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Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits


Logic analysis
Logic analysis is the creation of a truth table according to a logical scheme.
The truth table of a complex element can be compiled according to the truth tables of individual elementary elements.

Example of logical device analysis
  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

Draw up a truth table
  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

Logic Synthesis

Synthesis of logic circuits - compilation of logic circuits for a given truth table.

Rules of synthesis

1. The output value Q determines the number of "0" and "1", if "0" <"1", then the synthesis is carried out in rows, where Q = 0 (if "1" <"0", then Q = one)

2. Each line is implemented by one “AND” element with corresponding “NOT” elements at the inputs.

3. Device "OR", if we synthesize according to "1" "OR-NO", if we synthesize according to "0", it converts the signals to the output value Q.

Minimization using Carnot cards or using perfect disjunctive normal form (SDNF)
• Formulated structural formula
• A Carnot map is compiled for two, three, four, etc. variables
for two variables
  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

for three variables
  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

Boolean algebra rule set
  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

De Morgan theorems
The addition of the sum is equal to the product of the additions of the variables

  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

The addition of the product is equal to the sum of the additions of the variables

  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

Given: synthesize the function represented by the structural formula

  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

We write the equation in perfect disjunctive normal form (SDNF)

  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

Summary Scheme

  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits

  Analysis and synthesis of logic circuits


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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base

Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base