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Feeling of love


There are many stable feelings (accepting or not accepting the character of passion) that capture all the thoughts and aspirations of the personality and vividly characterize its emotional sphere.
A prominent place among them, especially in adolescence, belongs to the feeling of love, which can be considered as an example of steady feeling. Love is one of the most important human stable feelings. The concept of "love" in psychology is used in two meanings. In a broad sense (generic concept), love is a high degree of emotionally positive attitude, distinguishing its object from others and placing it in the center of the stable vital needs and interests of the subject. Such is love for the Motherland, love for the mother, for the children, for the music, etc.
In a narrower sense (species concept), love is an intense, intense and relatively stable sense of a subject, physiologically conditioned by sexual needs and expressed in an effort to be fully represented by its personality-significant traits in the life of another such way to awaken his need for a reciprocal feeling of the same intensity, intensity and stability.
Having a deeply intimate character, the feeling of love is accompanied by situationally appearing and changing emotions of tenderness, delight, despondency, etc., elevated or depressed mood, sometimes affects of jubilation or grief. The fusion of the sexual need of the individual, which ultimately ensures the continuation of the race, and love as the highest feeling, i.e. giving a person the optimum opportunity to be continued, ideally presented in a meaningful friend (in a loved one or in a loved one), practically does not allow to separate one from another in reflection.
This circumstance was one of the reasons that different philosophical and psychological trends allowed the absolutization of one of these two principles.
Love was either a biological principle, a sexual instinct (interpretation of love as sex), or the physiological side of love was denied and belittled, and it was interpreted as a purely spiritual feeling (apology of platonic love, the presentation of the physiological manifestations of this feeling as something vile, dirty, sinful). Meanwhile, although the physiological needs are a prerequisite for the emergence and maintenance of the feeling of love between a man and a woman, however, due to the fact that in the personality of a person the biological is removed and acts in a transformed form, as social, love in their intimate psychological characteristics is a socially conditioned feeling. It peculiar features of culture are reflected in it.
created: 2015-12-25
updated: 2024-11-14

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