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The issue of sex differences


Until recently, Russian scientists were interested in the question of sexual differences in the mental sphere. At present, sex differences have been studied rather intensively, but mainly within the framework of gender psychology. And the eternal dispute arose: what differences in abilities, motives, behavior of men and women depend more on biological or social? Even the terms for this problem are different.
When people talk about the biological differences between men and women as individuals, they use the terms "gender" and "sexual dimorphism"; in English literature, "sex"; about gender, gender differences. True, the question of terminology has not yet been resolved by scientists, so it is customary for authors to determine their choice from the very beginning.
The word “gender” should be used to describe demographic categories. However, when it comes to the nature of masculinity or femininity, the word “gender” should be used.
Under the pressure of gender psychology, many ideas about the capabilities of men and women have changed. Until recently, for example, it was considered firmly established that the differences between men and women in spatial imagination, mathematical ability and verbal intelligence do not depend on environmental factors and upbringing, but since the 1980s. there were works in which it is proved that even by these parameters biologically predetermined differences are not observed.
After analyzing 1600 studies conducted over 7 years regarding the identification of psychological sex differences, E. Maccoby and C. Jackson came to the conclusion that in most mental functions there are no congenital differences between men and women, the same differences that exist in young children, insufficient to substantiate the inequality of sexual social roles.
The concept of "gender" includes features directly determined by biological sex, whereas gender implies those aspects of masculine and feminine, the causes of which are not yet known.
It is very fashionable to deny the existence of congenital differences between a man and a woman, this corresponds to a person’s desire to get rid of all restrictions, to get rid of his biological heritage. But freedom is not achieved by ignoring the truth ...
Some authors argue that there are no sexual differences in inclinations, interests, behavior of men and women, or to the extent that they still allow for the existence of differences, the latter are considered to be the result of unequal upbringing. However, this is wrong in essence and, moreover, illogical, since then one would have to admit that the accepted differences in the nature of the education of boys and girls do not have a real justification and take it as if by themselves.
Differences in the behavior of boys and girls are available to close observation in the first days after birth. In the future, they become more vivid and distinct; differences in inclinations, the object of imitation, etc. are gradually revealed. The denial of all this can be explained by insufficient observation, little experience, and sometimes even prejudice.


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