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1.8. Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics


Analyzing the formulas obtained, in kinematics we can distinguish four main types of problems:

1. General direct problem of kinematics:

By the known dependence of the radius-vector on time 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics need to determine velocity vectors 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics and accelerate 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics and their modules v and a, normal 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics and tangential 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics component of the acceleration, the radius of curvature of the trajectory R.

2. The general inverse problem of kinematics:

Based on known velocity vectors 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics or acceleration 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics it is necessary to restore the view of the trajectory, i.e. find radius vector 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics , and then all other parameters of the trajectory specified in paragraph 1.

3. Private direct kinematic problem:

By the known dependence of the path on time 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics need to find speed 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics and acceleration 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics body. In this case, you can only determine the modulus of speed and acceleration:

1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics and 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics .

Vectors 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics , 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics , 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics , and 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics and 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics in these tasks can not be determined.

4. Private inverse problem of kinematics:

Based on known speed dependencies 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics or acceleration 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics it is necessary to restore the dependence of the path on time 1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics :

1.8.  Guidelines for solving problems in kinematics


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Physical foundations of mechanics

Terms: Physical foundations of mechanics