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Love concept


The core of the intimate life of both men and women is love. The feeling of love is connected with the discovery of another person, aspiration towards him. In poetry, this is a cosmic force, similar to the force of aggression. The concept of sexual love is invested individualized and selective feeling associated with erotic attitudes.
Eroticism in the broad sense is the totality of everything connected with sexual love, in a narrower sense - the psychological aspects of sexuality, its development and manifestations in communication, fashion, art.
Sex (sex, French. - Sex) - a set of reactions, experiences, actions associated with the manifestation and satisfaction of sexual desire.
The desire for sexual rapprochement - libido - depends on the characteristics of the sex representative, his development at a certain age phase of life.
It can be noted that a child even in the first months of life is not sexually neutral. With age, involuntary sexual reactions and experiences are improved and from the unconscious move into the sphere of consciousness.
The manifestation of thrust to the naked body, the reaction to the movement and expression of the eyes, voices, and the instinct of "capture" form a certain erotic mood. Further, the differences in the erogenous sensations of a man and a woman are known - for example, in a man vision and touch prevail, in a woman hearing. "A man loves with his eyes, and a woman loves with his ears."
Relations between men and women are complex and controversial, but it can be noted that their culture ennobles both and gives refinement to women.
In today's world, the value of emotional communication has increased more than ever. This is due to the fact that each person consciously or intuitively tries to find support, protection in the other. For young people, this is seen in the slogan: “Love me!” And is often associated with early sexuality, the search for love in “bare” sex.
Love is in each of us, it is not connected with education, nor even with knowledge and age. But it is important to distinguish love from love, erotic attraction. According to many well-known scientists, love is the statement of the uniqueness of the existence of another person. The feeling of love is associated with giving, not consumption. The benefit of the beloved, the responsibility for the partner is the main leitmotif of this deep feeling.
Love is also a strong, all-consuming sometimes feeling, but not always mature. A man in love has a strong erotic attraction, sympathy for another, but the main thing in this is himself, his joy, and not his partner.
When a person loves and loses a loved one, he often loses the meaning of life, and when falling in love, frequent changes of a partner are possible without detriment to one’s own psyche.
In the behavior of any person there are passive and active manifestations. The feeling of love is always active, but not aggressively, without requiring proof from another "eternal" love.


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