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5.2. Torque (or moment of force)


Let the body, in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) there is a force 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) (Fig.5.2). We decompose this force into two components: 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) and 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force)

5.2.  Torque (or moment of force)

Strength 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) intersects the axis of rotation and, therefore, does not affect the rotation of the body. Under the action of the component 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) the body will rotate around the axis 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) . Distance 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) from the axis of rotation to the line along which the force acts 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) called shoulder strength 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) . The moment of force relative to point O is the product of the modulus of force. 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) on the shoulder 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force)

5.2.  Torque (or moment of force)

Given that 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force)

moment of power

5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) .

From the point of view of vector algebra, this expression represents the vector product of the radius-vector 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) held at the point of application of force 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) on this force. Thus, the moment of force relative to point O is a vector quantity and is equal to

5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) (5.1)

The vector of moment of force is directed perpendicular to the plane drawn through the vectors. 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) and 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) , and forms with them the right three of vectors (when observed from the top of the vector M, it can be seen that the rotation is the shortest distance from 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) to 5.2.  Torque (or moment of force) going counterclockwise).


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Physical foundations of mechanics

Terms: Physical foundations of mechanics