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Psychasthenic is afraid of the difficulties of family life, as it imposes additional responsibility on him. He is afraid that he will not have enough time for spiritual thoughts, that even so small forces will be consumed by life. On the other hand, the idea of ​​living all my life in solitude oppresses him unbearably. Psychasthenic is very important to find a deep-sounding person with whom it would not be terrible to share fate. Without this, family life takes more away than it gives him. The sexual side of the relationship is less important here. Psychasthenic marriage cannot last long only on sexual harmony.
What is human intimacy? Conditionally select the following of its facets.
Support being another person. The essence of this support is that it becomes easier and brighter for us than the consciousness that such and such a person is in the world.
Reflected joy. You can talk about it in cases where it becomes good because it is good and joyful to another person.
Relaxedness and simplicity, which is accompanied by communication with a person. There is no tension, fatigue - on the contrary, you relax.
The depth of the meeting is characterized by spiritual and emotional consonance, soul affinity. Already at the first meeting, a feeling of understanding from a half-word, a long-standing, almost from childhood acquaintance, may arise. The interlocutors are happily amazed at the similarity in their assessments of people, art, and life in general. This creates a feeling of extraordinary spiritual freedom. E. Byrne / 59 / interestingly interpreted closeness as a complete lack of manipulation and exploitation in a relationship. The “childish” spontaneous beginning is released and any “parental” criticism leaves. An “adult” beginning is always ready to help if there is even the slightest conflict in the interaction of spontaneous “children's” energies. Close relationships imply equality, emotional security and reliability.
Interest in the personal realization of another person. There is a serious need to help a loved one to realize his life vocation, and not just to be with him. People serve as mirrors in which they see themselves better.
A jointly lived stretch of life creates between them only people driven by them. There is an island of understanding with special words, jokes, hints, incomprehensible to the "uninitiated." This is a world for two that lives and dies with them. That is why the soul orphaned, parting with a loved one.
Indispensability. Truly a person close to us will not replace any other, no matter how perfect he may be.
These qualities of intimacy have their own nuances in psychasthenics. For them it is especially important to have a spiritual, ideological agreement with the understanding that both should help each other in serving some important work. For psychasthenic people, intimacy is disturbed if a husband or wife caustically mock their business of living. If a psychasthenic feels that he has become a burden, then it is easier for him to part with a man than to stay with him.
created: 2015-12-25
updated: 2024-11-14

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