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Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator



In a multivibrator operating in the autocollection mode ***, there are continuously generated rectangular pulses at its output.
Any multivibrator, as a pulse generator, consists of an amplifier and RC circuits.

Symmetric Multivibrator
The pulse duration t and pause t p are equal.

Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator

Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator

The process of charging a capacitor is described by a differential equation:

Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator

The solution to this equation is:

Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator

If the process of charging the capacitor begins at time t2 and ends at time t3, then for this scheme the solution will be written as:

Let UC (ti) = β Uout max. Prologize this expression, we get:

Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator

If U + vyhmax = U-out max, then: t and = τ ∙ ln (1 + 2 R1 / Roc)
if ti = tp, then the multivibrator symmetrical in such a generator, the frequency of the coil *** is determined by the formula, where the period T = ti + tp

Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator

Single-ended multivibrator

Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator

An asymmetrical multivibrator is a generator of rectangular pulses, in which the pulse duration is not equal to the duration of the pause, i.e. t and ≠ tп.
tand = (R2 + R3) • C • ln (1 + 2 R1 / Roc)
tn = (R2 + R4) • C • ln (1 + 2 R1 / Roc),
moreover, R3 ≠ R4.


Multivibrator operating in standby mode, when a square pulse at the output appears only when a trigger pulse is applied to the enable input.
Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator
Multivibrators Asymmetrical Multivibrator Single Vibrator


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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base

Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base