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The influence of OOS on the parameters of the amplifier and its characteristics


The influence of OOS on the parameters of the amplifier and its characteristics

Negative feedback reduces the gain of the amplifier by (1 + βK) times.
  The influence of OOS on the parameters of the amplifier and its characteristics
If βK >> 1, then the gain taking into account the feedback does not depend on the parameters of the amplifier itself, such feedback is called “deep”
  The influence of OOS on the parameters of the amplifier and its characteristics

input impedance will increase by - (1 + βK) times
output resistance will decrease by - (1 + βK) times
bandwidth will increase -
  The influence of OOS on the parameters of the amplifier and its characteristics

Negative feedback increases the stability of the gain, and improves the properties of the amplifier; decreases the level of nonlinear distortion.
Positive feedback properties (PIC)
• U = Uin + Uoc; Kos = K / (1- βK);
• gain, with the introduction of positive feedback increases;
• input impedance decreases;
• output resistance increases;
• bandwidth is narrowed;
• stability of the amplifier deteriorates;
• non-linear distortion increases.

Amplitude-frequency response with feedback

Amplitude response with feedback
  The influence of OOS on the parameters of the amplifier and its characteristics


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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base

Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base