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The main functions of psychology include the study of the adaptive role of the human psyche and animals in the conditions of modern life; study of the development of cognitive processes at each stage of mental development. As a rule, the following branches of psychology are distinguished.

Social psychology (SP) explores the relationship and the relationship of man with society. This industry combines general psychology with sociology. The subject of the study of the joint venture is primarily a person and his mental characteristics, the way people interact, how they perceive each other. A significant place in social psychology is given to the psychological characteristics of social groups. According to scientists, the person has not yet been fully studied, so it is impossible to say that this industry does not continue to develop at the present time.

Developmental psychology (VP) has been studied since the end of the XIX century. The subject of study of this industry was a healthy individual and its development in ontogenesis. Various periods of human development, transition crises from one age category to another, the dynamics of mental development are studied. VP set a number of tasks for itself, which required a lot of time to complete.

At present, there are several sections of the EaP: psychology of infancy, psychology of early age, psychology of preschool age, psychology of the younger schoolchild, teenage psychology, youth psychology, psychology of maturity, gerontopsychology (psychology of the elderly).

Pedagogical psychology studies the patterns of human development in the educational process.

There are 3 sections of educational psychology: the psychology of learning, the psychology of education and the psychology of the teacher. Within these sections, the student’s relationships with peers in the educational process, the interaction of the teacher and the students, the specifics of building a pedagogical work plan with the students are studied.

Medical psychology (MP) studies the course of mental processes associated with the dynamics of the development of diseases, especially the doctor-patient relationship, and the qualitative improvement of the treatment process. MP is divided into: neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, psycho-prophylaxis and psychohygiene.

Legal psychology (SP) is engaged in the study of the flow of mental processes of the individual in terms of legal relations. Sections of the SP are: criminal, judicial and correctional psychology.

Military psychology studies the mental characteristics of people during hostilities and in conditions of combat training.

Special psychology (psychology of abnormal development) deals with the study of mental deviations in human development. The main task of the joint venture is to identify violations in the early stages and to find possible optimal ways to correct and diagnose them.

The joint venture is divided into: pathopsychology, oligophreniopsychology, surdopsychology and typhlopsychology.


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History of psychology

Terms: History of psychology