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52 PSYCHOTICS directions


At the turn of the 20th century industrial progress has directed the interests of psychology to the problems of production and work activities, determined the birth of psychotechnics (the concept was introduced by V. Stern).

F. Taylor (1856–1915) invented a system of intensification of activity for expedient unification of production (Taylorism). The scientific integration of production, the design of activity-based processes demanded thorough information about the neuropsychic abilities of workers and the potentials of their effective use. For the structuring of psychotechnology used to achieve the experience and the psychology of delineation.

The main directions of psychotechnics:

1) identification of the best duration of labor time;

2) experienced exploring the issue of fatigue;

3) methods of consideration of professions and professional suitability. Gaining vocational guidance.

The founder is J. Parson, the author of the book "The choice of profession."

The tasks of vocational guidance included:

1) to help the subject by means of tests to acquire as accurate as possible information about their mental properties;

2) get acquainted with the requirements that apply to the psychophysical organization of a person by various professions;

3) comparing these two groups of information, provide a reasonable appointment.

A significant stage in the development of industrial psychology (psychotechnology) was the book of G. Munsterberg "The Psychology of Industrial Productivity". It analyzed the problems of scientific management of enterprises, professional selection and vocational guidance, industrial training, adaptation of technology to the psychological potentials of man and other factors to increase the productivity of workers and incomes of entrepreneurs.

G. Munsterberg, like other scientists who formed psychotechnique, at first conducted work in two aspects. In order to diagnose for professional selection, based on the hypothesis that the mental activity of a particular individual is a combination of various functions (memory, attention, general mental abilities, quickness of reaction, etc.), through tests determined the degree of formation of these functions necessary for the successful implementation this activity. The logic and techniques of the psychology of demarcation were used here.

The second course proceeded from consideration of the requirements of the profession for neuropsychic functions. In a number of experiments of G. Münsterberg, moments were observed that significantly distinguish them from the established model adopted in “academic” experimental psychology.

As a starting point, the task identified by practice was becoming. Life circumstances were schematized. The reactions of the subject to the characters in their structural features are also similar to real production operations.


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History of psychology

Terms: History of psychology