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In the middle of the XIX century. significant philosophical trends are emerging on the basis of the experience accumulated by predecessors and existing philosophical theories.

Idealism. Representatives of this trend recognized consciousness, the spirit as primary, and being, matter as secondary.

Key points:

1) the world is the personification of the perfect idea, the world spirit;

2) only the human consciousness is genuine, and the physical world lives only in it: in sensations, concepts, ideas;

3) the denial of the possibility of comprehending the laws of nature, objective truth. Idealism is formed on the judgments of the German idealist philosophers of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. - I. Kant, J. G. Fichte, G. Hegel. They established two main types of idealism - individual (subjective) and objective.

Subjective idealism (J. Berkeley) does not recognize the objective life of the external world, recognizing only the reality of feelings and judgments, of a particular personal consciousness of man.

Objective idealism (G. Hegel) is based on the thesis that at the beginning of all things spirit and idea autonomous from matter and consciousness lie.

Irrationalism and voluntarism are philosophical idealistic currents that deny rationality of knowledge of natural phenomena by reason, which in the first case was interpreted by the dependence of human consciousness and activity on natural phenomena, and in the second by the dominance of the will over intellect (F. Nietzsche and others).

Rationalism. Formed on the predominance of the rational beginning as an objective measure of comprehension of reality. Thinking abilities are a true reflection of natural patterns in subjective and social activities. This is the view of general expediency, which is followed by followers of B. Spinoza and R. Descartes, who in turn contributed to scholasticism and metaphysics.

Materialism. It comes from the position that the world is material and objective, regardless of consciousness. The latter is secondary and derived from the material substance - its carrier. Therefore, the materialists relied on research data in the field of natural science. These were the works of I. M. Sechenov and Charles Darwin, starting with the provisions of the Russian revolutionary democrats.

Marxist philosophy was formed in the middle of the XIX century. K. Marx and F. Engels. Marxists followed the tenets of the unity of natural and social phenomena.

The following types of materialist doctrine were formed by the classics of Marxism: dialectical materialism, philosophical materialism and historical materialism, which include provisions on the laws of the evolutionary nature and society.

created: 2017-06-24
updated: 2024-11-14

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