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The psyche is a fundamental concept of psychology. The psyche is the inner world of a person, which originates in the process of human interaction with the outside world, in the process of dynamic reproduction of this world.

Mental processes are active causal factors of behavior. A person is influenced by the social environment; therefore, his consciousness has its own structure and systemic and semantic organization. Various manifestations of the psyche form an unconscious region.

The psyche is expressed in a person in the following blocks of mental phenomena:

1) mental processes are simple mental phenomena that last from a split second to tens of minutes or more. The psychic is a living, plastic, defining and forming process. Mental processes are always included in more complex types of mental activity;

2) mental states. They are the most long-term compared with mental processes (they can last for several hours, days, weeks) and are the most complex in structure and formation. This is a state of cheerfulness or depression, working ability or fatigue, aggressiveness, inattention, good or bad mood;

3) mental properties of the personality - temperament, character, abilities and stable features of mental processes in an individual;

4) mental formation - the consequences of the human psyche, its formation and self-development. This is acquired knowledge, skills. Mental processes, states, properties and behavior constitute a holistic unity and mutually transform into each other. Psychological analysis allows you to systematize mental activity in terms of the functions implemented in the course of the relationship of a person with the world and other people. Here we should talk about the functions of orientation, performance and functions of information and verification. It is through such functions that mental activity is manifested as a device for settling all manifestations. Such manifestations can have various levels of activity, established not only by the consequences of the reorganization of the subject, but also by the nature of the modifications of the functioning personality. The analysis is possible in terms of the consequences obtained. This refers to reproductive and creative activities. The ratio of imitativeness and independence is diverse in each of these species, and in the results objective and subjective novelty and originality are differently conveyed.


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History of psychology

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