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Child psychology (PD) began to develop in the late XIX century. Each age, according to researchers of that time, was characterized by certain changes in the personality structure. The subject of the DP was a child from newborn to adolescence. Subsequently, it was found that the development of personality does not end at adolescence, therefore, DP has become the main position in the development of age psychology. Development in the period of childhood is considered the most active and powerful. It is at this age that the processes that affect the future life of a person develop.

Modern DP is a branch of psychology that tracks the development and gradual change of the child’s mental processes, the formation of his personal characteristics.

A special place in the PD takes the study of the child's behavior in the game, primary education and various types of work. As a rule, DP is in close connection with educational psychology. This is explained by the fact that the period of childhood covers the life of a person from birth to adolescence. The main objective of the PD - the development of psychodiagnostic methods that determine the level of cognitive development, characteristic of a certain age.

Pedagogical psychology (PP) (literally - “raising a child”) is a psychological branch that studies the development of a child in the process of learning and upbringing. PP divides into 3 branches: the psychology of learning, the psychology of education and the psychology of the teacher. PP developed in three stages, each of which introduced various innovations into it.

At the first stage (mid XVII - the end of the XIX centuries) G. Pestalozzi proposed the psychologization of pedagogy, for which this stage was called the general didactic. At the end of this stage, the main works belonged to KD Ushinsky, who believed that “if pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then she must first of all recognize him in all respects” (his work “Man as an Education Subject”). Since the end of the XIX century. and until 1950 PP receives the status of an independent science, and within it the science of children is formed - pedology, which, after a long period of criticism, was banned in 1936 with the wording “On pedological violations in the drug flow system”.

The third stage began in the middle of the twentieth century. and lasts so far. It is characterized by significant research in the field of PP. In 1954, B. F. Skinner proposed programmed training, which was subsequently subjected to algorithmicization.

In the 1970-1980s. problem learning emerged, then D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov proposed a theory of developmental training. At present, the behavior of the child in the peer group is being carefully studied, and the newest methods of teaching "difficult" children are being developed.

The subject of the program is the facts and mechanisms of the intellectual development of a person, which represent him as a subject of educational activity.

created: 2017-06-24
updated: 2024-11-14

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History of psychology

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