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6.5. Relativistic law of velocity addition


Let in the frame of reference K 'the material point moves along the x axis' at a constant speed   6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition System K 'moves relative to system K in the same direction with velocity v . We define what is equal to the velocity of the material point v o , relative to system K, i.e. what is equal to   6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition . Let at   6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition mt is at the origin, and   6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition . For system K:

  6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition

Substituting   6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition and t in the formula for v o

  6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition

Divide the numerator and denominator by t

  6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition

This equality expresses the relativistic law of velocity addition. At low speeds   6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition and   6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition we have

  6.5.  Relativistic law of velocity addition

those. the relativistic law of velocity addition goes over to the classical


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Physical foundations of mechanics

Terms: Physical foundations of mechanics