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6 Opinions about the nature and processes of spiritual manifestations in the ancient world


In the ancient world originated many opinions about the nature and processes of mental manifestations.

One of the first ideas had a gnoseological meaning, it expressed ways of knowing the world around us. The activity of the senses was determined by the duration of thinking - so believed Heraclitus. Even in the pre-Ristotelian period, the doctrine that there are so-called parts of the soul became widespread.

During the existence of the Pythagorean school, a new idea emerged about the three parts of the soul: "courageous", "reasonable" and "hungry." This presentation took Plato and Democritus.

Aristotle, however, adhered to the naturalistic position, he superbly summarized the empirical material, and his scheme asserted a holistic genetic approach to the processes of human life. This was the advantage of the Aristotelian scheme over the Platonic one. Ontological, psychological and epistemological knowledge about the nature of mental phenomena was tightly interconnected in the minds of ancient thinkers, so they divided the qualities of things into primary and secondary. Aristotle believed that representations are united by the laws of association. This concept of Aristotle marked the beginning of one of the most famous psychological theories - associative. Aristotle refuted the concept of Plato and carried the substrate of memories not to the soul, but to the body. He believed that the soul and body can not exist separately from each other. Aristotle also suggested the distinction between the two types of mind: practical and theoretical. Aristotle laid an impassable boundary between the mental activity of man and animals and created the doctrine of the heterogeneous mind.

Epicureans and the Stoics in their work on the cognitive abilities of the soul made many discoveries, especially in terms of overcoming the difficulties associated with the problem of the transition from sensory impressions to thinking, establishing solid truths.

Epicureans put forward a certain concept that positive evolutionary development is the absence of negative evolutionary development. The Stoics, on the other hand, declare war on any affects, regarding them as "damage to the mind."

The views on various types of psychic phenomena that emerged in the antique period determined the strongholds of the subsequent psychological search.

Scientific knowledge of the psyche, the work of ancient scholars in obtaining this knowledge is of the greatest importance, which determines their special role in the development of civilization.

Philosophical categories apply to any manifestation of mental activity, to whatever objects it may be directed.

The most important objects for the study of the historical path of development of science are its researchers themselves. The historical logic of the movement of knowledge is determined by the creative pursuits of the individual.


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