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2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models


We will consider linear stationary dynamical systems described on the time interval [0 , t f ), where t f > 0, by the differential equation [M1] with the initial conditions t (0) = 0, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , ..., 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models and sufficiently smooth input action u ( t ).

2 .2.1. Transients. The solution of the differential equation [M1] is the function

(2.18) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

which at t = 0 satisfies the initial conditions, and for any 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models equation [M1]. The concept of phase variables of the system, to which the functions, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , ..., 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ( t ), satisfying the equation [M1], and the concept of a transient. The transition process is the process of change in time of various system variables (phase and input variables, deviations, etc.), during which the system changes its state. The transition process can be obtained in an analytical or graphical form. The graphic forms of the transition process include

  • timing charts of system variables: 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , ..., u ( t ), etc .;
  • phase trajectories (or integral curves, see § 3.3).

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Fig. 2.3. Transients: timing charts and phase trajectory

Decision 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models can be represented as

(2.19) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

those. contains two components. Forced component 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models (t) corresponds to the transition process of the system [M1] under the initial conditions: 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models and is the response of the system to the input action u ( t ). Free component 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models (t), or the transition process of an autonomous system, corresponds to the solutions of a homogeneous differential equation [M1 a] and depends on the initial conditions 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , ..., 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

2.2.2. Autonomous system processes. The behavior of the autonomous system and the free component of the transition process 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ( t ) depends on the poles of the system, i.e. the roots 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models characteristic equation 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models (see also clause 3.3). Roots take real values

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

or represented by complex conjugated pairs:

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

where α i = Re p i is the real part of the root, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models - the coefficient of the imaginary part.

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Fig. 2.4. System poles

For the case of unequal roots, the free component is determined by the expression:

(2.20) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

Where 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models - undefined coefficients, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models - free oscillations of the system, or mode .

Real root 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models corresponds to the aperiodic component of the transition process

(2.21) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Fig. 2.5. Aperiodic process

A pair of complex-conjugate roots of the characteristic equation corresponds to the vibrational component

(2.22) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

Where 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models - amplitude 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models - phase of oscillation 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models i is the angular frequency.

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Fig. 2.6. Oscillatory process

If among the roots of the characteristic equation are equal, then the expression (2.20) is not valid. So, a pair of equal real roots

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

corresponds to the aperiodic component of the transition process

(2.23) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

To find the particular solution y St ( t ) corresponding to the given values ​​of the initial conditions 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , ..., 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models and the values ​​of C i in the formula (2.20) use the method of undefined coefficients [1]. In accordance with the method from formula (2.20), it is necessary to obtain general expressions for phase variables. 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , ..., 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models and for t = 0 write n algebraic equations

(2.24) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

The equations contain n unknowns С i , which are found by one of the known methods. For example, you can rewrite equation (2.24) in a vector-matrix form

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

Where 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

and find the column vector of unknown coefficients as

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

If for some values ​​of the initial conditions the identity

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models = y *, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

where y * = const, then the value y = y * is called the equilibrium value of the output variable (or equilibrium position) of the autonomous system [M1a]. In the equilibrium position can be written

(2.25) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models = y *, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , ..., 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

After substitution (2.25) in the equation [M1a] we find

(2.26) a n y * = 0.

Provided that a n & nequal; 0 , we find that the only equilibrium position of the system under consideration is the origin

(2.27) y * = 0,

and for a n = 0 we find an infinite set of equilibrium values.

Remark 2 . 1 . Provided that the real part 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models some real or complex root p i is strictly negative, i.e.

(2.28) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

the corresponding component of the transition process eventually fades:

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

If condition (2.28) holds for all 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , the whole free component is damped:

(2.29) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

moreover, the limit value of the output variable exactly coincides with the equilibrium position of the autonomous system y * = 0 .

2.2.3. Forced movement. The transient component of the transient depends on the input action and can be analytically determined only for a number of special cases corresponding to some typical input signals. The most common signals are single jump, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models -function and harmonic input.

Consider the response of the system to a single step function (a single jump)

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Fig. 2.7. Single race and transition function

Forced component 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models solutions 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models when acting on the system [M1] input of a single step function 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models is called a transition function (characteristic) of the system, i.e.

(2.30) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Consider the response of the system to a single impulse function (delta function) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ( t ). The latter is defined as

(2.31) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

or an impulse of infinitely large amplitude A and infinitely small duration 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models satisfying the condition

(2.32) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Fig. 2.8. Delta function and weight function

Forced component 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models solutions 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models when a pulse function is applied to the system [M1] input 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models is called the weight function (characteristic) of the system, i.e.

(2.33) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Note that, given the definition (2.33), it is easy to get

(2.34) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

For arbitrary input effects 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models the forced component of the transient process of the system [M1] can be found by the formula (convolution integral)

(2.35) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

In the particular case when 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models (t), by virtue of property (2.34), we find

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

Note that in the general case, finding the forced component of the transition process with the help of integral expressions of the type (2.35) (see also (2.42) in § 3.2.1) is difficult. A much simpler task is to find the established component of the transition process.

2.2.4. Steady movement. The motion of the system, considered for sufficiently large values ​​of t ( 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ), is called steady state. Accordingly, the established component of the transition process 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models called the forced component 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models at 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models i.e.

(2.36) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

Function 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models is a particular solution of the equation [М1], obtained under certain (usually non-zero) initial conditions and depends on its right side, i.e. input effects 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

Remark 2.2. Often, the following form of system solution representation [M1] is used:

(2.37) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

Where 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models - the transitive component, or the general solution of the equation [M1], which can be found in the form similar to (2.20), i.e.

(2.38) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

where C i ' - constant coefficients.

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Fig. 2.9. Transients and steady state

Provided that for all values ​​of p i , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models (see Remark 2.2), the free component of x St (as well as 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ) decays, i.e. the expression (2.29) holds. Then

(2.39) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

those. the steady state corresponds to the transition process of the system in steady state. On the other hand, if one of the modes of the system y i ( t ), and hence the free component as a whole, increases indefinitely, then the limit (2.39) does not exist, and the concept of the steady state loses its meaning.

Typical particular solutions of the linear equation [M1], corresponding to the steady-state components of the transition process when acting on the system of typical input signals u ( t ), are found by the known rules:

u (t) y y (t)
U 0 Y 0
U 0 + U 1 t Y 0 + Y 1 t
U 0 sin 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models 0 t Ysin ( 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models 0 t + 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models )

where U 0 , U 1 , Y 0 , Y 1 , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ; 0 , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models - permanent.

2.2.5. Static mode The most important special case of the system [M1] solution corresponds to the constant input action 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models and the established component

(2.40) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

Let the free component of the system decay, i.e. property (2.39) holds and, therefore,

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

The last formula shows that for sufficiently large t ( 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ) there is no movement in the system, i.e. There is a static mode of operation.

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

The solution of equation (2.39) in the static mode is sought in the form

(2.41) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

Where 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models - undefined coefficient. Considering the fact that 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models write down

(2.42) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models ,

and from equation (2.41) we find that

(2.43) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

After substituting (2.41) - (2.43) in [М1], we obtain a simple algebraic expression

(2.44) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

Let be 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models . Then the indefinite coefficient K is found as

(2.45) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

With 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models will get 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models where (see clause 2.1) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models i.e. в этом случае ( 2.44 ) не является частным решением уравнения [M1].

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

Зависимость установившейся составляющей (выходной переменной после окончания переходного процесса) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models от величины входного сигнала 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models =const называется статической характеристикой динамической системы. Для линейных систем вида [M1] статическая характеристика представлена уравнением прямой (2.41), где постоянная 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , рассчитываемая по формуле (2.45), называется коэффициентом передачи или статическим коэффициентом системы.

Система [M1], для которой 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models и следовательно существует статическая характеристика называется статической системой.

Астатической называется система, для которой 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models и следовательно, не существует статической характеристики, а установившийся режим невозможен.

Определение статической характеристики сводится к элементарной операции нахождению статического коэффициента K 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models по формуле (2.45), где a n и b m - соответствующие коэффициенты дифференциального уравнения [М1]. Однако статическая характеристика может быть получена и из операторной формы [М2] или [M3]. Сопоставляя (2.45) и [ М3 ] , найдем

(2.46) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

Следовательно, в статическом режиме система описывается уравнением

(2.47) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

Замечание 2.3. По аналогии с определением положения равновесия автономной системы, можно ввести понятие равновесия возмущенной системы (2.40) при постоянном входном воздействии 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models i.e. положения, в котором выполняется тождество

2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models = y *, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models

and therefore

(2.48) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models = y *, 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models , ..., 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

Нетрудно показать, что равновесное значение выходной переменной y* в точности совпадает с установившимся значением, т.е.

(2.49) 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

В частном случае при u=0 получаем автономную систему [M1а] и равновесное положение 2.2 Transients and characteristics of input-output models .

created: 2016-12-17
updated: 2024-11-14

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Mathematical foundations of the theory of automatic control

Terms: Mathematical foundations of the theory of automatic control