You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

4. Relational algebra


Relational Algebra Overview

The third part of the relational model, the manipulation part, states that access to relational data is performed using relational algebra or equivalent relational calculus.

In implementations of specific relational DBMS, neither relational algebra nor relational calculus is currently used in its pure form. Structured Query Language (SQL) has become the de facto standard for accessing relational data. The SQL language is a mixture of relational algebra operators and relational calculus expressions using a syntax that is close to English phrases and enhanced by additional features not found in relational algebra and relational calculus. In general, a data access language is called relationally complete if it is not inferior in its expressive power to relational algebra (or, equivalently, to relational calculus), i.e. any operator of relational algebra can be expressed by means of this language. That's exactly what SQL is.

This chapter will cover the basics of relational algebra.

Closed Relational Algebra

Relational algebra is a set of operators that use relations as arguments and return relations as a result. So the relational operator 4. Relational algebra looks like a function with relations as arguments:

4. Relational algebra

Relational algebra is closed because As arguments, you can substitute other relational operators of the following type into relational operators:

4. Relational algebra

Thus, in relational expressions, you can use nested expressions of arbitrarily complex structure.

Each relationship must have a unique name within the database. The name of the relationship obtained as a result of a relational operation is defined in the left part of the equation. However, you can not require the presence of names from relations derived from relational expressions, if these relations are substituted as arguments in other relational expressions. Such relations will be called unnamed relations . Unnamed relationships do not really exist in the database, but are only calculated at the time of calculating the value of the relational operator.

Traditionally, following Codd [43], eight relational operators are defined, combined into two groups.

Set theoretic operators:

  • Union
  • Intersection
  • Subtraction
  • Cartesian product

Special relational operators:

  • Sample
  • Projection
  • Compound
  • Division

Not all of them are independent, i.e. Some of these operators can be expressed through other relational operators.

Type-compatible relationships

Some relational operators (for example, union) require that relations have the same headers. Indeed, the relationship consists of a heading and a body. The operation of combining two relations is simply the union of two sets of tuples taken from the bodies of the corresponding relations. But will the result be an attitude? First, if the initial relations have a different number of attributes, then it is obvious that the set, which is the union of such heterogeneous tuples, cannot be represented as a relation. Secondly, even if the relationship has the same number of attributes, but the attributes have different names. How then to determine the title of the relationship, resulting from the union of sets of tuples? Third, let relations have the same number of attributes, attributes have the same name, but are defined on different domains. Then again the union of the tuples will not form a relation.

Definition 1 . We will call relationships compatible by type if they have identical headings, namely,

  • Relationships have the same set of attribute names , i.e. for any attribute in one respect there is an attribute with the same name in another respect,
  • Attributes with the same name are defined on the same domains .

Some relationships are not compatible by type, but become so after some renaming of attributes. In order for such relationships to be used in relational operators, an auxiliary attribute renaming operator is introduced.

Attribute Renamer

The attribute renaming operator has the following syntax:

4. Relational algebra


4. Relational algebra - attitude

4. Relational algebra - the original attribute names,

4. Relational algebra - new attribute names.

As a result of applying the attribute renaming operator, we get a new relationship, with the attribute names changed.

Example 1

The following statement returns an unnamed relationship in which the attribute 4. Relational algebra renamed to 4. Relational algebra :

4. Relational algebra

Set theoretic operators


Definition 2 . Combining two compatible relationships 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra called a relationship with the same heading as the relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra and body consisting of tuples belonging to or 4. Relational algebra , or 4. Relational algebra or both relationships.

The syntax of the merge operation:

4. Relational algebra

Remark A union, like any relation, cannot contain identical tuples. Therefore, if some tuple is included in 4. Relational algebra and attitude 4. Relational algebra , it enters the union once.

Example 2 Let two relationships be given 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra with employee information:

Personnel Number Surname Salary
one Ivanov 1000
2 Petrov 2000
3 Sidorov 3000

Table 1 Attitude A

Personnel Number Surname Salary
one Ivanov 1000
2 Furs 2500
four Sidorov 3000

Table 2 Attitude B

Merging relationships 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra will look like:

Personnel Number Surname Salary
one Ivanov 1000
2 Petrov 2000
3 Sidorov 3000
2 Pushnikov 2500
four Sidorov 3000

Table 3 Attitude A UNION B

Remark As can be seen from the above example, potential keys that were in a relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra not inherited by combining these relationships. Therefore, in the union of relationships 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra The attribute "Personnel Number" may contain duplicate values. If this were not the case, and the keys would be inherited, then this would contradict the notion of union as "union of sets". Of course, the union of relationships 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra has, like any relationship, a potential key, for example, consisting of all attributes.


Definition 3 . The intersection of two compatible by type of relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra called a relationship with the same heading as the relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra , and the body, consisting of tuples belonging simultaneously to both relationships 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra .

Intersection operation syntax:

4. Relational algebra

Example 3 For the same relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra , as in the previous example, the intersection has the form:

Personnel Number Surname Salary
one Ivanov 1000

Table 4 Attitude A INTERSECT B

Remark It would seem that, unlike the union operation, the potential keys could be inherited by the intersection of relations. However, it is not. In general, no relational operators convey any data about potential keys to the resulting relation . The reason for this could be a trivial consideration that this is more simple and symmetrical - all operators are arranged in the same way. In fact, the reason is deeper, and lies in the fact that the potential key is a semantic concept that reflects the distinguishability of objects in the domain. The presence of potential keys is not derived from the structure of the relationship, but is explicitly defined for each relationship, based on its meaning. Relational operators are formal operations on relationships and are executed in the same way, regardless of the meaning of the data contained in the relationship. Therefore, relational operators cannot “know” anything about the meaning of data. The interpretation of the result of relational operations is the user's business.


Definition 4 . Subtracting two compatible relationships 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra called a relationship with the same heading as the relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra , and body consisting of tuples belonging to the relation 4. Relational algebra and not belonging to the relation 4. Relational algebra .

Subtract operation syntax:

4. Relational algebra

Example 4 For the same relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra , as in the previous example, the subtraction is:

Personnel Number Surname Salary
2 Petrov 2000
3 Sidorov 3000

Table 5: A MINUS B Ratio

Cartesian product

Definition 5 . Cartesian product of two relationships 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra is called a relationship whose title is a concatenation of relationship headers 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra :

4. Relational algebra ,

and the body consists of tuples that are a concatenation of relations tuples 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra :

4. Relational algebra ,

such that 4. Relational algebra , 4. Relational algebra .

The syntax of a Cartesian product is:

4. Relational algebra

Remark Power of the work 4. Relational algebra equal to the product of the power relations 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra because every tuple relationship 4. Relational algebra connects with every tuple relationship 4. Relational algebra .

Remark If in a relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra If there are attributes with the same name, then before performing the Cartesian product, such attributes must be renamed.

Remark You can multiply any two relationships, compatibility by type is not required.

Example 5 Let two relationships be given 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra with information about suppliers and details:

Vendor number Supplier name
one Ivanov
2 Petrov
3 Sidorov

Table 6 Attitude A (Suppliers)

Detail number the name of detail
one Bolt
2 Nut
3 Screw

Table 7 Ratio B (Details)

Cartesian product of relationships 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra will look like:

Vendor number Supplier name Detail number the name of detail
one Ivanov one Bolt
one Ivanov 2 Nut
one Ivanov 3 Screw
2 Petrov one Bolt
2 Petrov 2 Nut
2 Petrov 3 Screw
3 Sidorov one Bolt
3 Sidorov 2 Nut
3 Sidorov 3 Screw

Table 8: A TIMES B Ratio

Remark The Cartesian product operation itself is not very important, since she does not give any new information, compared with the original relationship. For real requests, this operation is almost never used. However, the operation of a Cartesian product is important for performing special relational operations, which will be discussed below.

Special relational operators

Sampling (restriction, selection)

Definition 6 . Sampling (restriction, selection) on the relationship 4. Relational algebra with the condition 4. Relational algebra called a relationship with the same heading as the relationship 4. Relational algebra , and by the body consisting of tuples, the attribute values ​​of which, when substituted into the condition 4. Relational algebra give the value TRUE. 4. Relational algebra is a boolean expression that can include relationship attributes 4. Relational algebra and (or) scalar expressions.

In the simplest case, the condition 4. Relational algebra has the appearance 4. Relational algebra where 4. Relational algebra - one of the comparison operators ( 4. Relational algebra etc.), and 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra - relationship attributes 4. Relational algebra or scalar values. Such samples are called 4. Relational algebra - selections ( theta sampling ) or 4. Relational algebra - restrictions 4. Relational algebra - selection .

Sampling syntax:

4. Relational algebra ,


4. Relational algebra

Example 6 Let given the relation 4. Relational algebra with employee information:

Personnel Number Surname Salary
one Ivanov 1000
2 Petrov 2000
3 Sidorov 3000

Table 9 Ratio A

Sample result 4. Relational algebra will look like:

Personnel Number Surname Salary
one Ivanov 1000
2 Petrov 2000

Table 10 Ratio A WHERE Salary <3000

The meaning of the sampling operation is obvious - choose tuples of a relation that satisfy a certain condition. Thus, the sampling operation gives a " horizontal slice " of the relationship for some condition.


Definition 7 . Relationship projection 4. Relational algebra by attributes 4. Relational algebra where each of the attributes belongs to the relation 4. Relational algebra called the relationship with the title 4. Relational algebra and body containing many tuples of view 4. Relational algebra such for which 4. Relational algebra there are tuples with an attribute value 4. Relational algebra equal 4. Relational algebra , attribute value 4. Relational algebra equal 4. Relational algebra , ..., attribute value 4. Relational algebra equal 4. Relational algebra .

The projection operation syntax is:

4. Relational algebra

Remark The projection operation gives a " vertical cut " of the relationship, in which all duplicates of tuples arising from this cut are removed.

Example 7 Let given the relation 4. Relational algebra with information about suppliers, including name and location:

Vendor number Supplier name Supplier City
one Ivanov Ufa
2 Petrov Moscow
3 Sidorov Moscow
four Sidorov Chelyabinsk

Table 11 Attitude A (Suppliers)

Projection 4. Relational algebra will look like:

Supplier City

Table 12 Attitude A [Supplier City]


The operation of connecting relations, along with the operations of sampling and projection, is one of the most important relational operations.

Usually, several types of join operations are considered:

  • General connection operation
  • 4. Relational algebra -connection (theta-compound)
  • Equi connection
  • Natural compound

The most important of these particular cases is the operation of a natural compound. All types of compounds are special cases of the general operation of the connection.

General connection operation

Definition 8 . Connection relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra by condition 4. Relational algebra called attitude

4. Relational algebra

4. Relational algebra is a boolean expression that can include relationship attributes 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra and (or) scalar expressions.

Thus, the join operation is the result of the sequential application of the Cartesian product and the sample operation. If in a relationship 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra If there are attributes with the same name, then such attributes must be renamed before making the connection.

Theta compound

Definition 9 . Let the attitude 4. Relational algebra contains an attribute 4. Relational algebra attitude 4. Relational algebra contains an attribute 4. Relational algebra , but 4. Relational algebra - one of the comparison operators ( 4. Relational algebra etc.). Then 4. Relational algebra - connection of the relation 4. Relational algebra by attribute 4. Relational algebra with attitude 4. Relational algebra by attribute 4. Relational algebra call attitude

4. Relational algebra

This is a special case of a generic join operation.

Sometimes, for surgery 4. Relational algebra -connections apply the following, shorter syntax:

4. Relational algebra

Example 8 Consider a company that stores data on suppliers and parts supplied. Let suppliers and parts assigned a status. Let the business of the company be organized in such a way that suppliers have the right to supply only those parts whose status is not higher than the status of the supplier (this may be that a good supplier with a high status can supply more types of parts, and a poor supplier with a low status can supply only a limited list of parts, the importance of which (the status of the part) is not very high).

Vendor number Supplier name X

(Supplier Status)

one Ivanov four
2 Petrov one
3 Sidorov 2

Table 13 Attitude A (Suppliers)

Detail number the name of detail Y

(Status details)

one Bolt 3
2 Nut 2
3 Screw one

Table 14 Ratio B (Details)

The answer to the question "which suppliers have the right to supply what parts?" gives 4. Relational algebra-connection4. Relational algebra :

Vendor number Supplier name X

(Supplier Status)

Detail number the name of detail Y

(Status details)

one Ivanov four one Bolt 3
one Ivanov four 2 Nut 2
one Ivanov four 3 Screw one
2 Petrov one 3 Screw one
3 Sidorov 2 2 Nut 2
3 Sidorov 2 3 Screw one

Table 15 Relationship "Which suppliers supply which parts"

Equi connection

The most important special case of a 4. Relational algebra-connection is the case when 4. Relational algebrathere is simply equality.

Equivalent syntax :

4. Relational algebra

Example 9 Let there be relationships 4. Relational algebra , 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra , storing information about suppliers, parts and deliveries, respectively (for convenience, we introduce the brief names of the attributes):

Vendor number


Supplier name


one Ivanov
2 Petrov
3 Sidorov

Table 16 P ratio (Suppliers)

Detail number


the name of detail


one Bolt
2 Nut
3 Screw

Table 17 Attitude D (Details)

Vendor number


Detail number


Quantity supplied


one one 100
one 2 200
one 3 300
2 one 150
2 2 250
3 one 1000

Table 18 PD ratio (Supply)

The answer to the question, what parts are supplied by suppliers, gives equi-connection 4. Relational algebra .In fact, because in a relationship there are identical attributes, then you must first rename the attributes, and then perform an equi-connection. Recording becomes more cumbersome:

4. Relational algebra

Usually, such a complex form of recording is not used. But be that as it may, the result is:

Vendor number


Supplier name


Vendor number


Detail number


Quantity supplied


one Ivanov one one 100
one Ivanov one 2 200
one Ivanov one 3 300
2 Petrov 2 one 150
2 Petrov 2 2 250
3 Sidorov 3 one 1000

Table 19 Attitude "What parts are supplied by which suppliers"

The disadvantage of an equi-connection is that if a connection occurs by attributes with the same name (and most often it happens!), Then two attributes with the same values ​​appear in the resulting relation. In our example, the attributes PNUM1 and PNUM2 contain duplicate data. You can get rid of this drawback by taking a projection on all attributes, except for one of the duplicates. This is how a natural connection works.

Natural compound

Definition 10 . Let given the relationship4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebrathat have the same attributes 4. Relational algebra(i.e., attributes with the same name and defined on the same domains).

Then the natural mix of relationships4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebracalled a relationship with a header 4. Relational algebraand a body containing many tuples4. Relational algebra such that 4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra .

The natural connection is so important that a special syntax is used for it:

4. Relational algebra

RemarkThe syntax of a natural connection does not indicate which attributes are being joined. A natural connection is made for all the same attributes.

Remark A natural connection is equivalent to the following sequence of relational operations:

  1. Rename the same attribute in the relationship
  2. Execute the Cartesian product of relations
  3. Fetch by matching values ​​of attributes that have the same name.
  4. Выполнить проекцию, удалив повторяющиеся атрибуты
  5. Переименовать атрибуты, вернув им первоначальные имена

Remark Можно выполнять последовательное естественное соединение нескольких отношений. Нетрудно проверить, что естественное соединение (как, впрочем, и соединение общего вида) обладает свойством ассоциативности , т.е.

4. Relational algebra

поэтому такие соединения можно записывать, опуская скобки:

4. Relational algebra

Пример 10 . В предыдущем примере ответ на вопрос "какие детали поставляются поставщиками", более просто записывается в виде естественного соединения трех отношений 4. Relational algebra (для удобства просмотра порядок атрибутов изменен, это является допустимым по свойствам отношений):

Номер поставщика


Supplier name


Номер детали


the name of detail


Поставляемое количество


one Ivanov one Болт 100
one Ivanov 2 Nut 200
one Ivanov 3 Screw 300
2 Петров one Болт 150
2 Петров 2 Nut 250
3 Сидоров one Болт 1000

Table 20 P JOIN PD JOIN D ratio


Definition 11 . Let given the relationship4. Relational algebra and 4. Relational algebra, and the attributes 4. Relational algebraare common to the two relationships. The division of relationships 4. Relational algebra on 4. Relational algebracalled a relationship with a header 4. Relational algebraand a body containing a multitude of tuples 4. Relational algebra, such that for all tuples there is a tuple 4. Relational algebrain relation to4. Relational algebra4. Relational algebra .

The relation 4. Relational algebraacts as a dividend , the relation 4. Relational algebraacts as a divider . Division of relations is similar to division of numbers with the remainder.

The syntax of the division operation:

4. Relational algebra

RemarkTypical inquiries implemented through a division operation usually have in their wording the word "all" - "which suppliers supply all the parts?".

Example 11In the example with suppliers, parts and deliveries, we answer the question "which suppliers supply all the parts?".

As a dividend, we take a projection 4. Relational algebracontaining the numbers of the suppliers and the numbers of the parts supplied by them:

Vendor number


Detail number


one one
one 2
one 3
2 one
2 2
3 one

Table 21 Projection X = PD [PNUM, DNUM]

As a divider, take a projection 4. Relational algebracontaining a list of the numbers of all parts (not necessarily supplied by someone):

Detail number



Table 22 Projection Y = D [DNUM]

Division 4. Relational algebragives a list of vendor numbers that supply all parts:

Vendor number



Table 23 The ratio of X DEVIDEBY Y

It turned out that only supplier number 1 supplied all the parts.

Examples of using relational operators

Example 12 . Get the names of the vendors that supply part number 2.


4. Relational algebra

Example 13 . Get the names of suppliers supplying at least one nut.


4. Relational algebra

The answer to this request can be obtained in another way:

4. Relational algebra

Example 14 Get the names of suppliers supplying all the details.


4. Relational algebra

Example 15 Get the names of suppliers that do not supply part number 2.


4. Relational algebra

The answer to this request can be obtained step by step:

4. Relational algebra - get a list of numbers of all suppliers

4. Relational algebra - connect data on suppliers and supplies

4. Relational algebra - in the data on suppliers and deliveries, leave only the data on deliveries of part number 2.

4. Relational algebra - get a list of vendor numbers that supply part number 2.

4. Relational algebra - get a list of supplier numbers that do not supply part number 2.

4. Relational algebra - connect the list of suppliers who do not supply part number 2 with data on suppliers (complete information will be obtained on suppliers who do not supply part number 2).

4. Relational algebra - the answer you are looking for (names of suppliers that do not supply part number 2).

Dependent relational operators

As stated at the beginning of the chapter, not all relational algebra operators are independent — some of them are expressed through other relational operators.

Connection operator

The join operator is defined in terms of the Cartesian product and the sample operator. For the natural join operator, a projection operator is added.

Intersection operator

The intersection operator is expressed by subtracting as follows:

4. Relational algebra

Division operator

The division operator is expressed in terms of the subtraction, cartesian product and projection operators as follows:

4. Relational algebra

Thus, it is shown that join , intersection and division operators can be expressed through other relational operators, i.e. these operators are not primitive.

Primitive relational operators

The remaining relational operators ( union , subtraction , Cartesian product , selection , projection ) are primitive operators - they cannot be expressed through each other.

Cartesian operator

The Cartesian product operator is the only operator that increases the number of attributes , so it cannot be expressed in terms of union, subtraction, selection, projection.

Оператор проекции

Оператор проекции - единственный оператор, уменьшающий количество атрибутов, поэтому его нельзя выразить через объединение, вычитание, декартово произведение, выборку.

Sampling operator

Оператор выборки - единственный оператор, позволяющий проводить сравнения по атрибутам отношения, поэтому его нельзя выразить через объединение, вычитание, декартово произведение, проекцию.

Операторы объединения и вычитания

Доказательство примитивности операторов объединения и вычитания более сложны и мы их здесь не приводим.

Запросы, невыразимые средствами реляционной алгебры

Несмотря на мощь языка реляционной алгебры, имеется ряд типов запросов, которые принципиально нельзя выразить только при помощи операторов реляционной алгебры. Это вовсе не означает, что ответы на эти запросы нельзя получить вообще. Просто, для получения ответов на подобные запросы приходится применять процедурные расширения реляционных языков.

Плохая нормализация отношений

Данный пример взят из книги Гилуа М.М. [6, стр.43].

Example 16 Пусть имеется отношение ХИМИЧЕСКИЙ_СОСТАВ_ВЕЩЕСТВ с набором атрибутов (Наименование вещества, Водород, Гелий, …, 105_элемент). Значением атрибута "Вещество" являются наименования химических веществ, значениями остальных атрибутов - процентный состав соответствующих элементов в этом веществе. Такое отношение могло бы иметь, к примеру, следующий вид:

Наименование вещества Hydrogen Helium ... 105 элемент
Дезоксирибону-клеиновая кислота five 3 ... 0.01
Petrol 50 0 ... 0
... ... ... ... ...


Рассмотрим запрос "Найти все химические элементы, содержание которых в каком-либо из веществ превышает заданный процент (скажем, 90)".

С алгоритмической точки зрения этот запрос выполняется элементарно - просматриваются все столбцы таблицы, если в столбце присутствует хотя бы одно значение, большее 90, то запоминается заголовок этого столбца. Набор наименований запомненных столбцов и является ответом на запрос.

Формально невозможно выразить этот запрос в рамках реляционной алгебры, т.к. ответом на этот запрос должен быть список атрибутов отношений, удовлетворяющих определенному условию. В реляционной алгебре нет операторов, манипулирующих с наименованиями атрибутов.

На самом деле, этот пример показывает, что таблица плохо нормализована (нормализация отношений рассматривается в гл.6 и 7). В таблице есть набор однотипных атрибутов ("Водород", "Гелий" и т.д. в количестве 105 столбцов).

Правильнее разбить это отношение на три различных отношения:

one Deoxyribonucleic acid
2 Petrol

Таблица 25 Отношение ВЕЩЕСТВО

one Hydrogen
2 Helium
... ...
105 ...

Таблица 26 Отношение ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ

one one five
one 2 3
one 105 0.01
2 one 50


Для отношений, нормализованных таким образом, исходный запрос реализуется следующей последовательностью операторов:

  2. R2(НОМ_ЭЛЕМЕНТА) = R1[НОМ_ЭЛЕМЕНТА]. (Проекция отношения).
  4. ОТВЕТ(ЭЛЕМЕНТ) = R3[ЭЛЕМЕНТ]. (Проекция таблицы).

На языке SQL такой запрос реализуется одной командой:


Невыразимость транзитивного замыкания реляционными операторами

Следующий пример иллюстрирует класс запросов, невыразимых средствами реляционной алгебры или реляционного исчисления по причине невыразимости средствами реляционной алгебры транзитивного замыкания отношений (см. гл. 1).

Пример 17 . Рассмотрим отношение, описывающее сотрудников некоего предприятия. Отношение содержит данные о табельном номере сотрудника, фамилии, должности и табельном номере руководителя сотрудника – СОТРУДНИКИ ( ТАБ_НОМ , ФАМИЛИЯ, ДОЛЖНОСТЬ, ТАБ_НОМ_РУК):

one Ivanov Директор one
2 Петров Глав.бухгалтер one
3 Сидоров Accountant 2
four Vasiliev Начальник цеха one
five Сухов Master four
6 Шарипов Working five
... ... ... ...

Таблица 28 Отношение СОТРУДНИКИ

Рассмотрим запрос "Перечислить всех руководителей (прямых и непрямых) данного сотрудника".

Ответом на запрос может быть получен при помощи понятия транзитивного замыкания. Однако транзитивное замыкание не может быть выражено операторами реляционной алгебры.


Одной из задач, связанных с представлением табличных данных является построение так называемых кросс-таблиц.

Пусть имеется отношение с тремя атрибутами и потенциальным ключом, включающим первые два атрибута. Примером такого отношения могут быть данные с объемами продаж различных товаров за некоторые промежутки времени:

Товар Month amount
Computers January 100
Printers January 200
Scanners January 300
Computers February 150
Printers February 250
Scanners February 350
... ... ...

Таблица 29 Данные о продажах

Требуется представить эти данные в виде таблицы, по строкам которой идут наименования товаров, по столбцам - месяцы, а в ячейках содержатся объемы продаж. Это и будет кросс-таблицей:

Товар January February ...
Computers 100 150 ...
Printers 200 250 ...
Scanners 300 350 ...

Таблица 30 Кросс-таблица

Построение кросс-таблицы средствами реляционной алгебры невозможно, т.к. для этого требуется превратить данные в ячейках таблицы в наименования новых столбцов таблицы.


Доступ к реляционным данным возможен при помощи операторов реляционной алгебры. Реляционная алгебра представляет собой набор операторов, использующих отношения в качестве аргументов, и возвращающие отношения в качестве результата. Реляционная алгебра замкнута таким образом, что результаты одних реляционных выражений можно использовать в других выражениях.

Традиционно определяют восемь реляционных операторов, объединенных в две группы.

Теоретико-множественные операторы: объединение , пересечение , вычитание , декартово произведение .

Специальные реляционные операторы: выборка , проекция , соединение , деление .

Для выполнения некоторых реляционных операторов требуется, чтобы отношения были совместимы по типу .

Не все операторы реляционной алгебры являются независимыми - некоторые из них выражаются через другие реляционные операторы. Операторы соединения , пересечения и деления можно выразить через другие реляционные операторы, т.е. эти операторы не являются примитивными. Оставшиеся реляционные операторы ( объединение , вычитание , декартово произведение , выборка , проекция ) являются примитивными операторами - их нельзя выразить друг через друга.

There are several types of queries that cannot be expressed by means of relational algebra. These include queries that require giving a list of attributes that satisfy certain conditions, building a transitive closure of relations, and building cross-tables. To get answers to such queries, you have to use procedural extensions of relational languages.


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Databases, knowledge and data warehousing. Big data, DBMS and SQL and noSQL

Terms: Databases, knowledge and data warehousing. Big data, DBMS and SQL and noSQL