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The emergence of the beginnings of capitalism in some cities of the European Mediterranean took place in the X1V – XV centuries. During this period, the process of liberation of the individual from the fetters of feudalism was going on. This was accompanied by a fierce struggle with the church-theological vision of the soul. The nature of any teaching was determined by the attitude to this concept.

The first to fight theology was pantheism, which led to the transition to the explanation of the universe from a materialistic point of view. New ideas emerged, reflecting the unity of man and nature, directed against hierarchization, dualism and Christian theology. These ideas gave rise to a new form of teaching, which is that the cosmos is compared with a deity, and man with a cosmos.

Pantheistic ideas and teachings of Ibn Rushd were the first to penetrate into Italy. The University of Padua was under the auspices of Venice, which at that time was actively fighting the Roman church. She actively supported everything that could undermine the ideological stronghold of the Pope’s power. Neo-Platonists who had an academy in Florence were in dispute with the avowists of the University of Padua. But soon the Neoplatonists began to attack from the other side. The treatise of Pietro Pom-Ponazzi, called “On the Immortality of the Soul,” marked the beginning of these attacks.

Treatise P. Pomponazzi contributed to the emergence of a new movement of alexandrists, in which anti-clerical motifs sounded even more resolute. Avveoisty, and alexandrists in general, played a huge role in the emergence of a new ideological atmosphere.

Lack of natural science in the Renaissance could not develop their own generalizing structures. The views of the ideologues coincided with the concept of the thinkers of the ancient world, borrowing their aspirations for empiricism, for sensual knowledge of reality. Bernardino Telezio headed the new empiric-naturalistic direction.

B. Telezio became the developer of the theory of affects, which marked the beginning of the subsequent formation of materialistic views.

One of the outstanding scientists of the Renaissance was Leonardo da Vinci, who embodied in his writings a new attitude to reality, characterized by a synthesis of sensual contemplation, theoretical reflection and practical action.

Leonardo da Vinci, using a scalpel, tried to penetrate the essence of human behavior. He investigated the structure of the "four universal human states": crying, joy, feuds and physical (labor) effort.

Leonardo da Vinci, being a fundamentally new type of researcher, conducted anatomical experiments, trying to study biomechanics, that is, the structure and operation of all motor functions and body systems.


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