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The passion


Passions form a special kind of enduring human senses. The internal attitude of people to what they deal with and what happens in their life becomes completely stable, becomes a permanent force. This power determines the peculiarities of how a person perceives his subject, is imagined and thought of, exciting his subject, how he experiences successive emotions, affects, moods.
It becomes an impetus to certain actions and a powerful brake on actions that do not correspond to the ingrained feeling. Thus, the feeling is included in the course of thinking and human activity. A steady, deep and strong feeling that determines the direction of a person’s thoughts and actions is called passion.

Passion makes a person persistently reflect on the predmet of feelings, vividly and vividly imagine the satisfaction of the needs underlying them, imagine and comprehensively think about actual or only possible obstacles and difficulties on the way to this satisfaction. Thus, a fighter for national liberation, a feeling of love for his parents, associated with a number of the most cherished needs and requirements, turns into an irresistible force that makes him risk his life, stubbornly seek ways that could lead to ultimate victory.
What is not associated with the dominant passion, it seems inconsequential, is relegated to the background, ceases to excite and interest people, sometimes simply forgotten. What is connected, captures, excites, attracts attention, is remembered (sometimes with the smallest details). Dissatisfied passion usually generates strong emotions and even affective flashes (anger, indignation, despair, resentment, etc.).
Passion can sometimes be the most noble, lofty feeling, for example, love for the Motherland, for technical inventions, or for science as a quest for truth and service to the people. Then passion is a source of exploits, many years of hard work, discoveries, and creative achievements.
But any other feeling can turn into a passion if it finds the soil for itself in conditions of development and individual features. If passion deserves moral condemnation, we are talking about low passions, that a person has descended under the influence of passion, is morally reborn.

created: 2015-12-25
updated: 2024-11-14

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