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Electronics Electrical conductivity of semiconductors



Electronics is a branch of science and technology that studies: physical phenomena in semiconductor devices; electrical characteristics and parameters of semiconductor devices; properties of devices and systems based on the use of semiconductor devices.

Electrical conductivity of semiconductors
For the manufacture of semiconductor devices used simple semiconductor substances: simple - Ge germanium, silicon Si, Se selenium, complex semiconductor materials: gallium arsenide GaAs, gallium phosphide GaP and others.

In pure semiconductors, the concentration of charge carriers — free electrons and holes — is small. Therefore, in order to give a semiconductor a certain type of electrical conductivity, certain impurities are introduced into it. This process is called doping.

P-type semiconductor
The main charge carrier are holes.
Substances of group III (Al, Ga) create hole conductivity.

N-type semiconductor
The main charge carrier is an electron.
Substances of the V group (Vanadium V, Niobium Nb) create electronic conductivity.
Electron-hole or pn-transition is called the region on the border of two semiconductors, one of which has electronic and the other - hole electrical conductivity.

Electronics Electrical conductivity of semiconductors

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Часть 1 Electronics Electrical conductivity of semiconductors


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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base

Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base