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Famous psychologists


Burres Frederick Skinner

Berres Frederick Skinner - a talented American psychologist , author of the theory of operant learning, a prominent representative of behaviorism, who topped the list of the most prominent psychologists of the 20th century (according to the American Psychological Association ), even surpassed Sigmund Freud.

Famous psychologists

Irwin Yalom

Irwin Yalom is a world famous contemporary existential psychotherapist, a major specialist in his field, a popular writer, author of a number of bestsellers, whose works have withstood many reprints in millions of copies.

Famous psychologists

Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura is a world famous modern psychologist, researcher in the field of behavior change, aggressiveness, author of the theory of social learning, a scientist whose judgments and ideas still have a significant impact on modern psychology.

Famous psychologists

Petr Yakovlevich Halperin

Pyotr Yakovlevich Halperin is a famous Soviet psychologist, doctor of psychological sciences, an outstanding professor, the author of the theory of the gradual formation of human mental actions.

Famous psychologists

Victor Emil Frankl

Viktor Emil Frankl is a well-known Austrian psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, an outstanding philosopher and thinker, the founder of the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy , as well as the author of logotherapy (a method of existential psychotherapy). He assumed that the main force driving a person is the search for meaning.

Famous psychologists

Sergey Leonidovich Rubinstein

Sergei Leonidovich Rubinstein is a well-known Soviet psychologist, philosopher, talented scientist and researcher, author of the concept that formed the basis of the activity approach in psychology

Famous psychologists

Aaron Temkin Beck

Aaron Temkin Beck is a brilliant American psychotherapist, author and creator of cognitive psychotherapy, professor of psychiatry. Beck is the author of a number of scientific papers and psychodiagnostic techniques, and is also an honored recipient of awards for his contributions to psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Famous psychologists

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud is a world-famous Austrian doctor, an outstanding psychiatrist, the creator of the psychoanalytic movement in psychology (rightly called the "father of psychoanalysis"), the author of the theory of psychosexual development, which revolutionized the perception of society about childhood, the author of works on the interpretation of dreams.

Famous psychologists

Hanscarl Leiner

Hanscarl Leiner is a German psychiatrist, known as the creator and founder of symboldrama - a special psychotherapeutic method that has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Founder and first president of the European College for the Study of Consciousness.

Famous psychologists

Martin Seligman

Martin Seligman is an outstanding American psychologist, teacher, author of many books and publications, known all over the world as the founder of a whole area of ​​modern psychological science - positive psychology. His most famous discovery is the phenomenon of learned helplessness.

Famous psychologists

Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow is a famous American psychologist and scientist, one of the founders of the humanistic direction in psychology. The best known are his ideas about motivation, self-actualization of the individual, as well as about the Jonah complex as an obstacle to achieving self-actualization.

Famous psychologists

Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler is an Austrian physician, psychologist, better known all over the world as the founder of individual psychology, and also as one of the founders of psychoanalysis along with C.G. Jung and S. Freud. Most famous for his ideas on the pursuit of superiority, inferiority complex, birth order, lifestyle and social interest.

Famous psychologists

Carl Rogers

Karl Rogers is known as one of the most influential and respected psychologists of the twentieth century, a psychotherapist, one of the founders of the humanistic direction in psychological science (along with Abraham Maslow). The creator of the so-called "client-centered therapy".

Famous psychologists

Gordon Allport

Gordon Allport is a renowned American psychologist, a prominent researcher in the field of personality traits, who made a significant contribution to the study of human personality .

Famous psychologists

Karen Horney

The name Karen Horney is known to everyone who has an interest in or studied psychology. The famous psychologist, doctor, talented psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, teacher, researcher - neo-Freudian, one of the founders of female psychology - all this is Karen Horney.

Famous psychologists

Eric Erikson

Eric Erickson is an internationally renowned psychologist, psychoanalyst, personologist, developmental psychologist, post-Freudian theorist, who has significantly expanded the boundaries of psychoanalytic theory. Best known in the scientific world for the theory of psychosocial development and the idea of ​​an identity crisis.

Famous psychologists

Anna Freud

Anna Freud is a talented Austrian psychologist and a wonderful psychoanalyst, co-founder of child psychoanalysis and ego psychology, the youngest of Freud's children, his main assistant and follower, who managed to make a significant contribution to the theory of psychoanalysis.

Famous psychologists

Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm is an outstanding philosopher, sociologist , thinker, talented psychologist and psychoanalyst, co-founder and prominent representative of neo-Freudianism. The site says about it. Most of his works are devoted to the topic of man's place in the world, as well as the meaning of his existence.

Famous psychologists

Hanscarl Leiner

Hanscarl Leiner is a German psychiatrist, known as the creator and founder of symboldrama - a special psychotherapeutic method that has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Founder and first president of the European College for the Study of Consciousness.

Famous psychologists

Martin Seligman

Martin Seligman is an outstanding American psychologist, teacher, author of many books and publications, known all over the world as the founder of a whole area of ​​modern psychological science - positive psychology. His most famous discovery is the phenomenon of learned helplessness.

Famous psychologists

Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow is a famous American psychologist and scientist, one of the founders of the humanistic direction in psychology. The best known are his ideas about motivation, self-actualization of the individual, as well as about the Jonah complex as an obstacle to achieving self-actualization.

Famous psychologists

Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler is an Austrian physician, psychologist, better known all over the world as the founder of individual psychology, and also as one of the founders of psychoanalysis along with C.G. Jung and S. Freud. Most famous for his ideas on the pursuit of superiority, inferiority complex, birth order, lifestyle and social interest.

Famous psychologists

Carl Rogers

Karl Rogers is known as one of the most influential and respected psychologists of the twentieth century, a psychotherapist, one of the founders of the humanistic direction in psychological science (along with Abraham Maslow). The creator of the so-called "client-centered therapy".

Famous psychologists

Gordon Allport

Gordon Allport is a renowned American psychologist, a prominent researcher in the field of personality traits, who made a significant contribution to the study of human personality.

Famous psychologists

Karen Horney

The name Karen Horney is known to everyone who has an interest in or studied psychology. The famous psychologist, doctor, talented psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, teacher, researcher - neo-Freudian, one of the founders of female psychology - all this is Karen Horney.

Famous psychologists

Eric Erikson

Eric Erickson is an internationally renowned psychologist, psychoanalyst, personologist, developmental psychologist, post-Freudian theorist, who has significantly expanded the boundaries of psychoanalytic theory. Best known in the scientific world for the theory of psychosocial development and the idea of ​​an identity crisis.

Famous psychologists

Anna Freud

Anna Freud is a talented Austrian psychologist and a wonderful psychoanalyst, co-founder of child psychoanalysis and ego psychology, the youngest of Freud's children, his main assistant and follower, who managed to make a significant contribution to the theory of psychoanalysis.

Famous psychologists

Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm is an outstanding philosopher, sociologist, thinker, talented psychologist and psychoanalyst, co-founder and prominent representative of neo-Freudianism. Most of his works are devoted to the topic of man's place in the world, as well as the meaning of his existence.

Famous psychologists

Ernst Kretschmer

Ernst Kretschmer is an outstanding German medical psychologist, psychiatrist, who gained worldwide fame for creating a character classification based on the characteristics of the body structure, which became the basis for further research in the field of psychosomatics.

Famous psychologists

Murray Bowen

American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University, one of the pioneers of family therapy and the founders of the systems approach in family psychotherapy - Murray Bowen.

Famous psychologists

Harry Stuck Sullivan

American researcher, psychologist, psychiatrist, creator of a theory that combines psychodynamic and behavioral ideas, teacher Harry Sullivan is much less known to Russian-speaking specialists than, according to some authors, deserves it.

Famous psychologists

Albert Ellis

Founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, talented psychologist, psychotherapist, researcher, prolific writer, award-winning and award-winning expert in sexual counseling. All this is Albert Ellis.

Famous psychologists

Rollo May

Rollo May is an amazingly talented existential psychologist, a wonderful American psychotherapist, writer, teacher, researcher. “No one becomes a person in the full sense of the word painlessly” - These are the words of Rollo May, which have a special relation to his life and destiny.

Famous psychologists

Karl Whitaker

Karl Whitaker is a world renowned American family psychotherapist, the author of a number of unique psychotherapeutic techniques used today to help families, a talented psychiatrist, physician, researcher, teacher.

Famous psychologists

Julian Rotter

Julian Rotter is an American researcher and psychologist known all over the world, first of all, as the author of the theory about the locus of subjective control, as well as the creator of a number of psychodiagnostic techniques that allow to identify the features of subjective control and other indicators

Famous psychologists

Salvador Minukhin

Salvador Minukhin is one of the greatest modern family psychotherapists. His merits are already highly appreciated by specialists in the field of family psychology and psychotherapy, and his books have become real manuals for those wishing to gain knowledge in this area of ​​psychological science.

Famous psychologists

Virginia satyr

Virginia Satir is one of the most renowned, talented and influential family therapists in the world. Educator, author of several books on family therapy, winner of many awards - all of this also applies to Virginia Satir.

Famous psychologists

James Bujenthal

The name of this wonderful psychotherapist is familiar to many modern specialists - psychologists and psychotherapists, especially those who work in a humanistic and / or existential direction. The author of several articles and books on psychotherapy, a talented psychotherapist and teacher - James Bujenthal

Bluma Wolfovna Zeigarnik

Famous psychologists An outstanding Russian psychologist, a tireless researcher, whose achievements in the field of medical psychology, pathopsychology are difficult to overestimate, the founder of a new direction of science - experimental psychology, a professor at Moscow State University, professor - Bluma Vulfovna Zeigarnik.

Famous psychologists

Edward Lee Thorndike

The name of Edward L. Thorndike is known to every psychologist today. He is an outstanding American researcher, psychologist, teacher, educator, author of a huge number of scientific publications.

Famous psychologists

Mihai Chiskentmihalyi

World famous scientist, psychologist, researcher of Hungarian origin, one of the founders of positive psychology, the creator of the idea of ​​"flow" (a special state of enthusiasm for the performed activity), author of best-selling books on psychology - Mihai Csikszentmihalyi.

Famous psychologists

Wilhelm Wundt

A well-known psychologist, physiologist, the founder of the so-called experimental psychology, the creator of a special laboratory that functioned within the framework of the direction of psychological science he founded, a scientist who influenced many other outstanding psychologists - Wilhelm Wundt.

Famous psychologists

Paul Ekman

Paul Ekman is one of the most prominent and influential research psychologists of our time. The largest specialist in the field of psychology of lies, most of the research is devoted to the study of lies, as well as non-verbal manifestations of human emotions and feelings.

Famous psychologists

John Bowlby

John Bowlby is one of the most prominent psychologists and psychotherapists of the twentieth century. Attachment theory belonging to him is today one of the classics in psychology. In addition, the work of John Bowlby laid the foundation for a new line of research that was later incorporated into attachment psychology.

Famous psychologists

Kurt Levin

An American psychologist of German descent, Kurt Lewin is rightfully considered one of the founders of the vast field of psychological science - social psychology, as well as one of the most prominent psychologists of the twentieth century, whose contribution to psychology can hardly be overestimated.

Famous psychologists

Leon Festinger

The merits of this outstanding researcher, psychologist, teacher include making a significant contribution to psychology in general, as well as to formation and development of the cognitive and social branches of psychological science.

Famous psychologists

Jean Piaget

An outstanding psychologist, philosopher from Switzerland, author of the theory that influenced developmental psychology and child psychology - the theory of cognitive development, a talented and productive author, creator of his own approach to the nature of cognition - Jean Piaget.

Famous psychologists

William Sheldon

An American researcher, a talented psychologist, William Sheldon made a significant contribution to the psychological doctrine of temperament, identifying its connections with the features of the body structure and creating the so-called constitutional theory of temperament.


Famous psychologists

Otto Rank

Otto Rank (Rosenfeld) is a major representative of the psychoanalytic direction of psychological science, one of the closest students of Z. Freud, a tireless researcher, author of the psychoanalytic theory of birth trauma, teacher, doctor of sciences.

Famous psychologists

Franz Alexander

An influential American psychoanalyst and physician of Hungarian origin, one of the world's largest researchers in the field of psychosomatics, the founder of the Chicago Psychoanalytic Society, the author of important scientific works is Franz Gabriel Alexander.

Famous psychologists

Karl Jaspers

The world famous psychiatrist, psychologist, philosopher of German origin, one of the largest representatives of the existential direction of philosophy and psychology - Karl Jaspers.

Famous psychologists

Lydia Ilyinichna Bozhovich

The name of Lydia Ilyinichna Bozhovich - an outstanding Russian scientist of the time of the USSR, a psychologist, a major researcher in the field of psychology (age and development), as well as pedology, one of the students of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, professor, doctor of science - is known all over the world today.

Famous psychologists

Peter B. Gannushkin

Peter Borisovich Gannushkin is a major Russian researcher in the field of psychiatry and psychology, the creator of a separate approach to understanding and classifying mental disorders, the results of his work became the basis for modern classifications of character accentuations.

Famous psychologists

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie is an internationally renowned American psychologist, a prominent researcher in the field of the psychology of communication and interaction between people, a successful orator, a talented and very popular writer, an outstanding teacher, the author of a number of bestsellers that have broken popularity records around the world.

Famous psychologists

Stanislav Grof

Stanislav Grof is a famous modern psychologist, psychiatrist, scientist - researcher, the creator of a separate area of ​​psychological science - prenatal and perinatal psychology, as well as the original psychotherapeutic method of holotropic breathing, author of numerous publications, winner of a number of prizes and awards for his contribution to science, professor.

Famous psychologists

Fritz Perls

A bright, charismatic, extraordinary person, a rebel, a tireless researcher, a psychoanalyst, an outstanding psychologist, the founder of the popular psychotherapeutic trend in the modern world - Gestalt therapy - all this rightfully refers to Frederick (Fritz) Perls.

Famous psychologists

Melanie Klein

Melanie Klein is a famous psychologist, a prominent specialist in the field of child psychoanalysis, the founder of a separate psychoanalytic school, a researcher, the author of the play method in psychoanalysis, she also belongs to the creation and development of the theory of object relations.

Famous psychologists

Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev

Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev is a world-famous psychologist, one of the largest Soviet psychologists, a tireless seeker of truth, a talented scientist, professor and one of the founders of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, a man with outstanding personal qualities.

created: 2020-09-05
updated: 2024-11-14

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History of psychology

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