 1 ms is required.
The memory cell is performed either on the BPT or on the MOS transistors without a special power source.
Consecutive addressing
Memory cell
• Storage of information in CGs;
• Consumption *** rated power Ppotr = 50-500mW;
• The whole system works in key mode.

Random Access Memory (RAM) Dynamic RAM

MS designation dynamic ram
Random Access Memory (RAM) Dynamic RAM


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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base

Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base