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Field effect transistors (PT)


Field effect transistors (PT)

A field-effect transistor is a semiconductor device whose amplifying properties are due to the flow of main charge carriers flowing through a conductive channel controlled by an electric field.
The current is determined by the movement of the main carriers of only one charge.

Field effect transistor electrodes

Field effect transistors (PT)

A source is an electrode through which charge carriers flow into a conducting channel;
Drain - an electrode through which charge carriers flow from a conductive channel;
A channel is a region in a semiconductor where the flow of the main charges is regulated
A gate is an electrode to which an electrical signal is applied to control the value of current through a conductive channel.

Types of field effect transistors
1. Field effect transistor with control pn-junction
n - channel
Field effect transistors (PT)

p - channel
Field effect transistors (PT)

2. MDP (MOS) transistors
With integrated channel
Field effect transistors (PT)

With induced channel
Field effect transistors (PT)

Field Transistor Circuits
With a common source
Field effect transistors (PT)

Voltage-current characteristics of a field-effect transistor

with control pn junction
Field effect transistors (PT)

Field effect transistors (PT)

The main parameters of the PT

• slope stopping speed (SZH)
with Usi = const

S = (∆ Ic / ∆ Uzi)

• Differential drain (channel) resistance at the saturation point
at Us = const

Rc = (∆Uci / ∆ Ic)

Parameters of field and bipolar transistors
Field effect transistors (PT)


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Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base

Terms: Electronics, Microelectronics, Element Base