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Humanistic psychology (GP) (from the Latin. Humanus - "humane") is a current engaged in the study of the semantic structures of man. Like cognitive psychology, GP was the opposite of behaviorism and psychoanalysis, in relation to these areas it was considered the "third force", which becomes the so-called life psychology. Appeared GP in the early 1960s. thanks to the American psychologist A. Maslow, who formulated the basic principles of the direction. GP has shown that the results of a study of animals cannot be transferred to an understanding of a person’s personality

Also known are studies of such luminaries of psychology as: G. Allport, S. Buhler, C. Rogers, G. A. Murray, and others. Numerous studies of the personality of the end of the 1930s served as prerequisites for the appearance of GP. and the period after the Second World War.

The basic principle of GP is that a person is born kind and positive, and all negative manifestations are formed only on the basis of his environment. In fact, the world around a person contributes to the emergence of his aggressiveness, bitterness and anger. The main subject of the study of GP is a specific integral personality with all its components (activity, self-improvement, etc.) and possible problems. Human activities should always be motivated by the pursuit of justice and truth - these are the values ​​that form the personal potential. GP considers the individual first of all as an active subject of activity, who himself has the right to choose the mode of behavior. Knowledge of GP is of great importance for teachers who want to achieve the best result in the learning process. To a lesser extent, the GP was engaged in the development of theoretical methods, researchers were more interested in their practical application.

One of the most striking developments in this area can be called "client-centered therapy" by K. Rogers. In his work, he proposed the theory of a functioning creative personality. In the future, on the basis of this therapeutic approach, other methods of group therapy were developed. In GP, ​​the theory and practice of therapy are inextricably linked, which determines the successful work of scientists in this field of psychological science.

But it is impossible not to notice the fact that the GP methods are contrasted with the methods of scientific psychology: the clinical-biographical method of GP against the experimental method and the statistical study of scientific psychology.

GP made a great contribution to the development of the psychotherapeutic direction and the theory of personality, its counseling. Thanks to the development of humanist researchers, a developing personality was incorporated into psychology, whose behavior was considered from all aspects of scientific knowledge.

created: 2017-06-24
updated: 2024-11-13

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History of psychology

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