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Relevance of database protection. The causes of its destruction. Legal protection of databases


As the activities of organizations increasingly depend on computer information technologies, the problems of protecting databases become more and more relevant. Threats of losing confidential information have become commonplace in the modern computer world. If there are flaws in the protection system, then the data can be damaged, which can be expressed in: violation of data integrity, loss of important information, transfer of important data to unauthorized persons, etc.

Damage: - violation of data integrity

- loss of important information

- getting confidential data to unauthorized persons, etc.

The main methods of protection are: - password protection; - separation of access rights to the database objects; - protection of fields and records of database tables.

Encryption - transform. readable text in unreadable with the help of some algorithm used to protect data.

The decryption process - data recovery in the original. state.

Access rights determine the possibility of actions on objects.

The owner of the object, the user who created the object, the administrator - have all the rights. The rest of the users to different objects have different access levels. Permissions for a specific object are stored in a group file: - account names; - field parameters; - the names of the groups in which the fields belong.

Access rights to the tabl .: - view / read data; - change / edit data; - add new entries; - add / delete data; - changed page str.

Access rights to the fields of the table: - Completely prohibited access; - only reading; - permission of all operations.

File permissions: - call for work and design; - prohibitions of separate elements.

Supplementary protection terms: - provide a whole range of connections table; - org-ia jointly isp-I ob-in the database in the network; - increased availability of data; -

Legal protection of the database:

in each country is different


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Databases, knowledge and data warehousing. Big data, DBMS and SQL and noSQL

Terms: Databases, knowledge and data warehousing. Big data, DBMS and SQL and noSQL