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The ratio of men and women to sex


Sex in the life of men takes a larger place than in the life of women. A survey conducted in the United States “Would you prefer: a successful purchase of clothes or stunning sex?” Gave the following results: women preferred a purchase at 46%, and sex at 41%; men preferred to buy at 14%, and sex - at 76%.
It is not surprising that men and women treat sex differently.
For example, the wedding night, the moment of defloration is a turning point in the life of a woman. In the life of a man, on the contrary, the first sexual intercourse plays no role. S. Hendrick and K. Hendrick point out that women are “moderately conservative” in relation to casual sex, and men are “moderately tolerant.” The data collected in 177 studies on a sample of 130,000 people showed that casual sex is much more acceptable for men.
The origins of these differences lie both in the biological specificity of those and others, and in the difference in their social roles. As a result, men and women hardly understand each other.
This misunderstanding goes through three stages. At the first, which comes to childhood, boys have the illusion that girls are the same boys who for some reason prefer dolls to games of war, are more tearful and do not know how to urinate while standing. At the second stage, which largely coincides with the period of puberty, girls appear to teenage boys as mysterious creatures, who are afraid to approach, but to which they are attracted by mysterious power. A similar misunderstanding exists in girls. Only in the third stage, young males begin to realize that their girlfriends are also made of flesh and blood and can also find pleasure from sex, they only do it differently. Some men take several years to go through this stage.
“My friends (men) complained to me that the ladies take them along the same lines: dinner, long pleasant conversations, and then bed. The man wants a woman as soon as he crossed the threshold of her apartment. Based on this, build a date for another scenario. Once entered the apartment, start a long, passionate kiss. Then, as if overcome by passion, pounce on the gentleman, and then, when everything happens, drag him to the kitchen for supper. ”
There is a “double standard” in men’s view of premarital sex. Although 50% of men approved the premarital affair of women, 75% still believed that the bride should be a virgin. 75% of the interrogated males approved male bonds of marriage. Premarital sex is more common among adolescents with low academic performance, as well as among those whose parents have a low educational level, abuse alcohol, have an addiction to drugs, and do not attend church. True, in recent years, attitudes toward premarital sexual relations began to change. So, in the United States after the past in the 1960s. sexual revolution cultivates virginity before marriage, not only women but also men. This can be understood in connection with the wide spread of AIDS.


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