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1.1. The radius vector of the material point


  1.1.  The radius vector of the material point

Consider the motion of a material point M in a rectangular coordinate system, placing the origin of the coorodin at point O on Earth.

The position of point M relative to the reference system can be defined not only by using three Cartesian coordinates   1.1.  The radius vector of the material point but also using one vector quantity   1.1.  The radius vector of the material point - the radius-vector of the point M, drawn to this point from the beginning of the coordinate system (Fig. 1.1). If a   1.1.  The radius vector of the material point - unit vectors (orts) of the axes of a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system, then

  1.1.  The radius vector of the material point (1.1)

Vectors   1.1.  The radius vector of the material point along the corresponding coordinate axes. Projections   1.1.  The radius vector of the material point .


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Physical foundations of mechanics

Terms: Physical foundations of mechanics