Zener diodes
A Zener diode is called a semiconductor diode, the voltage on which in the field of electrical breakdown at reverse bias weakly depends on the current in its specified range, and which is designed to stabilize the voltage level in the circuit.
Zener current-voltage characteristic
Ideal IVC zener diode
Main settings
1. Ust
2. Differential resistance Rdif = 0.5 - 200 Ohm
3. Is min the current of stabilization minimum
4. Is max max stabilization current maximum
Imax ≈ Pmax / Ust
Silicon diodes with high resistance to thermal breakdown are used as stabilitrons.
Silicon Zener diodes are used to stabilize the voltages of power supplies, as well as to fix U levels in various circuits.
Groups of low-power diodes in the form of diode arrays and diode assemblies are used in logic devices decoders and other elements of the VT.
The Zener diode in the stabilization scheme is usually included so that the pn-junction is shifted in the opposite direction.
For stabilization of small voltages U = 1 - 1.5B, stabistors
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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base
Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base