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Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT


Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT


Bipolar, field, JGBT.

Bipolar transistors
The bipolar transistor is a semiconductor three-layer npn or pnp structure and is designed to amplify the power of electrical signals.
The scheme of the technological structure of the bipolar transistor and its symbols are shown in fig. one.

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT
Fig. 1 Schemes of technological structures of bipolar transistors
and their conventions.

The internal structure of the transistor
Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

Wiring transistor
These three layers have the following names: emitter (E), base (B), collector (K). To enhance the electrical power, three options are used to turn on the bipolar transistor: with a common emitter (OE), a common base (ON) and a common collector (OK).

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT
Figure 2 Wiring transistor

Modes of operation of the transistor
1. Active (booster)
2. Saturation mode
3. Cutoff mode

Tatic current-voltage characteristics of BPT

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT
Pic 3

Amplification properties of the transistor

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT
common emitter transistor circuit

Proof: let
Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPTBipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

The transistor is controlled by the base current

The replacement circuit of a bipolar transistor

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT
Pic 4

The relationship between input and output currents and voltages in the transistor, presented in the form of an equivalent quadrupole, is expressed by the system of equations of the electrical state:

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

h - transistor parameters

transistor input resistance
Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

feedback ratio
Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

DC gain
Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

output conductivity
Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

One of the main parameters of a bipolar transistor is the current transfer ratio. When operating in DC mode for a common base circuit, this is the ratio of the collector current to the emitter current

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

For a common emitter circuit, the current transfer ratio in DC mode is equal to the ratio of the collector current to the base current

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

In addition, as in the quadrupole, the transistor other main parameters are the input and output resistances, which characterize the consistency of the input and output circuits of the transistor with other quadripoles.
Graphic definition of h - transistor parameters

Uke = Ek - Ik • Rk - line load

Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT

Table 1 shows the comparative parameters of these inclusion schemes.
Bipolar Transistors Transistor Switching Circuits Volt-Ampere Characteristics of BPT


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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base

Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base