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Sensations - a reflection of the properties of objects of the objective world, which occurs when they directly affect the receptors.

In the reflex conception of I. P. Pavlov and I. M. Sechenov, various studies were carried out, showing that sensations in their physiological mechanisms are integral reflexes that unite the peripheral and central parts of the analyzer with direct and feedback connections. The variety of sensations reflects the qualitative diversity of the world. The classification of sensations may be different depending on the grounds. The division by modality has become widespread, where visual, tactile, auditory, and other sensations are distinguished. The English physiologist C. Scherington identified three classes of sensations:

1) extroceptive, they occur when exposed to external stimuli on receptors directly located on the surface of the body;

2) interoceptive, they signal using specialized receptors about the course of metabolic processes inside the body;

3) proprioceptive, they reflect the movement and relative position of the body as a result of the work of receptors, which are located in the muscles, tendons and articular bags. Sensations arise in the process of phylogenesis on the basis of elementary irritability as a reaction to stimuli, thereby reflecting the objective connection between abiotic and biotic environmental factors.

Perception is a holistic reflection of objects, events and situations that arise when direct stimuli influence the surface receptors of the sense organs. Together with the processes of sensation perception contributes directly-sensitive orientation in the surrounding world. A great contribution to the study of perception was introduced by I. M. Sechenov, exploring the reflex concept of the psyche.

Of great importance are the works of Gestalt psychology, which showed the conditioning of the most significant perception phenomena (for example, constancy) by the unchanged relations between the components of the perceptual image. The study of the reflex structure of perception laid the foundation for the creation of theoretical models of perception, where efferent, including motor processes are of great importance, which adjust the work of the perceptual system to the characteristics of the object (A. N. Leontiev). Modern perception studies are conducted by representatives of physiology, cybernetics, psychology, and other sciences.

In the ongoing research methods such as observation and experiment, empirical analysis and modeling are used. Perception is associated with thinking, attention, memory, is guided by motivational factors and has a certain affective-emotional coloring.


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History of psychology

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