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William James (1842–1910) argued that the inner experience of a person is not a series of elements, but a stream of consciousness, it is distinguished by subjective selectivity (the ability to always make a choice). He proposed a concept in accordance with which the transformations in the muscular and vascular systems of the body become initial, and the expansive states generated by them become secondary.


As an object, psychology analyzes behavior as a complex of body reactions determined by its interaction with stimuli of the environment to which it adapts. Founder - D. Watson. The unit of consideration of behavior contained an external objective observation accessible to the mind, a stimulus independent of consciousness — reactive connections.


Z. Freud (1856–1939) discovers in his mind powerful layers of psychic forces, processes and mechanisms that are incomprehensible by man. The core dogma - the real motives from consciousness are hidden, but in fact they dominate the behavior.

Personality structure is depicted as follows:

1) id (unconscious part of the subject in which the unconscious reasons for his behavior accumulate);

2) the ego (the conscious part by which the individual builds his relationship with reality);

3) superego (a force controlling an area that is not perceived by a person and does not allow its manifestations to penetrate into conscious life). Central energies that establish human behavior (according to Z. Freud):

1) Libido - energy of sexual nature;

2) thanatos - tendency to destruction. Gestalt psychology

Appeared in opposition to behaviorism. The origins are Max Wertheimer (1880–1943), Wolfgang Köhler (1887–1967), and Kurt

Koffka (1886–1941).

Gestaltists did not agree with the additional elements, which from the outside systematized the sensory composition of consciousness, giving it structure, shape, gestalt, and advanced the postulate that structurality is characteristic of this composition itself. Gestalt itself is a kind of action scheme, which, according to characteristic laws, forms a hierarchy of diversity of specific phenomena and phenomena.

Patterns characteristic of gestalt psychology:

1) the desire of specific elements to form a whole;

2) the movement of elements takes place in the direction of coordination;

3) the desire to take from a vague form a scheme completed with some result becomes a feature of any phenomenon. The personal world is analyzed in two aspects:

1) as physiological accuracy - the processes occurring in the brain, as the reproduction of stimuli;

2) as a psychic exceptional reality.


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History of psychology

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